
Wellness Instructors and Practitioners

Night Hawk Minerals, founded by Jay Gutierrez, and with the help of Faye Cox has been preventing and alleviating a number of health issues for the past 25 years using naturally irradiated stones mined out of the Southwestern region of the United States. Utilizing over 50 years of scientific data collected in support of hormesis radiation, it is our mission to create an open dialogue with the public in an effort to increase awareness of the incredible health benefits of this low-cost Protocol.

Meet Jay

I get asked a lot how this all got started. It was an accident really, (if you believe in accidents). I was on a helicopter mission in Northern Wyoming and ran across a green and blue stone on the ground. I knew a lot about turquoise and had decided to mine the area for stone to make jewelry. The stone was very beautiful and very rare. The only place it had been found in this mixture is in Israel in the old King Solomon mines. It is actually the national stone of Israel and is called Eilat stone. The King Solomon mines flooded out over 25 years ago, about the same time I ran across the stone.

After years of working, I was able to mine the stone and started to make jewelry. As time passed, I started getting numerous reports back from people saying that they were getting healings and pain relief from the stone. Too many to believe that it was all "In their heads". I then took the stone to the labs and had it analyzed. During this time, after a lot of searching, I was able to find a few doctors that would use the stone with their patients. The results were phenomenal! The lab report came back and I researched every element that the stone contained. By chance, when the time was right, I stumbled across "Radiation Hormesis". The stone contained thorium and was slightly radioactive. The way I have been guided, I was able to locate material that has made it possible to enhance in a safe manner the healing properties of natural radiation hormesis.
Hopefully this class will help you with research on "Radiation Hormesis". After you have done this you can make your own decision about helping yourself and other people. I thoroughly believe that we have had the capability to help many people live longer and healthier. The problem with this kind of hormesis is that you cannot find a doctor that will give you the very low dose radiation treatments several times a week. Even if you did, the cost involved would probably be outrageous and would be X-rays, not natural Alpha, Beta, and Gamma rays. If you realize the significance of this therapy and wanted it, you would be hard pressed to find a natural source. Even then, you would have to make sure that the radiation source was of a low level. Radiation Hormesis has been proven historically, scientifically, and with present day testimony.
Jay Gutierrez Founder and CEO

Myths about Radiation

Myth: Radiation poisoning as an effect of the atomic bombs dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima caused many immediate deaths and many more subsequent deaths from induced cancers.
Facts: Survivors of Nagasaki and Hiroshima have not died in droves from radiation-induced cancers, or for any other reason. There were, indeed, many immediate deaths, from the heat of the blast and from flying debris. There were also later induced cancers in those who were close to the epicenter of the blast. But, those who had low-level exposure to radiation are, in fact, living longer those who had no exposure.
Myth: Presence of radon in homes is correlative with cancer, especially lung cancer. Based on this premise, it has been believed that if you have high radon levels in your home, it is imperative that you take steps to remove it.
Fact: High radon levels in homes is predictive of LOWERED lung cancer (and all other cancer) rates. If you have high radon levels measured in your home, you should know that the odds of your being blessed with good health are significantly increased.
Myth: The accident at Chernobyl killed thousands of people and disabled millions.
Facts: Thirty workers and firefighters at the plant were killed. But a 16-year investigation by the UN and WHO concluded that there were no public radiation deaths or injuries. No significant increase in any illness resulted except for 2000 cases of childhood thyroid cancer, a highly treatable disease from which there have been few if any deaths. But fear of radiation led to unnecessary evacuation of large population groups, causing unemployment, depression, alcoholism and suicides. In the year after the accident, there were 100,000 additional abortions downwind of the accident because of unwarranted fear of bearing a “nuclear mutant.” Deformed “Chernobyl victims” used to raise money for relief were later found to be a scam—unrelated to the accident. Some were from sufficiently far away from Chernobyl that they could not have been affected; others were deformed long before the accident.
Myth: Cancer rates go up as altitude goes up because we are exposed to more cosmic radiation as our elevation increases.
Facts: Just the opposite is true. Live high, live longer: Those who live in areas with high background radiation live longer than those who live in low background radiation areas (high altitude Colorado is best; low altitude southeast U.S. is worse).
Provided by Jane Goldberg HYPERLINK "

