Scale Models

Well, here I am doing a write-up about something I know very little about, and basically only because I promised Peter, anyway here's how it all started.

For those of you that know Lee Martin (a club member in the very early days), it was a week ago whilst Sue and I were up at his place on the Gold Coast and whilst we were drooling over a few of his models laid out on the kitchen table, that I came up with the Idea … what if we line up a few models to give club members some idea of just how many different sizes are available in Scale Model Cars?

The picture shows a small variety of different sizes from 1/18th down to 1/87th Scale, and these of course vary in materials and features, starting with:-

The Chargers, these are 1/18th Scale, with numerous accessories, with their features just going on and on.

The Red Tin-plate, this must be to a Scale of around about 1:22nd Scale, with the model being manufactured in Japan. With this particular model having a pop -up bonnet showing a photo of a Slant 6 Engine, and also sporting White Wall Tyres.

The yellow ''R'' Series, is a 1:25th Scale pretty much the standard '' Promo '' that Chrysler dealerships handed out to the children of clients, so they too could have the same car as Dad. It only features the pin-stripe tyres.

The Beige ''R'' Series model is a 1:28th Scale, a much harder model to come across.

This ''S'' Series is definitely not a 1:32nd Scale, but looks to be more of a 1:25 Scale.

The Trax ''R'' &''S'' Series, is more what we're comfortable with, this model is presented at 1:43rd Scale

Last, but not least, is this 1:87th Scale Plastic Stationwagon, which is roughly double in length of a 50cent coin, and as I've said on the other page, Kellogg's made these as well as AP5-6 for insertion into their Breakfast Cereals .

Just in passing there are loads of different Scales to buy, and these can be Mindbogglingly Painful to get a hold of.

There are those of us that buy a model, so we can say we have one just like

the car to put on display. There are others that buy all the different Scale

models, so they can say I've got it all.

And then of course there are the extremists, the ones that want

it all, the ones that can't help themselves, they want not only the different

scale models, but in every possible COLOUR available.

Looking through some of my models, I've discovered a 1:54th and a 1:34th


The tin-plates and some ''Promos'' came with Friction Power.

Should anyone be able to enlighten us even further please do so, by sending a

note off to Peter, for another magazine sometime into the future.

Cheers All … John Pulo.