5-8 Grade Level Committee

/ September 7, 2005
1:00 - 2:30p.m.
Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools
2601 Bransford Avenue
Meeting called by: / Rob Sasser / Type of meeting: / Committee Meeting
Facilitator: / Note taker: / Anne Henderson
Attendees: / Terry Adams, Jeri Hasselbring, Kathryn Dillard Charlie Williams, Marsha Edwards, Anne Henderson, Paul Widman, Terry Adams, Sydney Rogers, Paul Changas, Alexis Lewis, and Denise Bentley (MNPS Safety & Security) new committee member


Agenda item: / Welcome / Presenter: / Rob Sasser
Conclusions: / Everyone introduced themselves. Rob welcomed Paul Widman from Metro Parks who is joining the committee. Denise Bentley from MNPS also joined the group. She works in Student Services, Safety and Security
Agenda item: / Assignment of Note Taker / Presenter: / Rob Sasser
Discussion: / Rob asked for volunteers to take the minutes. Anne Henderson agreed for September. Jeri Hasselbring was assigned October. Kathryn Dillard was assigned November. Terry Adams was assigned December. Charlie Williams was assigned January.
Conclusions: / All enthusiastically agreed to the task and were eager to recommend those not present.
Agenda item: / Review of Student Survey and Staff Survey / Presenter: / Rob Sasser
Discussion: / A sub-committee met with Maury Nation from Peabody/Vanderbilt University to review the student and staff surveys. The surveys were intended to be administered during the first six-weeks of school as a pre-survey and then would be given at the end of the year. Peabody has funding available for the compiling of information. Rob will check with Maury and see how the surveys will be scored.
The committee asked that Maury make sure the questions are addressing all eight issues the committee has decided to focus on this year. They are disruption, disrespect, refusing to obey, profane language, gang displays, repeated rule violation, bullying, and safety.
The committee discussed specific changes to the surveys. It was decided to have the questions read to the students by the teachers. The student survey should take between 20 – 40 minutes.
Specific for student survey:
The survey will need to clarify the “I” statements if the teachers read the questions.
Where answers are both “A” and “1” etc, it should be one or the other for ease of students. There may need to be more variety is where the best answer is in the order of options, i.e. Not always “a”.
Add 14 and older to the demographics
Specific for staff survey:
Change title from teacher to staff survey.
Clarify the introduction by eliminating “behavior problems and” from the introduction.
In Section B, eliminate questions 1-6, delete question 8.
Under the demographics only keep the years employed, but delete all others.
Conclusion / Due to the timing and need to review with Maury, the surveys should be administered after Oct. 1 to all pilot schools.
Agenda item: / Next Meeting / Presenter: / Committee
Discussion: / The coordinators (STARS representatives) will be invited to the next meeting for a half-hour before all the non-profits are invited to attend. The 4 pilot principals will also be invited to attend the meeting.
The committee voted to meet the first Wednesday of the month at 1:00 at MNPS.
Conclusions: / The next Board of Directors meeting is Oct. 27. Let Sydney know if you want something reported.
Also, Nov. 2006 there will be a National Middle School Meeting at Opryland Hotel.
Meeting Adjourned at 2:20 PM.
October 5, 2005
1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools
Cafeteria Rooms