Minutes for Stephen Hayt Elementary School
Meeting of the Local School Council
WednesdayApril 23, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. in the Library
Call to Order
Jennifer Kelly called the meeting to order at 6:16 pm.
Roll Call and Introduction of Members
Daniel Gomez, Esther Ohiku,Jennifer Kelly, Bridget Harris,Saira Sheikh, Laurie Hasbrook, and Kari Michaels were in attendance.Donna Brown, Ana Gehant-Ortiz, Elisa Salinas, and Arthur Arfa were absent.There is one vacancy (community member)
Approval of Agenda
Esther Ohikumoved to approve the agenda, amended to delete “#15b. i. (Checks over $1000.00) 8th Grade Field Trips.”Saira Sheikhseconded the motion. The motion was carried 7-0(all present; 4 absent, 1 vacancy).
Approval of Minutes
Bridget Harrismoved to approve the minutes of the March 19, 2014 LSC meeting. Kari Michaelsseconded the motion. The motion was carried 7-0 (all present; 4 absent, 1 vacancy).
Public Comments
Regina (recently elected as parent rep to 2014-2015 Hayt LSC) voiced the ongoing concerns of parents regarding the traffic dangers posed to children at drop off and pick up on Thome Avenue. She also suggested a suggestion box in the school lobby or front office.
Bridget Harris emphasized the need for more parent volunteers to help with traffic calming initiatives.
Ms. Gehant-Ortiz remains on maternity leave
General School updates
- Average daily attendance rate through March is 95.64%; we are aiming for 96%
- Medical Compliance 97%;
- Dental Van will start coming to Hayt next school year (the Asthma Van will continue serving the community);
- 2nd Bilingual Family Night organized by Ms. Foss well attended;
- Goethe Institute starting after school German classes;
- 6th, 7th, 8th grades gifted to have two German classes 2014-2015;
- Hayt students continuing to Senn H.S. will have the opportunity to continue German classes through Oklahoma State University program;
- Ms. Tarpey Cole & Ms. Lauzze met with Senn H.S. math teachers to better coordinate math articulation;
- Black History Assembly, March 26th & 27th;
- Rock For Kids Blues Concert, April 9th;
- Middle School PBIS Dance April 11th;
- 36 field trips held within past month;
- Extra-curricular activities remain strong: Elevate Mentors, Elevate After School Program, Roots & Shoots, News Magazine, 7th &8th Homework Help, Brother to Hermano, Patriot Players, Science Club, Middle School Art Club, Study Island After School Program;
- 5th&6th Boys/7th&8th Girls Soccer season began, 7th & 8th Boys Volleyball began;
- April Madness Basketball Tournament held;
- School Store was open March 28th & April 11th (where students redeem “Patriot Points”);
Mr. Gomez noted Hayt’s Least Restrictive Environment policies, provided an LRE written report and reminded the LSC of this operating priority. There are currently 121Hayt students who are directly impacted by LRE policies.
Mr. Gomez distributed NCLB Funds and SGSA Funds Summaries
no vacancies
No meeting
The NCLB-PAC (No Child Left Behind)-(Parent Advisory Committee) met April 22.CAPS representative, Meg, discussed safety patrol and cyberbullying.Community Counseling Centers of Chicago(C-4) held NCLB-PAC sponsored informational programs April 1 & 9.
Free parent field trip to the Adler Planetarium, April 25, is at capacity!Lunch for parents will be provided at Hayt after the trip.
Next meeting is scheduled for May 20. Broadway Armory will present information about available programs. May 21, NCLB will host a Zumba Class in the cafeteria. Parent-Teacher Breakfast, hosted by NCLB coming in May.
Bridget Harris coordinates collections of box tops for education. Teachers and parent volunteers looking toward next school year to jump start PTO.
Vote to meet in “Executive/Closed” Session
Daniel Gomez moved to vote to go to “Executive/Closed” Session..Esther Ohiku seconded the motion. The motion was carried 7-0 (all present; 4 absent, 1 vacancy).
Requests for Approval
Motion to fill LSC Community Representative vacancy
Jennifer Kelly moved to approve Lisa DeSantiago as LSC Community Rep. Bridget Harris seconded the motion. The motion was carried 7-0 (all present; 4 absent, 1 vacancy).
Motion to fill certify LSC election results
Bridget Harris moved to certify the LSC election results (2014-2015 school year term). Kari Michals seconded the motion. The motion was carried 7-0 (all present; 4 absent, 1 abstension).
Internal Accounts
Saira Sheikh moved to approve the March 2014 internal accounts as submitted. Dan Gomez seconded the motion. The motion was carried 8-0 (all present; 4 absent, 0 vacancies). Balanceis:
- March 1 – March 31, 2014: $53,765.77 (Chase Bank Account)
Transfer of Funds
Jennifer Kelly moved to approve Transfer of Funds.Saira Sheikh seconded the motion. The motion was carried 8-0 (all present; 4 absent, 0 vacancies). The following amountswere approved for transfer:
225 (SGSA) Funds
- $680.01A. from:51300-290001-000703 (Regular Pointer Position) B. to: 54105-320020-000703(Girls on the Run Program)
- 4500.00 C. from: 54105-221234-000703 (Services: Non-Technical)D. to: 53405-119015-000703 (Reading Supplies)
- $8354.47 A.from: 51300-290001-000703 (New) to: 53405-119016-000703(Math Supplies)
- $4743.59 E.from: 51330-290001-000703 (Benefits Pointer Position) to: (New) 53405-119016-000703 (Math Supplies)
332 (NCLB) Funds
- ($607.85 Negative Amount) A. from: 51300-290001-430141 (Regular Position Pointer) B. to: 53405-119015-430141 (Benefits Pointer)
- $832.87 A. from: 51300-290001-430141 (Regular Pointer Position) C. to:53405-119015-430141 (Reading Supplies)
- $3726.44 D. from: 51320-290001-430141 (Bucket Position Pointer) C. to:53405-119015-430141 (Reading Supplies)
332 (NCLB-PAC) Funds
- $12.50 A. from:54565-390030-4330150 (Parent Reimbursements) B. to: 54505-390030-430150 (Seminars & Fees)
- $200.00 A. (Parent Reimbursements) C. to:53205-390030-430150 (Supplies: Food)
- $200.00 A. from: 54565-390030-430150 (Parent Reimbursements) D. to: 53405-390030-430150 (Supplies: Commodities)
Kari Michals moved to approve Ms. Donna Brown’s request for transfer of funds for Illinois State History Fair in Springfield, IL. Bridget Harris seconded the motion. The motion was carried 8-0 (all present; 4 absent, 0 vacancies).
Jennifer Kelly moved to close positions #468356 (225 Fund) & #497329 (115 Funds). Saira Sheikh seconded the motion. The motion was carried 8-0 (all present; 4 absent, 0 vacancies).
Old Business
- Principal Evaluation: Principal Gomez will e-mail forms. Please complete as soon as possible: due May 21st meeting
New Business
- CIWP 2014-2016 (special LSC meeting May 14, 6p.m.)
- FY15 Budget (special LSC meeting May 14, 6p.m.)
Agenda items for next meeting, May 21
- Vote to meet in “Executive/Closed Session;
- Principal Evaluation
- Transfer of Funds
- Graduation Update (June 12, 2014)
At 7:27p.m. Saira Sheikh moved to adjourn. Bridget Harrisseconded the motion. The motion was carried 8-0 (all present, 4absent, 0 vacancies).