Basic Algorithms: Spacephysics, Space substance as subuniverses, Condensate universe
Polymorphotic Polyverse, Metacycle of Space substance, Spation flow,
Black hole in black hole universe, The Big Tunnel effect, Void centered
Lucent holes, Dipole universe, Overlight universe, Babenberg universe
Crystallisation ranges of energy and matter, superfluid Crystal universe,
Electrodynamo universe, Magneton universe, real particle universe,
Translucent Matter Theory, TOEM (theory of everything and more).
Evidence number 1: Gravitation is not the force of matter clustering in universe
Image: evid 1, Credit: NASA, Gerard Williger
The above image (evid 1) shows the largest known Large Quasar Group (LQG) and associated galaxies, the Clowes-Campusano LQG of 18 quasars (quasistellar objects with supermassive black holes and high velocity from the redshift of the light spectrum) from the „AQD Survey Catalogue“ of the ESO/SERC field 927 (Clowes, Campusano 1991, 1994; Clowes, Campusano, Graham 1999). The massive galaxy concentration is south of the heart of the constellation Leo the Lion. The cluster spans a region up to two by five degrees with the large quasar group, measuring 600 million light years across in a very remote region of the early universe in 6,5 US-billion light years distance. The expected density of quasars of 2-3 quasars was found to be extended to 18 quasars, together with a high density of galaxies (massive ellipticals) and gas clouds. As the density of heavy and superheavy astronomical objects in the region is too high to have been originated solemly by the forces of gravitation, another force must have converged the masses of matter. In Spacephysics the filaments and local concentrations of galaxies come from the spacewaves, resulting from the expansion of the voids (the bubble spaces) from Lucent Holes, urging the masses of matter into the peripheral regions of the voids (the voids compose 85 percent of the universe). The displacing extrusion mechanism of space substance converges the matter to the known matter distribution of universe. So there is no need for gravitation to do the job. In Spacephysics gravitation is NOT an attribute of mass. 23-9-2004, 14.10 MEZ.
Evidence number 2:Comparison identical process inside universe and outside black hole
Image: evid 2a, Credit: NASA/CXC/Columbia/C.Scharf et al/IoA/A.Fabian et al.2002
The blue double picture (evid 2a) above shows two 12 US-billion light years distant massive galaxies 4C41.17 and 3C294 in the constellations Aurigae and Bootes being enveloped by extensive clouds of high-energy particles, which originated in explosions. The radio and X-ray jets of both galaxies emerge from central supermassive black holes, being heating gas outside hundreds of thousands of light years across. Massive galaxies and black holes grow by devouring of nearby galaxies and intergalactic space gas, but the inflow of matter produces energetic jets, which heat the surrounding gas and stop the growth of the massive galaxy, when it has a few dozen times the mass of the Milky Way galaxy. Massive galaxies with a central black hole grow in periods. The accumulating inflow matter grows galaxy and black hole at first, but the jet-energy stops the further growth whereby the jet disappears after the central black hole lacks of supply matter. Millions of years later the former hot gas has cooled down and rebegins its inflow and the growth of galaxy and central black hole.
Image: evid 2b, Credit: NASA/X-ray telescope Chandra, 29.5.2004
The red picture (evid 2b) above shows an X-ray image of the galaxy hive „Abell 2029“, one of the sort of 26 distant galaxy hives from the X-ray images of the X-ray telescope Chandra, which have been the basis for the calculation, resulting in the statement that the universe is undergoing an accelerated expansion period. A confirmation of facts, known from far star explosions for fourteen years and from the carography of small microwave background fluctuations from satellite WMAP. By observing the hundred million degrees hot intergalactic gas between the galaxies of the hives in the X-ray spectrum it was possible to state that after the Big Tunnel effect (former: the Big Bang) the expansion of our universe slowed down until 6 US-billion years ago, when the expansion began to accelerate (Steve W. Allen, Cambridge Univ., GB). The comparison of the descriptions of the pictures „evid 2a“ and „evid 2b“ demonstrate the same phenomenon of periodical growth of the central black holes of massive galaxies from outside as well as the growth (expansion) period from the inside of our universe, comprising the same astronomical object from outside in by the parallel rhythm of procedural dynamics. Similar periodical growth periods have been found by the X-ray telescope Chandra in the galaxy 3C294, in the Perseus Cluster, in the galaxy NGC 4636 and in Centaurus A. At the comparison a temporal dilatation appears from outside in of about 1 : 1000. One million years in the universe of the hyperspace (in the superordinated universe) is equivalent to one US-billion years in our universe. Time within a black hole is running about a thousand times slower than the time of the universe, in which the black hole is existing. The temporal dilations depends on the mathematical relation of the mass of the spheroid bulge (the matter halo) around the black hole of the galaxy to the mass of the black hole itself (interdimensional projection mass relation). A mass relation of 1000 : 1 results in a temporal dilatation (outside in time slowing) of 1000 : 1. At a 1000 times faster running time „outside“ around a black hole than within the black hole (= the universe) the mass of the outer spheroid bulge (the matter halo) of the galaxy of the central black hole must be 1000 times the mass of the black hole itself. In naming „mass“ the projection mass is named and not the space substance.
