iMac & Mobile Lab Procedures, Tips, and Rules of the Road

At a Glance


Signing up
/ • When signing up for the iMac Lab or mobile labs, please be considerate of other teachers/curricula and limit duration to one week at a time or we may have to limit use to only 3 days.
• Please write in pencil on the sign up sheet - and don't forget to write your name not just the unit or lesson.
•If you've signed up for a lab, but realize you can't make it, please be considerate of others and erase your name. (Sending an email the MHMS conference about availability would be a nice thing, too!)
Rules of the Road
/ • You must have a lesson plan to be in the iMac Lab, we do not bring students to the lab for “playing” or as a reward. That is against HCPSS computer use policy.
• Free searching (i.e. Google, etc.) is not allowed in any Howard County Public School – Please use our Databases.
• Please bring students into the iMac Lab from the hallway & not cutting through the Library Media Center.
• You may not use the computer lab as a sub plan. Substitutes, Student Interns, and instructional assistants are not allowed to bring students to the lab without a cooperating teacher for any reason.
• Please remember to bring Kleenex with you to the lab.
Student Logins
Teacher Guest
Accounts / ·  Student login is first initial, first 5 letters of last name, and last 4 digits of their school ID number
·  ex: gjones3643
·  Student password should be: a favorite food from Pizza, Burger, Taco, Sushi, Sub and the last 4 digits of their cell or family phone number. EX: Taco0127
If all else fails, or if you have a new student a TEACHER can RESET the student password or create a new one by:
*There are NO longer temporary logins for students at HCPSS*
Teacher Guest accounts (for student teachers, subs, etc.)
Login Name: hcpss_guest
Password: hcpss
Computer Violations / Please impress upon the students that using a computer in a Howard county school is a privilege and not a right...if a student violates our HCPSS standards then that privilege can be revoked.
Classroom Management
/ • Classroom management is KEY when it comes to a positive and successful tech experience.
• Teachers should always use a seating or laptop chart: assign each kid to a specific computer. That way, if anything fishy shows up we know who to discuss it with. (This saves YOU a headache in the long run!)
• Always “try out” your lesson yourself in the lab ahead of time so that you know what to expect with the kids.
•Please leave the lab looking nice. Have kids clean up the lab: straighten keyboards, log out, put machines to SLEEP, recycle any papers or trash, push in chairs and erase any writing on the whiteboard. Thank you!
• Please remember to turn off the LCD projector when not in use - those replacement bulbs are expensive!
Catch a Firefox!
/ For best Internet results in the lab use the browser Firefox (and make it the default browser) rather than Safari. If you get the spinning rainbow beach ball of death, click on the desktop then go up to Apple > Force Quit and quit the application.
Learning Wiki & Databases / • Teachers can create their own wiki pages with hotlinks for technology lessons on our MHMS Learning Wiki
That way you can easily add links for projects. See Ms. Jones in Media to set yours up in less than 8 min!
• Have students bookmark our MHMS Research Databases
Hand in/ Hand out
Saving Student Work / Use the HAND-OUT folder to place handouts, templates, etc. for students to access in the lab.
Have students RENAME these documents with their name/core and place in your HAND-IN folder for you to grade or peruse.
Students Must Save to their Network Blue Folder & Keep Desktop Clean. To do this reliably, have them first save their work to the desktop, then drag into network folder, check folder that it’s there, then finally drag it into the trash.
MHMS Daring Teacher Tech Wiki / For answers to all your teacher tech queries!
If it’s not there already…I’ll give you a prize!
Questions? / email