Pilot projects?
Tried, tested as to what delivered. Innovation around how? Involve smaller orgs
Programme (bid) that adds to or extends work already being done.
How is challenge fund going to target most disadvantaged
Look at length of time to implement + achieve + deadline for bid.
Maybe more small projects specifically targeting, groups/areas
Wage subsidy. Incentives to employers. Transport costs basic adaptations not covered by access to work
Involvement early
Target some of fund to specific age group that are excluded from other progs (18-24)
Not to push young people into outcomes they can’t sustain
Geographical parity. Urban . Some areas have a lot of funding already
Employability pipelines
Ccp involvement early
Managing transitions
More employer contact
Minimum, maximum bid
£150,000 min?¼mil tops
Existing interventions
Major piece of work to identify existing interventions, in some areas
Q + a
1 how do we achieve maximum impact?
- Recognising early part of intervention
- Understanding is needed of world of work
- What happens with those who may not move into work
- Working with 15½ yr olds – pre school leavers – in school staged process
- In school
- Sharing of info
- Support for drop outs from apprenticeships
- More links with sds
- 6 months job exp/work placements to develop skills linked with curriculum excellence provided by this group
- Not prescriptive/flexible
- Smart – targets achievable
- Payment – wages ?
- Upskilling employers of needs of support
- Joined up approach/shaking of employer opportunities
- Job brokerage + split other parts of funds – fjf model – include mainstream employers
2 ensure best fit?
- Partnership working – supply chain, functionally split
- Can’t ignore any other welfare 2 work programmes linked + not duplicated (staged/transition)
- Fit with skills & exp of org bidding taking into acct
- Pilot projects for those orgs without delivery exp. With innovative idea – already pilots transition over
*{broader range of outcomes
{at end of 8 months another service picks up – positive destination
3 how can mgt of fund support ambitions
- Guidance of financial parameters
- Simplified admin/bid process & compliance
- Monitoring/measure of 3rd sector included – fairness
- Rural vs. urban viability of bid – smaller 3rd sector employers
- Matching services – online process of eventsurban/rural
- Measure of quality, diversity & variety of funders – how engage with consortia – (support to do so)
- Recognising transition to being a good citizen us a positive outcome
- Tie in with all orgs who will provide service to 16-24 yr olds to ensure sustainment into positive outcome – captive before going back into unemployment
- Evaluation
How can the management of the fund support these ambitions
- Make it easy for employers to get support
- Use as a pilot project – a chance to try out innovative ideas?
- Pilot would allow lessons to be learned from different geography
- Interest-based service?
- Split the post? Employed/3rd sector support/training for yp
- Consortium – use existing ones set up too time consuming
- Make it happen quicker. Give us longer than 6 months. Applications in end of june? Fast turn over
- An element of sustainable funding
How do we endure we fit with employability pipelines + existing interventions
- Identifying gaps in existing pipelines
Edin- employer engagement
-convictions (yp)
- Greater recognition of progression through the pipeline
- Don’t duplicate pipeline add value to it through 3rd sector fund
How do we achieve maximum impact
- Timescale - issue handling through sds – enough time for contracting?
-6 months = SUSTAINABLE?
Incentives?Employer grant?
- Where are the jobs coming from business dev structure?
Build capacity?Work with EMPLOYERS
- Do we need to support the private sector
Funds to support young people entering the private sector?
More cohesive structure modern apprenticeships
- Barrier free …… 1 point of contact
- Eu young people
- Are we including the most vulnerable or targeting the most vulnerable. Costs in relation to stages in the employability pipeline
- Additionally for marketing?
1how do we achieve maximum impact?
Should funding go directly to employers as wage subsidy?
Agerange open up to 16-30
What differentiates this fund from others? – supported employment through social enterprises rather than private sector
Issues around accessibility – use electronic/social media services – addresses some issues around rural locations
Time scales – will employers be put off if they need to find funding when subsidy stops?
What have previous programmes delivered? – look at lessons learned
Should fund go to cpp’s to add to pipeline – issue would be around involvement of third sector organisations
Amount of funding – is it better to add money to other port rather than creating new funds
Can’t ignore private sector
By local authority area
Splitof fundsectors with skills gaps
Urban v rural
Growth sectors – green agenda
Consulting young people
Stage one application
Procurement process
Consortia approach
Depends on client group
Maximum no of people supported-jobs ready
-close to labour market
Need to have wraparound services – ongoing employability support
Targets need to be set around achieving sustainable jobs after “fund” jobs
How do we overcome entrenched worklessness?
Potential impact of work programme
Should focus be on earlier intervention rather than job stage?
Keep numbers smaller to maximise impacts
Allocation based on identified need – evidence base?
Consider targeting specific client groups to MAXIMISE impact eg care leavers, non-mainstream education leavers, disability
Use fund to support clients moving from community jobs, but not into “sustainable” employment?
3 fit with employability pipeline & existing INTERVENTIONS
Consortia approach
Client group
Green agenda/growth sectors
Strategic bids – encourage specialist organisations
Keep things simple
- Ignore employability pipelines!!
4 managing the fund to support ambitions
Make it simple
Quick turnaround for decision-making
Concerns about sds procurement process
“steering group” to work with sds to assess bid
Short term nature of fund – after decision making only left with a few months activity
Social enterprise focus
Streamlined application process
Target sml organisations – already working consortia – not feasible in timescale.
Proven track record for achieving outcomes.
Overall targets – outcomes
All different
Strategic issue
Project based approach informs future.
“action research”
Using interface – vol action
Change the way sg engage with vol sector.
