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Present: Cllr S Warwick, Cllr R Keron,Cllr C Foster and Cllr S Hughes-Wade
Others Present: 1 Elector and Dist. Cllr E Gould
1.Welcome and to consider accepting apologies for Absence
The Chairman, Cllr Keron, welcomed those present. Apologies for absencewere received fromCllr A Jenness and these were accepted.
2.To declare any Interests re items on the agenda
Cllr S Hughes-Wade declared a Personal Interest if her property was discussed under item 7, Highways issues.
3.To confirm minutes of the meeting held on 22nd January 2015
Cllr Warwick proposed the minutes of 22ndJanuary, which had been circulated, be accepted as a true and accurate record of the meeting, seconded by Cllr Hughes-Wade and carried.
4.To discuss any matters from the minutes (not on the agenda).
There were no matters arising.
The Chairman closed the meeting for the Public Participation period.
Cllr Gould reported that Breckland has a balanced budget for 2017/2018 and there will be no car parking charges. A large amount of income is created through the commercial properties owned by Breckland. The Pride Award starts again on 1st April and it is possible to obtain £1,000.
Cllr Gould told those present that this was the last meeting she would be attending at Wendling, due to the changes coming about at the election. She was thanked for her hard work, whilst she had been involved with Wendling Parish Council.
Cllr Hughes-Wade reported that there was to be a change in the exit for vehicles leaving the Fire Pit. The exit is now going to be on the Main Road, so the exiting drop down kerb can be incorporated. Drawings have been submitted.
The Chairman closed the Public Participation period and resumed the meeting.
5.To discuss correspondence
The following mail had been received:-
Broxap – confirmation of order
Copy of Clerks & Councils Direct magazine
6.To discuss any Planning issues and future planning applications
There were no planning matters to discuss.
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7. To discuss any Highways issues and signs
The Highways Rangers had done a very good job with the pathway. Over 70% of the verges up Honeypot Lane are owned by private individuals, so they cannot do anything about that. Regarding the road surface, nothing can be done about this until there is some more money available in the highways budget.
On 25th February, First Buses stated in a newspaper that all buses will stop at bus stops between Dereham Market Place and Necton and they do not need o be requested to stop. They will stop at others if requested to do so. But it seems that First Bus drivers are ignoring this. The bus drivers should not ignore a request to stop as from early March. From the second week in April, for the summer period, the frequency of buses will be the same during the day but more frequent in the evenings.
Regarding signs, it may have been possible to have a sign but it would only relate to 30 and 40 p.m.h. and anything over 40 m.p.h., they are not legal.
8.To receive an update regarding the Village Sign refurbishment
Cllr Olley is dealing with this. The quotation received from Mr O’Neil is reasonable, at a price of about £1,650.00. The Parish Councillors will try to contact Cllr Olley for an update.
9.To receive an update on the new notice board situation
A new notice board had been ordered but so far it was not thought that it had been delivered. When the new one is put up, the old one will be donated to the Fire Pit campsite.
10.To authorize any necessary financial transactions
Cllr Warwick proposed the following financial payments, seconded by Cllr Foster and carried:-
Donation to the Methodist Chapel of £15.00 (for its use for Parish Council Meeting)
HMRC tax Feb./March £41.00Clerk’s net salary Feb./March £163.85
NALC Subs. £98.60Clerk’s end of year expenses £225.91
Logic Red Web Design Ltd £99.00
11.To discuss the May elections and the forms
The Clerk reminded the Councillors to return their nomination papers to Breckland by April 7th.
12.To receive items for the next Agenda
To elect the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Parish Council
To adopt the end of year accounts
13.To confirm the date and time of the next meeting
The date of the next meeting was confirmed for 21st May at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall. This meeting will be preceded by the Annual Parish Meeting at 7.00 p.m. in the Village Hall
There being no other business to discuss, Cllr Keron declared the meeting closed at 8.45 p.m. and thanked everyone for attending.
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Chairman Date