March 12, 2012

President: Mrs. Therese DeLucia - 330-896-0473

Vice President: Mrs. Lisa Stephens 330-699-5521

Secretary: Mrs. Kim Hastings- 330-896-7194

Treasurer: Mr. Michael Hastings- 330-896-7194

Therese DeLucia called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM

MINUTES: Mike Gabrielmade a motion to waive the reading of the February 13, 2012minutes. ReginaDeLucia seconded. Motion passed. Jim Koerner made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Debbie Hawk seconded. Motion passed.


Michael Hastings: Josh Spilkermade a motion to accept the financial report as written. Lisa Adkins seconded. Motion passed. Mike reported that the Cookie Dough/Fudge sale added $1100.00 to the trip accounts. He discussed that seniors need to decide what to do with the left over money in their accounts prior to the end of the school year. Mike also reported that the Miley Scholarship has been funded already for the next three years.



Mrs. Rach reported that the Wind Ensemble got a rating of 1 so they will be going on to the state competition in Highland on April 27th and 28th. Upcoming events include the Lock in on March 16th and the Skate party on March 23rd. The Band Formal is set for Saturday, April 14, 2012. Disney preparations are under way. Approval of the trip will be requested at the April school board meeting. Deposits will be due at the end of this school year.

Mr. Reimer reported that the Jazz Festival will be Friday, April 13, 2012. There are a total of 6 visiting schools for the festival. The feature band will be the John Trapani Band. On April 25, 2012 the Air Force Band Night Flight will be giving a free concert. The hope is to reach out to the senior citizen population in Green and make them aware of the event. Liz Rebadow volunteered to take care of food for the band that night.

Mrs. Aglioit reported that there is still a need for chaperones at the skate party on March 23rd. The GIS skate party will be March 16th from 4 -6 pm. Lisa thanked all the GHS students that helped out with the 5th grade concert at the Expo.


Band Camp- Mike Gabriel: Camp is set for August 5th – 10th. More chaperones are needed, especially men.

Band Show: No report

Band Banquet: Set for April 29, 2012. Invitations will be mailed out soon.

Band Formal: The date is April 14, 2012. The theme will be “Deep Sea”. Parents will supply punch and cookies.

Calendar/Tag Day – Robin Spilker: Need a new chair for the calendar.

Chaperones-Tammy Trowbridge and Debbie Hawk: No report.

Concessions- Kim Hastings and Opal Johnson: No report

Craft Show- Kim Marks and Liz Rebadow: No report..


  • Cookie Dough: Cindy Pollock and Kim Schreckenberger: The company used this year was very easy to work with.
  • Entertainment Books: No report
  • Fruit Sales- Karen Campbell: No report
  • Dining for Dollars: Jim Koerner reported that the next date for Applebees will be Tuesday, May22nd from 11 – 9 PM. Flyers will be distributed.The check we received for the last date was $333.32.
  • Scrip- Lisa Stephens: Start thinking about getting Disney cards.
  • Camaro Raffle-Susan and Alan Cozby: No report.

Scholarship: Deadline is March 28th.

Social Committee- Chris Keppler and Alicia Austin: No report.

Tee Shirts/Hoodies- Elaine Mellinger: No report.

Uniforms- Kim Douglas and Mary Gabriel: New uniform mock ups will be presented at the end of tonight’s meeting.

Volunteers- Liz Rebadow: Lisa Adkins volunteered to chair this committee next year.

Web Page- Debbie Hawk: Email Debbie any information.


  • Nominating Committee Chair Alicia Austin announced that Jennifer Shaw has been nominated for the position of Secretary for the 2012 – 2013 school year. Voting will occur at the April meeting.
  • The first Lock in will be this Friday from 9:00 PM to 6:00 AM Saturday. Chaperones need to be here at 8:30. All band students will start in the band room so that they can receive instructions and rules.


  • The mock ups of the new uniforms were presented by the Uniform Committee. There are examples from DeMoulin and Stanberry. Opinions were gathered from the crowd. There are $41,000.00 in funds available for the new uniforms and Mrs. Rach will be meeting with the district director of operations to see about the amount of financial support that can be expected from the school system. If a decision is reached by April 15, 2012 we may be able to have new uniforms by next fall’s marching season.

Next meeting date will be April 16, 2012 at 7:00 PM

A motion was made by Bob Campbelland seconded by Regina DeLucia to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 8:05PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kim Hastings