Pittsgrove Township Schools

Norma Elementary School

873 Gershal Avenue

Pittsgrove, New Jersey 08318

Phone: (856) 358-6904 Fax: (856) 691-2885



(Ext. 4770) (Ext. 4732)

Dear Parents,

I can’t believe that it is May already! The end of the year is approaching and we have lots of things happening in the next two months. Keep your calendars handy!

Monday, May 2nd is School Bus Driver Day! We want to take this opportunity to thank them for the time and patience they have each day doing this very important job!

May 2nd through May 6this Teacher Appreciation Week! Take a moment to say thank you to your child’s teacher for all they do each day!

Tuesday, May 3rdis the Midpoint of the third trimester. Hard to believe!

Wednesday, May4th is National Nurse’s Day! Give a special hello to Mrs. Hunkele!

We will also be holding our “We Are Reader’s And We Know It!” Pep Rally on Thursday, May 5th this month!

School Spirit Day is Friday, May 6th! Be sure to wear your blue and white!!!

Friday, May 6this also very busy with our AM and PM Pre-School Tea Parties.

We will hold our first C.U.B. TEAM time (Children Understand Better) on our very busy Friday, May 6thas well! Information explaining this new program was sent home earlier this week in your child’s book bags. Please take a moment to review this information.

Sunday, May 8th is Mother’s Day! We hope that all our special ladies enjoy their special day!

May 9th through May 13th isSpecial Education Week! Take a moment to say thank you to all those individuals that work with our children every day!

There will be a PTO meeting at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, May 10th at Olivet School. We want to encourage parent’s to attend!

Thursday, March 12th all Norma students will have a special assembly called, “Sambulance.”

There will be Board of Education meetings on Thursday, May 5th, Thursday, May 12th and also one on Thursday, May 19th in the

A.P. Schalick High School Media Center at 7:00 PM. All are welcome to attend.

Friday, May 13th is our First Grandparent’s Luncheon! Don’t miss out on all the fun!!!(More information will be coming to you soon.)

Tuesday, May 17th we will be holding our second Pre-School Parent Meetingfor this year. Our discussion topic will be “Expectations of Kindergarten Students.” The meeting begins at 3:45 PMand ends at 4:30 PM. Babysitting is available.

Our Kindergarten students will be traveling by our yellow limousines (Pittsgrove School Buses) again to Elmer Elementary School on

Friday,May 20th from 9:30 AM-11:00 AM for First Grade Orientation. Where has this school year gone?

Tuesday, May 24th our PSD class will be going on their Field Trip to Storybook Land. Please look for information regarding the Field Trip that is sent home by your child’s teacher.

School will be CLOSED on Monday, May 30thin observance of Memorial Day. School will REOPEN on Tuesday, May 31stat our regular time.

Reading Logs are due on Friday, May 27th. Please be sure to turn in your logs to keep track of your progress!

Please remember, it will eventually warm up and the students will be playing outside. Students should be dressed appropriately for outside play and sneakers are best for playground fun! Please send students with a sweatshirt or light jacket for cool days. Also, please remember that flip-flops, sandals, shoes with high heels, and other open toed shoes are NOT appropriate playground footwear. Please be sure to send students with appropriate shoes to avoid injury. Thank you for helping us keep your child safe.


Ms. Loretta L. Elwell, Assistant Principal

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