STRP call for nominations 2006-2008, page 1
Ramsar Administrative Authorities
STRP National Focal Points
STRP members and observers
Call for the nomination of candidates to serve as members of the Scientific and Technical Review Panel (STRP) for the 2006-2008 triennium
The Secretariat of the Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar, Iran, 1971) is pleased to invite nominations of suitably-qualified wetland scientific and technical experts to be appointed to serve as members of the Convention’s Scientific and Technical Review Panel (STRP) for the 2006-2008 triennium.
The Secretariat apologises that, owing to the urgent preparations for the 9th meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties (COP9), this call is being issued later than originally anticipated and as was indicated in the explanatory notes to COP9 DR12.In view of this, the deadline for nominations has now been extended to 30 December 2005.
Under the STRP modus operandi adopted by COP8 (Resolution VIII.28), nominations are sought from the Convention’s national Administrative Authorities, and STRP members are appointed by the Standing Committee at its first full meeting of the triennium. However under the revised modus operandi being considered for adoption by COP9 (COP9 DR12), nominations will be sought from STRP National Focal Points (NFPs) and the current members and observers (including the Chair and Vice-Chair) of the Panel, and appointed by an STRP Oversight Committee responsible to the Standing Committee as soon as possible after the start of the triennium.This mechanism has been proposed so as to permit the newly-appointed Panel to start its work as early in the triennium as possible, and to minimize the current lengthy delays in doing so, which has been recognized as limiting the Panel’s capacity to deliver the work requested of it.Owing to the late timing of COP9 in the current triennium, pending adoption of a revised modus operandi by COP9 this call for nominations is therefore being made under both the current and the proposed new procedures, so that we can respond rapidly and in line with the revised modus operandi should it be approved.
As set out in the attached call, for a nomination to be considered administratively complete, the expert being nominated should complete and sign the attached questionnaire. This should be sent to the Ramsar Secretariat by the person or organization making the nomination, together with a covering letter of recommendation setting out the experience and expertise of the candidate and the relevance of this to the anticipated priority work of the Panel for the 2006-2008 triennium. A form for this purpose it provided in the nomination materials.
Full details of the call for nominations, and the forms provided for making a nomination can be downloaded from the Ramsar Web site, on
More than one nomination can be made by a person or organization. Nominations are not restricted to people from the same country of origin or domicile as the nominator.
As is current practice, all efforts possible will be made to ensure that there is geographic regional balance and gender balance amongst the members appointed to the Panel.To achieve this it is essential that all organizations and persons responsible for making nominations make every effort possible to nominate high-quality suitably qualified candidates from all parts of the world, and both male and female candidates, so that the Panel selected is in an position to prepare the best quality scientific and technical advice possible for the Convention.
Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
Nick Davidson
Deputy Secretary General
1 November 2005
The Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar, Iran, 1971)
Call for the nomination of candidates to serve as members of the Scientific and Technical Review Panel (STRP) for the 2006-2008 triennium
1.Nominations are invited for wetland scientific and technical experts to appointment to the Ramsar Convention’s Scientific and Technical Review Panel (STRP) for the 2006-2008 triennium.Nominations should reach the Ramsar Secretariat not later than 30 December 2005.Transmission of nominations by e-mail is requested.Nominations should be sent to the Deputy Secretary General, Nick Davidson (email:).
2.Nominations may be made by Ramsar Administrative Authorities, STRP National Focal Points, and current members and observers of the STRP. So as to provide continuity of membership of the Panel, nominations may be made of members already appointed for the current (2003-2005) triennium.
3.Those making nominations, and their nominees, are reminded that members who are appointed to the Panel are appointed in their own right for their relevant expertise, and are not representatives of the country or organization nominating them.
4.For a nomination to be administratively complete it should include:
i. a letter of recommendation from the nominator, using the attached form (provided as Annex 2); and
ii. the attached nominee questionnaire (provided as Annex 3), completed and signed by the nominee, and accompanied by a curriculum vitae.
5.Subject to COP9 approval of the revised STRP modus operandi (COP9 DR12), appointments will be made in early 2006 by an STRP Oversight Committee proposed to be established under that Resolution.
Criteria and characteristics of candidate STRP members
6.Candidates for appointment as members of the STRP should have the following:
a)demonstrated internationally-recognized experience and expertise in one or more aspects of wetland conservation and wise use relevant to the priority work areas and tasks identified by the COP for the forthcoming work of the Panel (these proposed priority work areas are listed in paragraph 8 below, and the proposed priority tasks are provided here in Annex 1);
b)a broad scope of wetland conservation and wise use expertise and experience of the scientific and technical operations and issues of the Convention, so as to bringto the Panel broad expertise for its work concerning the strategic review function on emerging issues and related matters;
ii.access to networks of wetland conservation and wise use experts at local, national and international scales;
iii.full access to electronic mail and Web-based communication systems, through which the intersessional work of the Panel will take place;
iv.fluency in understanding and written and oral communication in English (which will remain the working language of the Panel); and
v.ability to commit the necessary time to undertake the work requested of the Panel and its Working Groups with the support, where relevant, of the member’s organization or institution.
