2017 – 2020

Consultation – Response Form

Question 1
The Local Authority has a clear vision to ensure that all pupils are able to access Welsh-medium education of the highest standard across the Authority.
Are the aims and objectives set out in the draft Strategic Plan sufficient to enable us to realise this vision? Please give reasons.
Question 2
To what extent do you agree with the ways in which the Local Authority will fulfil its duty in terms of transport (please tick only one)?
Agree strongly
Do not agree or disagree
Disagree strongly
Please give your reasons
Question 3
To what extent do you agree with the ways in which the Local Authority will respond to the following outcomes (please tick the relevant boxes)?
Outcome / Agree
Strongly / Agree / Do not agree or disagree / Disagree / Disagree strongly
More seven-year-old children being taught through the medium of Welsh
More learners continuing to improve their language skills on transfer from primary school to secondary school
More 14-16 year old students studying for qualifications through the medium of Welsh
More 16-19 year old students studying subjects through the medium of Welsh in schools, colleges and work based learning
More learners with higher skills in Welsh
Welsh-medium provision for Additional Learning Needs
Workforce planning and continuous professional development
Please give your reasons

Thank you for your response to the consultation on Carmarthenshire’s Welsh in Education Strategic Plan. Your views will be considered and a Consultation Response Document will developed and taken through the political process.

In order that we have accurate information in respect to all respondents could you please provide the following information if you are happy to do so.

Name (as you would like it noted in Consultation Document)
Village / Town
Your position / Category of Respondent (e.g. parent, governor, community member etc)
E-mail or address / contact information for sharing outcome of the consultation
If you’re a parent your child’s school

You can return the response form by e-mail to or by

post to:-

WESP Consultation,

Education & Children,

Building 2,

St David’s Park ,

Carmarthen ,

SA31 3HB.