Houston High School Code of Honor
The administration, faculty, staff, and students at Houston High School uphold the qualities of honesty, integrity, and truthfulness.
1. Students will not give or receive aid on tests, quizzes, and exams.
2. Students will not plagiarize any part of published materials, essays, or work of another.
3. Administration and faculty will uphold standards of honesty and integrity.
The honor statement: This work is solely the result of my own effort. I have neither given nor received any unacknowledged assistance. I have also neither seen nor am aware of any honor violations on this assignment.
First Offense:
If a student is caught cheating on a quiz, test, *exam, paper, project, lab report, or other significant assignment: (*zero until retest taken.)
· Work and all associated evidence are confiscated.
· The student will receive a zero on the assignment and a notation in PowerSchool entered for that assignment.
· Referral is submitted to the grade level administrator and entered in the discipline log of PowerSchool
· Teacher meets with student and notifies parents.
· In the academic year of the offense, students will not be able to join honor societies. Current members of honor societies will be placed on probation.
o One honor code infraction, will NOT impact eligibility for honors societies in academic years after the offense.
Second Offense and Beyond
· Work and all associated evidence are confiscated.
· The student will receive a zero on the assignment and a notation in PowerSchool is entered for that assignment.
· Referral is submitted to the grade level administrator and entered in the discipline log of PowerSchool.
· Teacher meets with student and notifies parents.
· Student will be assigned three days of ISS/OSS.
· Upon a second offense, the student will be denied membership of any current or future applications into honors societies, and existing membership in honors societies or Honors Academy will be revoked and seniors will not be allowed to wear honor cords or stoles at graduation.
Student Signature:______Date ______
I have read and received a copy of the Houston High School Honor Code and understand that the national organizations’ rules may supersede HHS policy.
Examples of Cheating and plagiarism:
Cheating is defined as receiving, soliciting, or aiding in the collaboration of a graded assignment without the teacher’s approval. Common examples include:
- Copying homework or classwork assignments (directly or from a picture of the work)
- Possession of any electronic device other than a traditional calculator for ANY reason during a quiz, test, or exam (such as cell phones, smart phones, or smart watches).
- Attempting to obtain assistance or answers for a quiz, test, or exam from another student.
- Allowing another person to complete an assignment for you.
- Attempting to use a note card or slip of paper with unauthorized information, programming additional information into a calculator, or utilizing any other form of written/digital information that is not approved by the teacher for the assignment or assessment.
Plagiarism is defined as taking someone else’s work and attempting to pass it off as your own. Common examples include:
- Quoting or paraphrasing a source or another’s words without a proper citation and credit to the source of the information.
- Writing a paper for someone else or turning in a paper written by another individual.
- Using an electronic translator on a foreign language writing assessment.
Note: This list is not all-inclusive.