Evidence number 3: Gammabursts and Big Tunnel effect of black hole origination
Image: evid 3, Credit: NASA/A.Fruchter (STScl), Jänner 1999
The red doublepicture (evid 3) above shows the optical afterglow of the gammaburst GRB990123 and above the white dot in the middle the double galaxy, which is the origin of the gammaburst with an energetic performance of 10^45 Watts (emission in all directions). The gammaburst, which comes into existence by the origination of the „Big Tunnel effect“ (The Big One), an extreme intensive implsion of space substance, results from the pair annihilation of the projection matter of the original star, which produces two or three highly energetic gammaray photons (quantums) from the annihilation of an elementary particle and its anti-particle. Similar to the supernova (or to the hypernova with its extremely rapid rotating central black hole), in which an implosion (equivalent to the gravitational pressure) occurs simultanously with an explosion of the starhull (equivalent to the radiation pressure), the „Big One“ (the initial phase of the Big Tunnel effect, former name: Big Bang) produces an energetical peak of gamma radiation, resulting from the pair annihilation of projection matter of the former star in the procedure of condensation of space substance into the „Big Tunnel effect“. The X-ray afterglow (the afterglow of X-ray and optical light radiation for days and weeks) comes from the radiation pressure of the explosionhull, having been extremely heated up by the new black hole. The rebound impulse of the pair annihilation (matter-antimatter reaction) is being taken up by the projection lattice (the matrix) of space substance on quantum level and thereby produces a sharp gammaburst of extremely high energy. The gamma radiation eruption (backwards slash effect from the black hole tunnel origination) levels out in shockwaves together with a high density of high energy neutrinos. The gamma radiation photons are without electrical charge, related to the outcome of non-charged particles.
Evidence number 4: Electromagnetic black hole and dipole universe
Image: evid 4, Credits: NASA/SAO/CXC/Palomar Observatory, December 12, 1999
The black picture (evid 4) above shows the gammaburst GRB 991216 of december 12, 1999, the collapse of a star of 22 sun masses into an electrically charged electromagnetic black hole with a charge of 10 percent of the theoretical maximum (R. Ruffini et al, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, July 10, 2001). In the model, an extremely intense electric field is born in the collapse of the star into a black hole, which results in a matter-antimatter pair origination and reaction with the creation of the enormous energy pulse of the gammaburst eruption by exploding matter in near light velocity. The black hole at its initial stage becomes an energy source of up to 50 percent of the mass energy of an electromagnetic black hole. The black hole initial collapse could induce the supernova of a nearby star, which explains the iron ion emissions in GRB 991216 and the simultaneous findings of supernovas at gammaburst sites (D. Christosdoulous, R. Ruffini 1971, Princeton University). The model creates an electromagnetically charged dipole black hole. In this way the model of R. Ruffini totally fits into the mathematical calculations of the dipole charge of our universe as to the one of black holes, because a part of the mass of the collapsing former star results in the existence of charge of the black hole. But contradictionally to Ruffini, in Spacephysics the charge doesn´t just vanish into the gammaburst, but is installed by the electrodynamo of the dipole-spationflow and streamings inside the black hole (= universe). Parts of the energyequivalent of the former star mass are converted into matter-antimatter pair origination outside the black hole as well as (former known from the aftermaths of the Big Bang theory) inside the young universe (inside after the overlight tunnel effect of microwave radiation and high temperature spation oscillations). A part of the energetical mass equivalent of the former star is transformed into the gammaburst energy, a part is transformed into the X-ray and optical light afterglow, a part into the electrodynamic effect origination of the black hole attribute and a part into the condensation process of spations and a part into the overlight tunneling of microwave radiation and into the intense spation oscillations with the result of maintaining the high temperature environment within the Big One at the origination of the new universe. 25-9-2004, 3.28 MEZ.
Evidence number 5: Preference orientation of the black hole and the dipole universe
Image: evid 5a; Credit: ESA Artist, 20.7.2004
The Artist´s picture (evid 5a) shows a doughnut-shaped torus around the black hole of the Seyfert-2-galaxy NGC 4388. By using the ESA observatories INTEGRAL and XMM-Newton Beckmann et al. looked „edge on“ past the doughnut cloud into the accretion disk with its 100 million degrees and high-energy X-ray emissions of above 2,5 keV of the black hole. The tyre-like torus or doughnut appears to be some hundred light years distant from the black hole, outside of the accretion disk. Another publication showed calculations, in which electromagnetic lines could possibly emerge from inside the black hole, as would be real in electromagnetic dipoles. These fieldlines would emerge at the same location, where jets of extremely hot gas are accelerated by the black hole up to almost light velocities. The findings demonstrate the preference orientation of the black hole to be similar to the preference orientation of a giant dipole with the (partially electromagnetic) matter of the torus (partly iron particles) reforming the outer fieldlines in the shape of a torus as shown in magnets. Magnets are dipoles (with + pole and – pole) and the magnetic fieldlines emerge densely from the poles. In bigger dimensions, the beating analogy is the planet Earth with its magnetic field, the field lines of which emerge from the North and South poles to form a magnetic torus or doughnut structure aside of the equator (evid 5b). The similar shapes of the black hole torus cloud and Earth magnetic field are caused by the electrodynamo function of both astronomical structures (the spation flow within the black hole universe is equal to the Earth mantle fluid below the Earth´s crust. In the black hole torus cloud of NGC 4388 the torus or doughnut shape is more clear near to the (electromagnetic) activity of the black hole (on the outside of the torus cloud the shape is more distant to the shape-keeping electromagnetic forces). 30-9-2004, 4.21 MEZ.
Image: evid 5b; Credits: NASA Artist, 27.10.1998