South West Neighbourhood Partnership Transport Forum

Friday 3 April 2009

Chesser House Level 4 Conference Room

In Attendance

Cllr Andrew Burns (Chair)

Cllr Donald Wilson CEC

Cllr Jim Lowrie CEC

Hellen McDonaugh Longstone Community Council

Alex Paton Longstone Community Council

AD Mitchell Hutchison/Chesser Community Council

John Moore Lothian Community Transport Services

John Bird Lothian Buses

Jim Hall Craiglockhart Community council

Lynda Haughney City Development, Public Transport Unit

Gordon Drysdale SfC, Environment

Diana Potter (minutes) SfC, South West Neighbourhood Office


Cllr Coleman CEC

Cllr Gordon Buchan CEC

Louisa Jeffrey Stenhouse Community Council

Keith Bell Sighthill, Broomhouse and Parkhead Community Council

Harry Sutherland Hutchison/Chesser Community Council

1.  Welcome
2.  Apologies
Cllr Burns opened the meeting and thanked Keith Bell for his previous chairmanship. Apologies were received as above.
3.  Minute of Previous Meeting/ Matters Arising
The minutes were agreed as an accurate record.
Matters Arising
It was noted that the presentation on winter maintenance by Alan Simpson had been postponed to the following meeting.
Hellen McDonaugh queried the membership of Neighbourhood Partnership subgroups, including the Transport Forum. It was noted that this subject formed part of the discussions at the recent away day and would be considered at the follow-up meeting.
Jim Hall queried the ownership of the guided busway – has it been purchased by TIE? Lynda Haughney to clarify ownership for next meeting.
It was agreed to request a pre-Hogmanay update from the Events Planning Group about bus routes, stops etc.
Cllr Burns noted the trams presentation is scheduled for the next meeting and requested that members provide queries in advance to Diana or Scott to be passed on to Amanda Marshall.
Ewan Horne will bring information on the Transport budget to the next meeting. Jim Hall noted the dividend paid by Lothian Buses and the subsequent deficit, and queried whether TIE should contribute to the deficit. Cllr Burns noted that this was a matter outwith the Transport Forum’s remit. Cllr Lowrie advised that discussions are underway with TIE regarding loss of income for both buses and parking. / LH
4.  Update on Bus Service Operators Grant (John Moore)
John Moore gave an update on the Bus Service Operators Grant (BSOG), noting the response to the Transport Forum’s letter of last year and that the Scottish Government had announced a £4million increase in the BSOG in February.
5. Update on Supported Bus Routes (Lynda Haughney)
Lynda gave a brief update on the supported bus routes. The closing date for tenders was 27 March. Bids have been received for each of the 27 proposed routes. The bids are currently being evaluated for the TIE meeting of 5 May.
The social value of the routes is being measured with a three-part calculation based on “the greatest good for the greatest number”. The potential users of a service, the coverage it offers and a social inclusion factor measuring deprivation will be combined to give each route a score, aggregated across the neighbourhoods it covers.
Lynda noted that the budget is only £350k and that councillors will have to make choices as to which routes are supported. The paper to TIE will offer options buti s not expected to make recommendations.
Scott Neill will distribute the TIE paper to the Transport Forum when they are released on CPOL a week ahead of the meeting. Alex Paton and Hellen McDonaugh will lead a deputation to the meeting if required, supported by Cllr Wilson. It was agreed to invite Keith Bell to participate in the deputation as well. Diana to advise TIE of a possible deputation. Hellen and Alex to confirm as soon as possible after reviewing the paper.
Lynda advised that talks are still ongoing with Tesco about sponsoring a bus route, which could possibly affect the No.20. / SN
6. Trams Update (Diana Potter)
Diana circulated the tramworks update to the group. It was noted that traffic in West Maitland St could be expected to ease when two-way traffic was restored at the weekend.
Cllr Wilson noted that the Dalry Colonies Residents Association had requested that their bus stop be re-sited. Lynda will liaise with the residents.
John Bird noted that bus services through Haymarket were now running much more smoothly.
It was noted that Richard Jeffries had been appointed as the new CEO of TIE. / LH
7. Local Community Plan and Action Plan (Diana Potter)
Diana reminded the group of their role in developing the action plan to support the Local Community Plan of the South West Partnership and asked how they would like to take this forward. It was agreed that some of the work of the Transport Forum already supports the “transport” goal of the LCP, and work with partners is ongoing. It was agreed to dedicate time to the action plan at the meeting in August. / DP
8. Bus Lane South Gyle Access into Bankhead Drive
As Keith Bell was not in attendance to present this item, it was agreed to arrange a direct response, coordinated by Gordon Drysdale and John Richmond.
A Variation Order to extend the bus lane times of operation to 24 hours has been made and will come into operation on Monday 15 June 09. Signs advising motorists of the change will be put in place on S G Access and Bankhead Avenue. Details of the alteration are given in the report to the TIE Committee entitled Public Transport Priority - Review and Development, dated 27 11 07, whichcan be found on CPOL at this link:
9. Local Community Issues
John Bird noted that the work on Clovenstone Road had been well done and was nearly complete. Gordon confirmed the completion date was the following week.
Hellen McDonaugh raised the issue of Westside Motors parking cars for sale on the road. Gordon confirmed that cars for sale should not be parked on the roadway, and this was a police matter rather than a traffic warden responsibility.
Hellen reported that the proprietors simply removed the “For Sale” signs whenever a traffic warden or police officer appeared. Gordon advised that he would speak to Ruth Muir, parking control officer, about potential action, and will further request Gillian Moore, Trading Standards enforcement officer, to speak to the proprietors. Diana will speak to Inspector Andy Gilhooley and clarify the legal situation.
Jim Hall raised the issue of the crossing at Meggetland. It was noted that this was on the agenda for the next Neighbourhood Partnership and will also be going to TIE.
Hellen reported a pedestrian island on Lanark Road with a broken lamp post. Gordon will pass to the Street Lighting team.
Alex Mitchell raised a question about the traffic indicators at the school on Slateford Road. Discussions are underway City Development’s Transport division. Gordon Drysdale will advise Harry Sutherland and Alex Mitchell as soon as the situation is clarified. / GD
10. AOCB
Keith Bell emailed a query on bus marking variations. Cllr Burns will pass to Graham Atkins to respond.
Hellen McDonaugh queried reports of a crossing on Calders Road. Cllr Burns and Gordon Drysdale confirmed that Napier University had been granted planning permission for a Section 75 to install new traffic lights including a pedestrian phase as part of the campus redevelopment.
Alex Paton asked whether any bus cuts were expected in the near future. John Bird advised of some minor timetable adjustments from 19th April, but no cuts are expected. / AB
11. DOMN
Friday 19 June 2009
Friday 28 August 2009