Myths about Radiation

Myth: The quantity of nuclear waste is so great and its toxic effect so long-lasting that there is no safe method of disposal.
Facts: Nuclear plants produce less than a millionth of the volume of waste from an equivalent coal-fired plant. Waste can be put into sealed drums and controlled, rather than dumped into the environment. The 50,000 tons of radwaste destined for Yucca Mountain was produced by all 103 U.S. nuclear plants over the past 40 years. This is less than 2 pounds per person served for the whole 40 years. This is small compared to wastes produced by most other industries, or even our homes. The waste volumes associated with construction and operation of solar, wind, and other renewable are larger, on a per-kilowatt-hour basis, than nuclear wastes.
Myth: Radioactive waste stays toxic for thousands of years. Humanity has never faced such a long-term hazard.
Facts: Radioactive waste continually decreases in toxicity, whereas other toxic wastes like mercury, lead, arsenic, selenium, cadmium, chromium, etc. retain full toxicity forever. After 500 years, you could safely eat a pound of radioactive waste. Currently, we bury it 2000 feet underground. The top 2000 feet of U.S. soil contain millions of times more lethal doses of natural poisons than all the nuclear power waste together. We make 10,000 times more lethal doses of chlorine each year, and put it in our drinking water to kill germs.
Myth: Nuclear power is an especially unforgiving technology. A momentary slipup, and catastrophe ensues.
Facts: Just the opposite. Nuclear plants are uniquely robust. They can resist earthquakes, hurricanes, power loss, sabotage and operator errors. Even if the core were to melt, even with containment breached, analyses and tests show that few, if any persons would be seriously injured or killed. Hundreds of nuclear plants worldwide, operating for decades, have confirmed this.
Myth: Marie Curie died of radiation poisoning at a young age.
Fact: Dr. Curie was concentrating radioactive ores in a huge caldron that was so potent that she could literally read at night by the radioactive glow. (Think what she was inhaling.) During WW I, she worked on the wounded brought in freshly from the battlefield, holding the film with her bare hands as x-rays were taken. She got lots of radiation—it wasn’t even measured until detection instruments were invented, developed and deployed. Yet, she still out-lived the normal life-span for that period of time.

Provided by Jane Goldberg and Jay Gutierrez HYPERLINK "

Questions and Answers

Q. If I have various areas to be treated what is the procedure?
A. We would suggest using the stone as central as possible if the areas are in different parts of the body you may divide the time you are using them. If you are unsure call your wellness instructor.
Q. We have a grey and green stone, mud pack and pendant, can they be used simultaneously?
A. Yes you may use all parts of this kit at once you always want to pay attention to the response your body is giving you.
Q. Can I use a multiple number of stones at the same time?
A. Yes for some people they require additional stone for additional problems depending on the severity of the issue.
Q. Can I use the water stone on my body?
A. Yes you may but the strength is about equal to the mudpack, so using the mudpack would be more effective.
Q. Does the water stone contain uranium?
A. Yes, the grey stones you have are all Carnotite and the main mineral that produces radiation is uranium.
Q. Is the water stone also for the bath?
A. The grey stone is the stone recommended to be used for your bath.
Q. Is there a central point for pain, like fibromyalgia?
A. One of the best things to do for fibromyalgia is use in the areas of most pain, and even keeping the grey stone, or green stone on the back of the neck.
Q. How long can I leave a stone on a single point if I want to use it on multiple points ?
A. For some issues you might need to leave the stone on for up to 24 hours, in this case you would need more stones. Call us if you think you might need to keep your stone on the area for 24 hours.
Q. Do the stones work better on the meridians points/lines than on the actual organs?
A. The best thing is to first use them on the organs themselves, then if you do not get a response move the stones until you do get a response.
Q. Can the stones interfere with other devices or vice versa?
A. No, nothing can interfere with the stones. We actually have people with de fibs and pacemakers use these stones and never have a problem. I keep my stone in the same pocket as my cell phone. They will not interfere with anything you have.

Questions and Answers

Q. What is the best storage of the items when not in use? Do they influence products in close vicinity?
A. You can store them anywhere, even your sock drawer. When you are about 12 inches away from the stone and in line of site you my only get 10% of the energy of the stone.
Q. Regarding the influences of the stones on air travel, should the stones be packed in your suitcase or carry on airplane bags, and why?
A. They should be in your checked luggage for reasons that airlines don't like hearing "radioactive" anything, it scares them. It is not harmful but many people are under the impression that it is. Also the mud pack could be considered a liquid.
If you get asked what you have in your bag, the quickest answer is "Healing Stones".
Q. Do the stones ever lose their effectiveness due to any external influence like emf’s etc?
A. No they will not lose their effectiveness, even of you boil, microwave or pass them through a cat scan.
Q. Is there any evidence of the various stones for treating type 1 diabetes (juvenile), specially as diabetes might be a fungus initiated disorder?
A. We have treated some with type 1, and it takes 12 months or more to see any effects, we see more progress in type 2.
Q. Is there any significance of the number written on the grey stone
A. The number represents the strength in millirems per hour. For example if your stone says 18, then it measures 18 millirems/hour
Q. Is there any information regarding interaction with metal plates and screws in the body?
A. It will not interfere with a metal plate or screw.
Q. Is there any information regarding effects on emf?
A. It will not be affected by or effect EMF.
Q. Is there any information on the stones interactions with magnets or other subtle energy devices?
A. It will not interfere with any other energy device, nor will the device interfere with the stones.
Q. Is there any other jewelry available like rings?
A. No, only the necklace but you are open to create your own from our stones if you wish.