7.The priority work areas anticipated for the panel for 2006-2008 are:
i.wetland inventory and assessment, including indicators;
ii.wise use and ecological character;
iii.water resource management;
iv.Ramsar site designation and management;
v.wetlands and agriculture;
vi.wetlands and human health; and
vi.Communications, Education & Public Awareness (CEPA).
8.Note that in recognition of their ongoing scientific and technical support role for the Convention, each of the Convention’s International Organization Partners (IOPs) will continue to be a member of the Panel. In order to ensure appropriate continuity of representation throughout STRP processes and meetings during a triennium, each IOP will be requested to nominate its lead expert representative on the Panel (using the forms attached to this call), and this nomination will be considered and confirmed by the STRP Oversight Committee as part of their Panel appointment role.
Roles and responsibilities of appointed members
9.The appointed members will be expected to lead (or co-lead) each the STRP’s Working Groups responsible for delivering the COP-approved tasks on the priority work areas, and to oversee the work of any task forces established within a Working Group to deliver a specific priority task.
10.In undertaking this work, members will be expected to establish and maintain contact with STRP National Focal Points (NFPs) so as to ensure that they can contribute their expertise to the work of the Panel.
11.Appointed members acting as the Panel also have a key role in reviewing all draft guidances and other materials prepared by all STRP Working Groups or other mechanisms established for particular tasks, and approving them for finalization and transmittal to the Standing Committee and COP.
12.During the 2006-2008 triennium the Panel will also be responsible for developing and ensuring regional input to the STRP through the establishment of mechanisms that are intended to respond to regional priorities by providing regionally-relevant advice and guidance, which may include inter alia responding to regional scientific and technical priorities identified by Ramsar regional meetings and those identified by regional initiatives operating under the framework of the Convention.
13.Appointed members will be expected to attend all meetings of the Panel and any Working Groups which they are leading.It is anticipated that the Panel will meet in plenary twice during the triennium, the first time not later than six months after the previous COP, and the second time not later than six months before the next COP. If resources permit, mid-term workshops for each Working Group will also be held.
14.For the 2006-2008 triennium, this means that appointed members must be available to participate in meetings (usually held at the Secretariat offices in Gland, Switzerland) as follows:
i.13th plenary meeting of STRP, in the period March-May 2006 (dates to be determined);
ii. mid-term Working Group workshops, in the period May-July 2007(dates to be determined); and
iii.14th plenary meeting of STRP, in the period February-March 2008(dates to be determined).
15.In accepting to be nominated, nominees must confirm that they will be able to participate in all such meetings, as well as to work intersessionally through electronic communication systems.
Annex 1
Proposed immediate priority and high priority tasks for the STRP’s programme of work 2006-2008(from COP9 DR2)
The following 25 tasks and their estimated costs have been recommended by the Scientific and Technical Review Panel (STRP) as priority activities for its work plan for the 2006-2008 triennium. These are divided into two categories:
i. Immediate Priority tasks: those which should be initiated by the STRP as early as possible in the 2006-2008 triennium using available resources; and
ii. High Priority tasks: those which should be initiated during the 2006-2008 triennium as and when the resources available to the STRP permit. Some of these High Priority tasks are also dependent on the prior delivery of Immediate Priority tasks.
Ten tasks are identified as Immediate Priorities for the STRP. These cover the following topics:
- Performing an ongoing strategic scientific and technical “review” function and a “response” function for preparing guidance on emerging issues;
- Reviewing implementation of scientific and technical COP Resolutions;
- Reviewing data and information needs for Ramsar sites and other wetlands, and developing guidance on inter alia describing wetland ecological character and Ramsar Information Sheet (RIS) amendments;
- Establishing mechanisms for the implementation and assessment of the indicators of effectiveness of the implementation of the Convention ([COP9 DR1 Annex D]);
- Developing an adaptation to the Ramsar context of the “Critical Path” approach for river basin management ([COP9 DR1 Annex C i]) and preparing operational guidance to include the application of CEPA tools;
- Preparing guidelines for Parties on the implementation of environmental water requirements for wetlands;
- Undertaking a strategic review of water quality and wetland issues;
- Elaborating and updating the list of appropriate population estimates and 1% thresholds for the application of Criterion 9 ([COP9 DR1 Annex B]);
- Seeking opportunities to prepare materials for outreach purposes, including on mainstreaming Ramsar issues within the water sector; and
- Reviewing the relationships and issues concerning the wise use of wetland ecosystems and human health.
Abbreviated titles of some tasks are given in this Annex. Reference should be made to the relevant numbered task in [DR2] Annex 2 for the full description of each task.
I.Issues arising from Resolution VIII.45 and the “ongoing” functions of the STRP
Task and product2.Perform a true “review” function of addressing issues of strategic scientific and technical direction for the Convention, acting as a response mechanism to give scientific and technical advice to the Convention on emerging issues, with an overall aim of achieving a balance between these proactive guidance and reactive advice functions.
