1.8 Staff
CRP Director Qualifications
The CRP Director must have, at least
- a bachelor's degree; or
- any combination of education, training, and related work experience that demonstrates the CRP Director can effectively manage the provider's affairs in accordance with established policies; and
- verification of the UNT CRP Director Credentials before March April 1, 2012. CRP Directors cannot be "grandfathered," although UNT does offer a "test-out" option.
For additional information about the UNT credentialing process, see UNT's Texas CRP Provider Training page.
The CRP Director's qualifications must be documented on the DARS3455, Community Rehabilitation Program Staff Information form. If the director provides a particular service, the specific qualifications for that service also must be documented on the DARS3455. DARS may verify the CRP Director's qualifications at any time.
Temporary Waiver of CRP Credentials
(Added 01/12)
When a CRP provider ceases to have a credentialed staff member to provide credentialed services required by the contract, an exception may be approved on a per PO, per consumer basis. The waiver is specific to the consumer, the PO number, the start date, and the end date of services documented on the DARS3490, Temporary Waiver of CRP Credentials. A new DARS3490 is required for circumstances in which the PO end date must be extended beyond the issue date.
The temporary waiver is allowed only when it is
- necessary to avoid a break in essential services being provided by the CRP to a DARS DRS consumer, and
- in the best interest of the consumer.
The waiver applies to the following credentials:
- Job Coach and Job Skills Trainer,
- Job Placement Specialist,
- Supported Employment Specialist, and
- Director of CRP of Employment Services.
To request an exception, the CRP Director must submit a completed DARS3490, Temporary Waiver of CRP Credentials form to the VRC.
Below are the dates, for which the DARS3490 requires the authorized representative’s approval:
- Job Coaches after November 30, 2011;
- Job Placement Specialists after February 29, 20112012; and
- Job Skill Trainers and Supported Employment Specialists after May 31, 2011June 30, 2012.
A copy of the approved DARS3490 must be kept in the
- DRS consumer file, and
- contract manager's file.
Provide the CRP a copy of the approved DARS3490 to be kept in the CRP DRS consumer file.
A copy of the DARS3490 should accompany any invoice for which a waiver was granted to use a noncredentialed staff person.