What will this help?

A doctor once told us, "I don't know if there is anything these stones can't handle."
So far the doctor was right, we have worked with many types of cancer, from brain cancer to pancreatic, and we see amazing results. If you are looking for an alternative to traditional medicine, or a natural way to supplement your ongoing treatment look at the list below. Here is a list of some (not all) of the problems we have seen healing and wellness using the stones. If you are thinking to yourself, it can’t be as good as it sounds, go to our HYPERLINK " research page and look at the links, do your own research before you pass this off as Snake oil.
Cancer has been our biggest focus, by directing the majority of the energy from the radiation on the area of cancer we see that sometimes within a few months people are seeing the cancer count in their body drop down to normal numbers.
To start working on Cancer you need call or email Night Hawk Minerals and they will set you up with all the stones you will need. Most people need to have at least the kit, and a stronger Grey stone. but that will be up to your wellness instructor.

You may have Candida and you don't even know it many symptoms of Candida include
* Frequent stomach pains and digestion problems
* Skin problems (skin infections, eczema, psoriasis, acne)
* Foggy brain / Trouble concentrating * Constant tiredness and exhaustion
* Anxiety
* Headaches
* Intense cravings for sugars, sweets, and breads
* Itchy skin
Candida can live in your abdomen area, so we would have you use the kit, for whole body wellness, and using a stronger grey stone can be very helpful in shortening the healing time. We see many people in as little as 14 days see tremendous results.

What will this help?

by placing a grey stone over your pancreas we see many people with type II see that they are insulin is being produced or consumed more efficiently. You may need to wait up to 6 months to see a result, but we do see results.
Aspergillosis can have many faces, weight loss, chronic cough, feeling rundown and tired are common symptoms. Coughing of blood (haemoptysis) can occur in up to 50-80% of affected people. When we are able to have a person use the grey stone to do inhales this can help them breath better within 1-2 weeks. The kit will help you ride your body of the systemic problem. For more severe problems you may need the grey stone.
Heart Problems:
We are helping people with heart problems in 2 ways, first by using the stones they help reduce swelling of arteries and blood vessels, 2nd our stones help add negatively charged electrons to your blood stream. This is called zeta potential. Increasing the zeta potential is necessary to remove the coagulation from the blood and to dissolves the deposits of material. The kit is recommended but at the very least a pendant and water stone.
Drinking the water and promoting better sleep which in turn provides more energy while wearing the stones. Fatigue can also be the result of other unseen issues. By helping your body’s immune system to become stronger you will see you don't need the same amount of coffee in the morning. The kit is very helpful in helping your whole body have more energy.
Many people have heard by now that fungus and arthritis can be related, if you haven't just Google "fungus and arthritis" and read away. The good news is fungus cannot survive when it is exposed to radiation. The radiation we use is so gentle that your bodies healthy cells are stimulated for reproduction, but fungus cannot replicate itself quick enough. It just dies. We have seen people with arthritis who were not able to play the guitar, but within a couple of days string their favorite song. All because of the kit.

What will this help?

Thyroid Problems:
Many people see their thyroid problem close to 100% better within the first 6-9 months. Wearing the pendant is great for less severe problems. If your problem is of greater urgency using a stronger grey stone could be the key to wellness. For mild thyroid problems the pendant may be all you need. For more severe problems you may need the grey stone as well.
Autoimmune Diseases:
An autoimmune disease can be scary, the doctor will tell you your body is killing itself. We have worked with many people and after using the kit and sometimes grey stone, after 6-9 months see results that are sometimes called miracles. We are helping people’s immune systems working like they should have been in the first place.
Weak Immune System:
After using the kit for 9-12 months you will notice you don't get sick as much, you won't be attacked by allergies and you just will feel better. We have many people who have nothing "wrong" with them they just want a stronger immune system and this is how they do it.
Allergy is a disorder of the immune system often also referred to as atopy. Allergic reactions occur to normally harmless environmental substances. (definition from Wikipedia) By improving the immune system many people see reduction of allergies within 9-12 months. If this is what you are looking for the kit will be all you need.
We have so much success with pain, if you are dealing with severe to mild pain we may be able to help you reduce or eliminate your pain medication. The green stones and the mudpack are 2 tools that are very helpful in pain relief. The green stones can be used directly on the skin, and because of their low radiation can be use sometimes for 24 hours at a time. The best way to use the green stones are to heat them up under warm water before placing them on the skin (the quartz in the green stone when warmed produces a small amount of electricity that helps with pain relief). The mud packs are helpful for dealing with joints and other areas where it might not be a viable solution to have a stone taped or attached to the body. The mud packs are moldable and can be warmed or cooled to help soothe the pain.