Physical Education II
Policies and Expectations
Our Mission:
To provide quality physical education that empowers all students to learn, develop, and apply the skills needed for daily participation in personal fitness and lifetime activities.
Class Expectations:
· All students will be present, dress, and participate to the fullest of their ability each day.
· It is expected that each student provide a 3-pronged paper folder and a pencil for use in this class.
· Each student will maintain an open mind to different opportunities offered in class.
· All students will work together, engaging in our different backgrounds and ability levels.
· The atmosphere of the Physical Education class will be safe for each student to try new things and work hard at refining existing skills.
o Only encouraging comments
o Mutual respect
o Only positive directions are to be offered
Participation Expectations:
This grade will be based on a 10-point daily rubric system. Grades will be determined both objectively and subjectively. Use of heart rate monitors, pedometers, and written assessments may assist in determining this grade. Student behavior may also affect this grade.
Rubric for Daily Points:
Daily Participation Points:
2 - full participation in all daily activities
1 – participating in less than ½ of daily activities
0- No participation
Daily Effort Points:
4 – satisfactory effort during activity with no prompting
2 – minimal effort, prompting necessary
0 – no effort, even after prompting
Daily Attitude Points:
4 – compliant, non-confrontational, good sportsmanship
2 – lacking in one of the three expected behaviors
0 – lacking two or more of the expected behaviors
Department Policies:
Locks, lockers, and locker room:
· Each student will be issued one Master Lock to be used on a small cubicle in the locker room. During class time ONLY, you may use one of the tall lockers.
· You may only use a lock that was issued by your PE teacher
· If your lock is lost or stolen, you will be held responsible for a replacement fee
· Do not share your locker combination with anyone. You are not to share lockers.
· Only bottled water is allowed in the gym or locker room areas.
· Please help keep the locker room clean.
· WHS is NOT responsible for lost or stolen personal items. Theft does occur therefore, the best prevention is to keep all valuables out of the locker room. The next best prevention is to keep items locked at all times during class!
Dress Code:
· Proper dress code: P.E. uniform provided at the beginning of the trimester
o Athletic shoes
o School issued t-shirt
o School issued black shorts
· You will be required to wear the uniform every class period….NO EXCEPTIONS!
Attendance/Period 6:
· If you are absent from class, it is YOUR responsibility to make-up that time in the MPIF during Period 6 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and/or Thursdays.
o Sign-In with the supervising PE Teacher
o You must walk the entire Period 6 (20 minutes)
o No PE make-ups will be allowed after 2:35pm.
· Locker rooms will NOT be available; please plan accordingly with the proper attire.
· Absences can be made up at anytime until the end of the trimester that the absence was recorded.
Failure to Comply Policy:
A student is given a failure to comply when he/she intentionally fails to follow the directions of his/her
teacher. A student may no make up points lost due to a failure to comply.
1st Offense – Student receives points off from their participation grade for the day and discusses the problem
with the teacher
2nd Offense – Student receives points off from their participation grade for the day ad the teacher calls home to
inform the parent or guardian
3rd Offense – Student receives points off from their participation grade for the day and a failure to comply
referral is written to the assistant principal/dean
4th Offense – Student receives points off from their participation grade for the day and a failure to comply
referral is written to the assistant principal/dean. FINAL PE WARNING
5th Offense – The teacher will submit a third failure to comply referral form to the assistant principal/dean –
Physical Education II
Policies and Expectations
I hereby attest that I have read, understand and agree to comply with the policies and procedures for Physical Education II.
Student signature Parent Signature
Student name printed