Western University Clarinet Days, 2013

(It’s early!!) Fri. & Sat., September 27 and 28

Dear Band Directors and all Clarinetists,

Professors Jana Starling and Marie Johnson at Western University would like to invite clarinetists of all ages and levels for a day of

*masterclasses & lessons *clinics for various levels * participant clarinet choir

* Recitals* instruments, accessories, music and reeds from Taplin-Weir and LongMcQuade

With guest artists~

Dr. Lisa Oberlander(Columbus State, GA, USA), London’s own Dr. Wesley Ferreira (Colorado State, CO, USA),Robert Riseling and London’s clarinet quartet, fFourtissimo

Fee ~ only $25! (includes Friday’s recital admission, Saturday’s lunch and a private lesson for the

first 24 registrants) Contact me directly to inquire about a possible group rate for public schools. Attending only Friday’s recital is $8 at the door.

Payment and completed registration forms below must be received by Friday, September 20.

Cheques or cash only.Mail to: Dr. Jana Starling, Don Wright Faculty of Music, Western University, London, ON N6A 3K7All checks should be made out to: Western University

Late registrants will be accepted at the door but fee is $28.


The Don Wright School of Music is located at 1151 Richmond Street, London, Ont. (corner of Lambton Dr. and Huron St.) A map, confirmation of registration, choir music and detailed information will be emailed shortly before the event. Please be sure that email addresses are current. Activities are tailored to fit each participant’s level of experience. Participants will be together the whole day, and younger ones can be buddied-up with Western students upon request. Feel free to contact Sasha Gorbasew or me with any questions. We look forward to seeing you or your students on September 27 & 28!


Jana StarlingPhone: (519) 661-2111 ext. 84263 E-mail

Sasha GorbasewPhone: (519) 661-2111 ext. 80532 E-mail:

***Please see tentative schedule and registration form below. Information also at

tentative schedule:FRIDAY: 2:00 – 3:30pm Masterclass with Wesley Ferreira

4:00 – 5:30pm Masterclass with Lisa Oberlander

8:00pm Wesley Ferreira and Yien Wang in recital

SATURDAY: 8:00am Registration opens

9:00 – 9:40 Opening recital (Starling, Johnson, fFourtissimo)

9:45 – 10:30 Clarinet Choir rehearsal

10:40 – 11:20 Tips for Better Tone & Technique(#1) with M. Johnson OR Improving Your Musicianship with Riseling (#1)

10:40 – 11:40 The Magic of Breath Support with W. Ferreira

11:20 –12:00 Improving Your Musicianship with Riseling (#2) OR Mastering the ‘Break’ with M. Johnson

11:30 Exhibits Open (Taplin-Weir and Long & McQuade)

12:00 -1:30 Lunch/Exhibit Time

1:30 – 2:30 LisaOberlander and Yien Wang in Recital

2:45 Exhibit Time

3:15 Exhibit Time OR Private Lessons ORImproving your Articulation and Tuningwith Starling ORTips for Better Tone & Techniquewith M. Johnson (#2)

4:00- 4:45"Motivating Yourself, Motivating Your Students: Winning Hearts Minds while Kicking……" with L. Oberlander OR

Masterclass with Starling/Johnson OR Sectionals on choir music

5:00 Choir Concert open to family and friends

5:30 Reception

------detach and send the below with payment------

Registration Form(Please copy for each student)

NAME: ______Grade: ____ # of Yrs on Clarinet:______

PHONE #: ______EMAIL: ______

(if under age 18, please provide a parent/guardian name, phone number AND email if possible)


PRIVATE TEACHER: (if applicable) ______

Instrument you will participate on and bring: Bb ______Bass ______Eb ______

Participate in clarinet choir concert: Yes ___ No ____(music is level appropriate, sent ahead, we rehearse as a group)

Would like a 30 min. free lesson by a university student: Yes _____No _____ (limited to first 24 registered)

Would like to perform in public masterclass: Yes _____ No ______ (this is a solo where you perform

and work with the professors/guest artist in a public forum, music can be an etude or solo, piano accompaniment not necessary) Limited space available

If yes, title of piece & composer: ______

Details if you must arrive late or leave early: ______