Western Plant Health Association

2011 Annual Meeting Evaluation

Dear 2011WPHA Annual Meeting Participant:

Thank you for attending the Western Plant Health Association’s 2011Together Towards Tomorrow Annual Meeting at the Fairmont Scottsdale Princess in Scottsdale, Arizona. The WPHA staff and next year’s Annual Meeting Planning Committee want to hear what you liked about this year’s event and what can be done to make upcomingmeetingseven better. Please complete this form and return it to WPHA no later than November 30, 2011.We look forward to hearing your comments! The form may be completed and returned in several ways:

  • E-mail your comments to .
  • Print the document, complete it, and then fax it to 916-574-9484.
  • Print the document, complete it, and then mail it to Richard Cornett, WPHA, 4460 Duckhorn Drive, Suite A, Sacramento, CA 95834.

Overall themeTogether Towards Tomorrowand its incorporation into and impact on the annual meeting.

_____ Excellent______Good______Poor


Pre-conference materialsincluding registration form and confirmation packet.

_____ Excellent______Good______Poor


Location of Annual Meeting.

_____ Excellent______Good______Poor

Comments and Suggestions for Upcoming Years:

Hotel service including food service, meeting space, hotel staff, etc.

_____ Excellent______Good______Poor


“Martinis, Margaritas, Manicures and More” Spa Day (Sunday or Monday)

_____ Excellent_____ Good_____ Poor_____ Did not participate

Please Comment:

Monday Recreational Activities—Skeet Shooting, A Taste of the Southwest, (Please circle appropriate event)

_____ Excellent_____ Good_____ Poor_____ Did not participate

Please Comment:

PAC Golf (Sunday) — We-Ko-Pa Golf Course, Saguaro Course

_____ Excellent______Good______Poor______Did not participate

Please Comment:

WPHA Golf (Monday) — TPC Scottsdale, Stadium Course

_____ Excellent______Good______Poor______Did not participate

Please Comment:

Welcome Reception, Sunday evening

_____ Excellent_____ Good______Poor______Did not participate

Please Comment:

All Industry Party and PAC Silent Auction, Monday evening

_____ Excellent_____ Good______Poor______Did not participate

Please Comment:

Business Session, “Preparing for the Next Decade”

Senator Russell Jones, Welcome

_____ Excellent______Good______Poor______Did not participate

Dr. Robert Orford, “Ten Tips for Thriving and Surviving”

_____ Excellent______Good______Poor______Did not participate

Tom Healy, “How to Recruit & Retain Generation Y Talent”

_____ Excellent______Good______Poor______Did not participate

Steven Slezak, “Future Market Trends in Western Agriculture”

_____ Excellent______Good______Poor______Did not participate

Comments/Suggestions for Upcoming Years:

Luncheon Speaker — Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett

_____ Excellent______Good______Poor______Did not participate

Comments/Suggestions for Upcoming Years:

Western Banquet, Tuesday evening

_____ Excellent_____ Good______Poor______Did not participate

Please Comment:

Overall Atmosphere of Annual Meeting

_____ Excellent_____ Good______Poor

Please Comment:

WPHA Staff

_____ Excellent_____ Good______Poor

Please Comment:

List one thing that youmost enjoyed or appreciated at the 2011 Annual Meeting.

List one thing that should be changed at next year’s annual meeting September 30-October 2, 2012 at the Park Hyatt Aviara in Carlsbad, CA.

Suggestions for 2012 Recreational Activities:

Other Comments:

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