Immediate priority
3.Maintain an overview of progress with scientific and technical aspects of the implementation of COP Resolutions.
Immediate priority
5. Review the range of existing Ramsar guidance, with a view to:
-identifying gaps,
-repackaging older guidance into updated documents, and
-proposing retiring or withdrawing outdated documents.
High priority
II. Issues relating to the Conceptual Framework for the wise use of wetlands and the maintenance of their ecological character [COP9 DR1 Annex A]
Task and product14. Review the case studies in The Wise Use of Wetlands (Ramsar, 1993) and other relevant case studies, review subsequent implementation progress with these cases, and provide updated studies.
High priority
III. Issues relating to the Integrated Framework for wetland inventory, assessment and monitoring ([COP9 DR1 Annex E]) and indicators of Convention effectiveness ([COP9 DR1 Annex D])
Task and product39.
i. Conduct a review of data and information needs for Ramsar sites and of the implications for official reporting, the further development of the Ramsar Sites Information Service, and the scope for harmonizing such reporting with the needs of other multilateral environmental agreements.
ii. In light of the conclusions of this review, conduct a fundamental review of the structure of the Ramsar Information Sheet (RIS), having regard to Resolution VIII.6 on a Framework for wetland inventory, [COP9 DR1 Annex A] on a Conceptual Framework for the wise use of wetlands and the maintenance of their ecological character, including its revised definition of the term “ecological character”, and other relevant COP9 decisions. Priority issues to address include:
- preparation of guidance for the description of the ecological character of wetlands;
- development of protocols for the electronic submission of Ramsar Information Sheets;
- harmonization of the layout and information fields of the RIS with the core data fields of the Framework for wetland inventory and the description of ecological character;
- approaches to handling transnational sites; and
- investigation of the possible inclusion of a core data field in the RIS to allow for the insertion of a precise site boundary description.
Immediate priority
40.Prepare advice on delineating and mapping wetlands, in conjunction with the description of their ecological character, including issues concerning digital mapping.
High priority
41.Prepare further consolidated guidance on the overall process of detecting, reporting and responding to change in ecological character.
High priority
46.Establish and implement mechanisms for the collection, collation, analysis, assessment, reporting, publishing and disseminating the results and conclusions of the indicators of effectiveness of the implementation of the Convention.
Immediate priority
47. Develop, test and put forward for use by Parties further indicators of effectiveness of the implementation of the Convention.
High priority
IV. Issues relating to the Integrated Framework for Ramsar’s water-related guidance ([COP9 DR1 Annex C])
Task and product65. Develop in more detail an adaptation to the Ramsar context of the “Critical Path” approach for river basin management and (as appropriate) coastal zone management, including case study analysis, and prepare operational guidance, including for the application of CEPA tools.
Immediate priority
69. Develop guidance on good practice in the integration of wetlands into Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM), based on case studies to be sought from Parties.
High priority
73.Prepare guidelines for Parties on the implementation of environmental water requirements for wetlands.
Immediate priority
74.Prepare technical review reports on: i. groundwater-wetland interactions; and ii. the use and management of groundwater to maintain ecosystem functions. Once these reports are complete, review the present Integrated Framework for Ramsar’s water-related guidance ([COP9 DR1 Annex C]) and prepare detailed technical guidance on developing groundwater management strategies which aim at maintenance of wetland ecosystems and minimizing or mitigating the impacts of groundwater abstraction, and make other updating amendments as necessary.
High priority
75.Undertake a strategic review of water quality and wetland issues; develop a medium-term plan and terms of reference for addressing water quality issues in Ramsar guidance; and subsequently prepare guidance for Parties on including water quality in environmental water requirement determination and implementation.
Immediate priority
V. Issues relating to the revised Strategic Framework and guidelines for the future development of the List of Wetlands of International Importance ([COP9 DR1 Annex B])
Task and product83.Develop an interpretation of the term ‘under-represented’ wetland type and investigate methods for defining targets for representation of wetland types in the Ramsar List.
High priority
86. Review existing guidance on designation of specific wetland types, assess the need for additional guidance, and as necessary develop such guidance.
High priority
88. Elaborate and update the list of appropriate population estimates and 1% thresholds for non-avian animal species for the application of Criterion 9 ([COP9 DR1 Annex B]).
Immediate priority
90. Keep the Ramsar Criteria and guidelines as a whole under review to ensure that they reflect global wetland conservation and wise use priorities.
High priority
VI. Issues relating to wetland management (Ramsar Wise Use Handbook 8)
No immediate or high priority tasks proposed for 2006-2008.
VII. Issues relating to wetlands and agriculture
Task and product111.Prepare guidelines on good agricultural practices and policies for different wetland types, drawing on information provided by the Comprehensive Assessment on water management in agriculture (CA) and other initiatives.
High priority
VIII. Technical aspects of communication, education and public awareness (CEPA)