Recognise expertise in vol sector
Go direct to on the ground org’s
- Inventive for employers
- Employment grant
- Links with employers – (key) – (commercial employer gap) – long process
- Invest time – tailor to needs
- Where does it sit? – speak to one another
- Local partners working together. Payment benefit young person
- Support continue in employment
- Target specific – to meet timescales (6 mts) (min+max) ties in £50k? £100k?
- Different strands
- Fund that’s accessible to existing programmes sg/sds role
Why is it always the case that spend & delivery in tight timescales?
What is the ask?
Extend past 31/3
Partnership – informal
Sustainability to smlr org’s
Management/central costs allowed
Deliver grant funded or contract?
Understand differences in org’s costs
Higher investment
High targets
No qualifying period
Is there a ‘danger’ of targeted geographics s.i.m.d.??
2.5m = £25.00 per head – what is the min & mas if this is the case??
Has to be organisations that are ready to deliver without logistic problems
Scoring of bids should be previous impact
Has to fit with what is already there but adding value
Smaller performing organisations can be given the opportunity to add value through this fund
Scoring has to demonstrate local knowledge in relation to working with local employers
Question 2
Is there a crossover with the work programme?
After care should be written to bid (if a carry forward is allowed)
Local focus should be a strength
Consortia bid is not possible unless existing delivery partners are awarded which may exclude rural & smaller urban unemployment hot spots
Maximum bid £250k (for consortia?) - £60k (small org). Minimum/maximum
Must complement or fit with eg esf does not duplicate but adds value
Should this fund be used for wage subsidies? Would this cause displacement?
It is important to define soft outcomes (eg people can be job ready but not ready for work)
What proportion of the allocation will be focused on the most disadvantaged?
Pipeline is important for progression (demonstrate)
– or anything that can be matched (inc volunteering) to the pipeline should be included
- do we only consider (the most disadvantaged)
Sds need to consider best example case studies for future
Short turn around and minimum intervention for successful contracts
Is the payment on outcome – no!!
It must support small business cash flow including social enterprise
Question 3
Light touch management
Proportional to timescales & funding
Application process needs to be short, quick – not bogged down for short time scales & small amounts
Scoring panel should include other organisations (real) local knowledge present in panel.
Set parameters in bid documentation, to ensure manageable number of bids
Key points
Local projects, local access, local knowledge
B of t outcomes p5 esp hardest to reach
Existing performance
Eligibility of organisations to participate in c. Fund
Use cf to EMPLOY the young person lts/se create value & impact – transferrable skills
Extend cjs to 19-24 – innovative ideas
Create sustainable project
Outcome payments – who gets?
Work programme?
Third sector/social enterprise?
Look at existing programmes and layer on
6 months not a long time
Impact difficult
Flexibility in year 2013/2014 for funding
Min & max timescales
Engage with cpp’s – mechanisms in place
Rural areas might not have cpp difficult for small orgs
Strategic bid
Fit in with youth employment strategy
Encourage consortium
No scope for innovation
Challenge fund poorly thought out
Eligibility of client group
Link in and support young disadvantaged people on work prog who may not be getting a good service
Link into grfw, cjs , etc
*maximum impact (outcomes) v most vulnerable
Varied outcomes? What are the impacts?
Interventions are already varied in extent
Better/greater connectivity ~ use as a measure
Set weightings for outcomes ~ establish at outset
- Need to know benchmark/criteria we are aiming for
How to define “impact” or political, preventative, spend, economic impact
Need that definition please ~ and WEIGHTED appropriately
Potential to broker relationships with primes ie tpw
Links to employers ~ relevant to outcomes?
Picture is currently very complex
Formula for cf needs to be fit for purpose
- Assessment panel? Need for representation from 3rd sector
- Will help with initial screening for likely over-subscription
- March funding ?(not as criteria) – seed corn funding?
- No of bids from each organisation should be clear
Management of the fund
Minimum bid more effective? Esp if smaller orgs willing to partner up ~ although time frame will make this difficult
Would work best where there is an existing partnership
Size of fund adds to difficulty
Maximum bid
Local ~ £50k, national(ish) ~ 4 x £50k
Need to allow bids which can demonstrate “national” scale
Proper definition of “social enterprise” & “specialist third sector”
Community interest co’s
Measurement of “sustaining” ~ another opportunity to link into pipeline
Payments ~ likely to be in arrears, outcomes based
Employability pipeline
National bid will fit with some pipelines & not others look at local bids specific to la pipelines? Bids to require la support? Avoid right of veto for cpp’s
- Should be able to demonstrate dialogue with la
Incentives to get young people (care leavers/ex-offenders) lead to high wage subsidies ie the short-term & less focus on long-term outcomes
Can this wrap-around activity agreements?
- Differences ie development in la’s could be problematic
- Another opportunity for connectivity ~ fund used to fill these gaps
- 7 month window too short? Less likely to produce job outcomes?
3rd sector needs to be careful not to set themselves up for a fall ~ ie doing too much for too little, ending up under resourced.
Be careful what you wish for
Cpps work differently all over scotland
If relationship with cpp breaks down?
Inconsistency of audits by cpp & esf
False sense of security or the opposite
Dependant on quality of interface
Benefit of cash flow by being part of cpp ~ as dictated by scottish gov
Clarification on what a cpp is for purpose of bids
Esf may be used to substitute core funding or shore up core funding gaps causing issues ie funding march cunding. Co-commissioning?
Target the funding ie a move focussed way ~ winners & losers
Clie is in the name “partnership” ~ can translate as just a group of bide in isolation
How hard can it be (ie a scotland-sized country) to have a generic, definitively uniform system
Path of least resistance leads to willingness to take a financial hit rather than suffer administrative doom
Driven by process ~ no consideration to customer compliance issues run counter to objectives of many projects
How do we spent the money
What good can we do with the money
Separate 3rd s. Pot??