Annual Meeting
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Econo Lodge Conference Center, Menomonie, WI
Meeting Minutes
WDB Members Present: Maltee McMahon, Jeanne Carr, Peter Doermann, Lisa Fiore, Timm Boettcher, Mark Tyler, Buck Malick, Alison Page, Betty Laskowski, James Hanke, Brody Granberg, Chris Smith, Jay Tappen, Peter Kilde, Steve Blodgett, Dick Best
County Boards’ Consortium Members Present: Joe Waichulis, Steve Rasmussen, Colleen Bates, Pete Adler, Larry Jepsen, and Daryl Standafer
Youth Council Members Present: Sue Lohmeier, Robyn Thibado, Barbara Landstrom, Nancy Graese
WRI Board Members Present: Buck Malick, Chris Smith, Colleen Bates, Pete Adler, Steve Rasmussen
Others Present: James Lindbo, Bruce Siebold, Kathy Talford, Rich Vande Loo, Nancy Sprinkle, David Bradley, Rita Black-Radloff
- Call to Order - The joint meeting of the WDB,CountyBoards’ Consortium, WRI Board, and Youth Councilwas called to order.
2.Action on Previous Minutes
WDB Action:
Motion by Granberg, second by Malick, to approve the minutes of the October 19, 2012, meeting. Motion passed.
Consortium Action:
Motion by Rasmussen, second byWaichulis, to approve the minutes of the October 19, 2012, meeting. Motion passed.
3.Action on any Workforce Board or Youth Council Appointments/Reappointments
The Consortium considered the following reappointments to the WDB: Sather, McMahon, Carr, Seehase, Meyer, Walters, and Blodgett.
Consortium Action:
Motion by Waichulis, second by Adler, to reappoint Sather, McMahon, Carr, Seehase, Meyer, Walter and Blodgett to the WDB. Motion passed.
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The Workforce Development Board considered the appointment of Brett Pickerign to the Youth Council to fill the seat vacated by Paul Hambleton.
WDB Action:
Motion by Malick, second by McMahon, to appoint Brett Pickerign to the Youth Council. Motion passed.
Consortium Action:
Motion by Rasmussen, second by Waichulis, to endorse the appointment of Brett Pickerign to the Youth Council. Motion passed.
4.Action on Appointments to the Workforce Resource, Inc. Board (WDB)
The WDB considered the following appointments to the Workforce Resource Inc. Board: Maltee McMahon and Mark Tyler
WDB Action:
Motion by Malick, second by Page, to appoint McMahon and Tyler to the WRI Board. Motion passed.
5.Seating of any new members
No action.
6.Election of Officers for 2013
The following slate of officers was brought into nomination to the WDB:
Chair: Timm Boettcher – Realityworks
Vice Chair: Alison Page – Baldwin Medical Center
Secretary Treasurer: Betty Laskowski – RCU
WDB Action:
Motion to approve and cast unanimous vote by Malick, second by Tappen. Motion carried.
The WDB considered adding Past Chair as an Officer Seat to the WDB. The Bylaws will be reviewed to insure alignment. Mark Tyler would fill this seat in 2013.
WDB Action:
Motion to add Past Chair as an Officer to be filled by Tyler in 2013 by Malick, second by Page. Motion carried.
The following slate of officers was brought into nomination for the WRI Board:
Chair: Buck Malick
Vice Chair: Chris Smith
Secretary/Treasurer: Colleen Bates
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WRI Action:
Motion to approve and cast unanimous vote by Bates, second by Adler. Motion carried.
7.Presentation/Action on 2011-2012 Annual Report.
Lindbo noted that the Report contains unapproved audit numbers. The audit will be reviewed at the next meeting.
WDB Action:
Motion by Tappen, second by McMahon, to approve the 2011-2012 Annual Report as presented. Motion passed.
Consortium Action:
Motion by Waichulis, second by Jepsen, to approve the 2011-2012 Annual Report as presented. Motion passed.
WRI Action:
Motion by Bates, second by Adler, to approve the 2011-2012 Annual Report as presented. Motion passed.
8.Adoption of Calendar for 2013 and meeting work plan
The 2013 Workforce Development Calendar and work plan was reviewed. The Boards unanimously agreed to change the Annual Meeting from its regularly scheduled date on December 5th to December 20th. WRI will be celebrating its 30th Anniversary. The first 2013 Board meeting will be February 15th. An orientation session will be held from 7:30 – 9:00 prior to the meeting.
WDB Action:
Motion by Page, second by Tyler, to approve the 2013 meeting calendar and work plan as presented. Motion passed.
Consortium Action:
Motion by Jepsen, second by Adler, to approve the 2013 meeting calendar and work plan as presented. Motion passed.
WRI Action:
Motion by Adler, second by Tyler, to approve the 2013 meeting calendar and work plan as presented. Motion passed.
9.Action to endorse Modification of Special Response Funding Application
The Board reviewed the modified SR application which included Community Health Partnership and Cumberland Hospital. The application has been increased by $371,474.
WDB Action:
Motion by Tappen, second by Tyler, to endorse the modified SR application as presented. Motion carried.
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Consortium Action:
Motion by Jepsen, second by Standafer, to endorse the modified SR application as presented. Motion carried.
10.Action to adopt 2012 WIA Performance Standards
The Boards reviewed the PY2012 WIA Performance Standards as presented.
WDB Action:
Motion by Kilde, second by Page, to approve the PY2012 Performance Standards as presented. Motion passed.
Consortium Action:
Motion by Waichulis, second by Jepsen, to approve the PY2012 Performance Standards as presented. Motion passed.
11.W2 Program and Action for WDB to function as Regional Community Steering Committee
WRI will begin administering the W-2 Program in the W2 Northwest Region on January 1st. The Board considered functioning as the W2 Regional Community Steering Committee for the West Central WI region. Northwest CEP would be asked to function as the W2 Regional Community Steering Committee for their respective area. The Board will review its role in this capacity at a future meeting.
WDB Action:
Motion by Page, second by Tyler, to approve functioning as the W2 Regional Community Steering Committee for the West Central WI WDA. Motion passed.
Consortium Action:
Motion by Waichulis, second by Rasmussen, to endorse and support the WDB functioning as the W2 Regional Community Steering Committee for the West Central WI WDA. Motion passed.
12.Performance and Fiscal Activity Reports
Lindbo gave a brief fiscal and performance update. Best and Tyler reported $100,000 grant has been received for Gold Collar Careers from the Otto Bremer Foundation. WRI will be the fiscal agent.
13.Acknowledgement of Outgoing Officers, Members
The Boards thanked the outgoing officers and members for their service.
There being no further business, the WDB, Consortium and Youth Council meeting was adjourned.