West Liberty-Salem Science Olympiad - Field Trip Permission Letter

Clark State University Cadaver Lab -Monday, March 20, 2017

Dear Parents,

This year’s Science Olympiad team has an amazing opportunity to learn Anatomy & Physiology in a real cadaver lab at Clark State Community College in Springfield. This training is totally optional and is free and open to all West Liberty-Salem Science Olympiad members. On Monday, March 20that 3:15, we plan to leave by bus from the back of West Liberty-Salem (where the buses normally leave). We should arrive at Clark State around 4:00.

Mr. Mark Schmidt, Associate Professor of Anatomy and Physiology and West Liberty-Salem parent, will lead us on a hands on tour of the Clark State cadaver lab. Professor Schmidt will also direct our students in real dissection of human hearts and lungs. He has instructed us that this training can be messy. So students that chose to participate should not wear good or new clothes to the training.Professor Schmidt has also warned us of the graphic nature of this training which may not be suitable for all students. Professor Schmidt says,

“Also the cadaver is fully dissected at this time, we are down to the muscle layer and have the abdominal, thoracic, and cranial spaces open so it can be a little shocking/graphic for some. They will be allowed to see and discuss all anatomical features of the cadaver but will need to behave with the up-most respect and decorum at all times. We generally only offer this experience to junior and senior high school students with an A&P background so we are stretching it to allow the younger members and those without a specific interest in A&P to participate. I assured my dean these students were all up to the challenge, I just want to make sure we have communicated that message to the students as well.”

The West Liberty-Salem Science Olympiad program is proud to seek out educational opportunities such as this. It is imperative that students that chose to attend control their speech and behavior at all times. If a student that choses to go realizes that they are uncomfortable with what they are seeing, they may go to another room with one of our Science Olympiad school board approved chaperones. The whole training should last between 1½ to 2 hours. If we leave Clark State by 6:00, we should be home sometime around 7:00.

This letter which acknowledges the educational value and potentially graphic nature of this training MUST be signed by a parent and returned by Friday, March 17th. Students will NOT be allowed to attend this training without a signed permission letter. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at school at 465-1060 ext 349.

Thank You,

Mr. Cameron L. Spencer

7th grade Science

Science Olympiad Coach

Please tear off the bottom portion, sign, and return to Mr. Spencer at the next meeting.


Science Olympiad Field Trip Permission Slip – Clark State Community College

Monday, March 20, 2017

Yes, my son or daughter has my permission to go and participate in this training.


Parent SignatureDate


Student SignatureDate