West Virginia Council of Trout Unlimited
Fall Meeting – October 12, 2013
Meade – Westvaco Natural Resources Center
Meeting Minutes
Phil Smith – Council Chair
Jeff Nelsen – Vice Chair South
Chris Shockey – NLC Rep
Larry Orr – Immediate Past Council Chair
Lee Orr – Council Treasurer
Tony Lafferty – BCTU
Steve Young – ENCTU
Randy Kesling - MCTU
Larry Harris – TU Natl/PPKTU
Dave Truban – WV DNR Commissioner/PPKTU
Dustin Wichterman – TU Natl
Glenn Nelson – WV DEP Citizens Monitor Coordinator/ENCTU
Jaimie Holmes – TU Natl
Brock Huntsman - WVU
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Smith and a quorum declared.
The spring meeting minutes were approved as presented. They are on the website.
Executive Committee Reports
Phil is looking at doing Troutfest again. This years’ vendors were pleased with the organization/location of the event and want to come back. This will be discussed in detail at the winter meeting.
Fundraising –
Tom Holbrook provided 600 letters for a National solicitation mailing for Chuck Ripper prints and WVCTU hats. The mass mailing and e-mailing will be next week.
Larry Orr has the prints/hats and mailing materials. Mailings of the items will be by USPS. Prints #1 – 10 are being held for special use.
Chapters can contact Larry to see how to have a supply in the hands of each Chapter for sale at Chapter meetings (profits from sales come to WVCTU).
NLC Report –
Chris Shockey had nothing to report.
Larry Harris reported that Phil received a Distinguished Service Award at the TU National Meeting. Larry discussed a tour of the Wisconsin restoration project.
The NLC passed a resolution on Oil & Gas Development that basically states that TU will continue to work with parties, but will oppose drilling that damages trout. An ad hoc committee has been formed consisting of 2 NLC Reps, the Chair of the Board of Trustees, 2 staff members and 2 Board of Trustee Members to develop a recommended policy. Phil noted that he has received no comments on his comments that he circulated to the Ex Comm.
A Climate Change Work Group has been established.
Next years’ national meeting will be in Santa Fe, NM.
Chapter Refocus/By Laws Update -
All chapter by-laws have been updated. Chapters need to submit financials to TU National (due Nov.15) and file with the IRS.
Treasurer –
Lee Orr reported that there is $13,686.44 in the checking account after the old account and new account containing Troutfest monies were combined. He would like people to submit budget requirements prior to the winter meeting so they can be reviewed and approved at that time.
Phil will contact TU National re the liability of a non-TU person running the May 16-18 fly fishing school. We should also consider background checks for instructors. He will get the cost/background for discussion at the winter meeting. Lee will check TU National for cost of additional liability insurance.
There was a wide-ranging discussion of how to increase youth/female participation.
Phil distributed hard copies of the 2013 TU Volunteer Leadership Manual.
Committee Reports
Nominating Committee –
The slate recommended by the committee (Larry Orr and the Chapter Presidents) and reviewed by the Ex Comm was presented by Larry Orr and unanimously approved. That slate is a continuation of the present officers and is:
Phil Smith Council Chair
Jeff Nelsen Vice Chair South
David Bott Vice Chair North
Lee Orr Treasurer
Jonathan Paine Secretary
Chris Shockey NLC Rep
Fisheries Management Committee – No report
Forestry Management Committee – No report
Law Enforcement Committee – No report
Marcellus Shale –
Randy Kesling attended a “fly in” meeting in DC to talk with the staffs of the WV Senate Members.
Phil met with Katy Dunlap and all members of the Sportsmen for Marcellus Conservation Organization support the proposed Birthplace of Rivers National Monument.
Jaimie Holmes () was introduced as the new Water Chemistry Quality Training Coordinator. She said that six training sessions are being planned for the WV Rivers Coalition and TU. They will run from 9AM - 3 PM on Saturdays. Monitoring will be required every other week for a year, so locals are being recruited. A flyer summary was passed out by Jaimie.
Committee Restructuring
Phil discussed combining the Fisheries Management, Forestry Management, Law Enforcement and Marcellus Committees into one Super Conservation Committee. This direction was recommended by Larry Orr and Phil at the Spring Meeting and those minutes stated that the proposal would be reviewed at this meeting. “Point Persons” would be designated for the old committees and be responsible to chase down specific activities/concerns. Most committees have not met in a couple of years and, where they have, it has only been one person. It was noted that the Nominating Committee should be left as defined by the current bylaws.
It was commented that we needed to review the by-laws to see if the general population needs to review/approve this proposal. Steve Young and Larry Orr will prepare proposed draft by-laws revisions for review at the winter meeting.
Elk River Sewage Plant Update
Steve Sattler was not present, but Larry Orr had discussed the status of the proposed Slayfork WWT facility with him. Larry reported that the lawyers are once again in control over the issue that the date for issuance of the request for the Certification of Need (Oct 25) was not going to be met. There have been filings by the complainants, etc. and there is an agreement to meet with the PSC, PSD, DEP, Engr. Design Contractor, complainants, lawyers and the “whole 9 yards” on Oct 15. No idea as to what will result.
Larry also noted that the Pocahontas County PSD Board had interpreted TU comments on opposition to the long gravity feed line coming down off the mountain as being applicable to feed collection systems in the valley and this could result in unnecessary costs. Larry and Steve Sattler will develop a letter of clarification to be sent to the PSD and PSC.
Potomac Headwaters Iniative
Dustin Wichterman of TU National did a PowerPoint presentation on the status of work and methods used on the Potomac Headwaters and the East Fork of the Greenbrier projects.
Shavers Fork Restoration
Brock Huntsman of WVU did a PowerPoint presentation on culvert replacement work and brook trout population data for Shavers Fork.
Event Dates
TBD – WVCTU Winter Meeting Flatwoods
Bring Troutfest Ideas to Winter Meeting
Mar 29, 2014 – SE Rally Dillard, GA
May 16 – 18 – WVCTU Fly Fishing School Pocahontas County 4H
May 31 – June 2, 2014 – Mid Atlantic Regional State College, PA
SE Fly Fishing Museum being developed at Cherokee, NC
They would like info and materials from WV
Meeting adjourned.