/ 2017 International Conference on Smart Instrumentations, Measurement and Applications


ICSIMA 2017 organizing committee in cooperation with Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (IJEECS, Scopus Indexed, p-ISSN: 2502-4752, e-ISSN: 2502-4760) are inviting the author(s) to extend their conference paper to be published in IJEECS with additional RM900 (local) or USD 220 (international) for each paper. More information about IJEECS can be found at http://www.iaescore.com/journals/index.php/IJEECS

The deadline to submit the extended paper is 15 December 2017. Please contact us if you required consolidated invoice for both conference registration fee and journal processing fee.

The author(s) are required to adhere to the following guidelines. The submitted paper will be examined and verified by the reviewer(s) before submission to IJEECS.

Please complete the form below describing your proposed extension / Checklist
1.  Reformatting the conference paper into IJEECS template.
The IJEECS template could be downloaded from:
MS-Word: http://www.iaesjournal.com/ourfiles/TELKOMNIKA_Guide_for_authors_2012.zip
Latex: http://www.iaesjournal.com/ourfiles/TELKOMNIKA_IAES_LATEX.zip
2.  Original conference paper is cited in the journal paper and added in References section.
3.  The conference paper has been paid and registered, and at least one author has presented the conference paper. Otherwise, it is not eligible for this journal extension opportunity.
4.  Title Change (≥30% differences)
Old Title:
New Tile:
5.  Abstract (≥30% differences)
Old Abstract: / New Abstract:
6.  Main body modification (≥30% differences)
·  Introduction and literature review (≥20% differences) by adding 5 to 10 more related references with critical analysis, add additional figures, etc.
·  Methodology (≥10% differences) by elaborating more, add additional figures, etc.
·  Results and Analysis (≥40% differences) by extending the experiments, use different database/signals, add more critical analysis, benchmarking with additional method(s), etc.
·  Conclusions (≥20% differences)
Use this space to provide your details explanation.
7.  Any other changes you want to highlight, please stated below, for example: author reordering, additional authors, etc.

I certified that the above information is correct. I understand that the inclusion to IJEECS is subject to the satisfaction of the reviewer.

Signed by,

Name: ______

Date: ______

Verification by Reviewer

I have checked and satisfied with the extension made by author(s). □

Note that, if there are still corrections required, the author(s) are given maximum one week to comply with the extension guidelines. After the deadline has passed, the paper will not be submitted to IJEECS.

Additional comments:

Signed by,

Name: ______

Date: ______