Local Delivery Plan 2011- 2015

Cannock District


The CannockLocal Investment Plan

The Southern Staffordshire authorities ofLichfield, Tamworth,South Staffordshire and Cannock Chase came together to produce a joint LIP document in 2011. This document recognised that whilst each authority has its own unique socio economic and housing issues, the thematic priorities to address these issues are broadly similar for all four authorities, namely:

  1. To increase the housing choice to meet local housing needs and aspirations. In Cannock District affordability is a key issue with high house prices affecting access to home ownership and housing choice.
  2. To target poor quality housing through energy efficiency, retrofit and Decent Homes programmes. Cannock is a stock owning authority and is committed to achieving Decent Homes for its own and its RPs stock
  3. To reduce and prevent homelessness and in particular to target provision to meet complex needs including Domestic Violence, young people and substance misusers
  4. To ensure the demands of the areas ageing population are met by increasing the supply of extracare and flexi care housing, providing choice of accommodation for the elderly, as well as addressing under and over occupation.
  5. To promote thriving and sustainable communities by providing housing solutions that are linked to regeneration, education, community safety, health and the environment.

Cannock District has two main town centres, Cannock and Rugeley, with the Cannock Chase Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in the heart of the District. Around 60% of the District is designated greenbelt land (Cannock is not looking to deliver any Rural Exception Sites over the plan period).In terms of spatial priorities the majority of future development is to be directed toward the following locations:

  • Cannock, Hednesford and Heath Hayes with around 750 new homes on an urban extension close to Pye Green Road on SCC owned land
  • Rugeley and Brereton – with around 1,000 new homes via an urban extension
  • Land off Norton Hall Road near Norton Canes with around 700 new homes
  • Ultra Electronics, Rugeley. Development of former factory site for 150 units with option for extra care provision

Cannocks priority regeneration schemes are;

  • Elizabeth Road. Phased redevelopment of over 100 units on local authority land. Phase 1 is currently on site with Waterloo and is in receipt of HCA funding
  • Moss Road estate. Demolition of 170 poor quality flats to provide 130 mixed tenure family homes on local authority land as well as improvements to retained houses. This scheme is the local authorities number one priority for funding allocation from the HCA

The Local Delivery Plan

The Local Investment Plan agreed the thematic and spatial priorities for the District and provided an evidence base to highlight the key issues facing the area. The purpose of this Local Delivery Plan is to outline for each priority the:

  • Expected timescales for delivery
  • The delivery method
  • The HCA’s enabling and investment role.
  • Local Authority role
  • Other Partners role/investment

It provides a working document primarily for the local authority and the HCA to allow the management of joint working to deliver the identified priorities. The partners will jointly monitor progress every three months as a minimum.

The table below outlines the key spatial and thematic priorities and identified site specific projects under the headline of:

  1. Economic Development
  2. Housing Delivery



Preparation / Delivery / 2011-15
Project/ Strategic Priority Area / Delivery method / 2011/12 / 2012/13 / 2013/14 / 2014/15 / Beyond 2015 / HCA enabling
and investment
role / Local Authority
Role eg LPA, Land
Owner, £££s / Measurement
of success
Estate Regeneration
1. Moss Road Estate Regeneration / ARM investment/ HRA capital funding/ Retrofit project/ LA land receipts / Cabinet approval
Dev Brief
Viability modelling / DPP
Select RP
Secure AHP funding
PM / Delivery
PM / Delivery
Ph 1 PC
Ph 2 sos / 
Ph 2 delivery / Provide support for AR indicative allocation, brokering, selection of RP, potential to use DPP
Monitoring of programme
Viability support/ tenure options
Development brief
Possible retrofit advice/ support for retained stock / Council funding/ land
Rehousing/ demolition/ CPO / Selection of RP
AHP funding allocation
Completion of development brief
2. Elizabeth Road, Cannock / AHP investment/ Kickstart funding / Delivery
Ph 1 PC
PM / PH 2 AHP allocations
Ph 2 sos / Delivery
PM / Delivery
PM / Investment support, Allocation as firm scheme
Programme monitoring
Viability support/ tenure options / Council funding/ land
Rehousing / Ph 1 completions
Ph2 AHP allocation
Ph2 sos
Housing Delivery
Increasing the supply of affordable housing / 1. Extracare Housing (Ultra Electronics (Rugeley) and Langbourn) / AHP allocation
Select RP
DPP / Enabling
PM / Delivery
PM / Specialist Housing Advice – critical friend on housing and development options.
Deal brokering with successful AHP bidders and AHP funding opportunities.
Exploring alternative service delivery methods
Possible use of DPP on Langbourn site to procure RP / Determination of vulnerable group housing strategies.
SCC investment and Revenue support / AHP funding allocation
2. Affordable rent model investment, S106 sites and Release of Public sector land assets, / AHP firm allocations / AHP indic allocations
PM / Enabling and Delivery
PM / Affordable Homes investment and Support.
Joint review of firm site allocations. HCA to provide brokering and facilitation support for indicative allocations. Deal brokering
Monitoring of AHP delivery programme.
Provide viability testing support for identified sites/ tenure options
Investment through AHP allocations
Advice and support on low cost home ownership / Negotiation of S106 allocations.
Review potential and propose sites for ARM indicative allocation.
Deal brokering with RPs
Develop tenancy strategy / AHP funding allocation
Completion of tenancy strategy
3. Empty Homes and Energy Efficiency Programmes / AHP bids / Enabling
PM / Enabling
PM / Support development of approach to low carbon and retrofit solutions. Share good practice and disseminate information.
Advice and support for empty homes programme
Strategy development for Empty Homes Bid
Use of Empty Homes Toolkit
Develop programme with LA/RP / Development of Empty homes bid with RP / Submission of empty homes bid
Allocation of funding