January 11, 2017


➢  Budge Season: We won’t have a detailed budget for a little bit due to ELT. Kilmer is still waiting to hear if we have approval for additional 1.5 staff member (which is crucial for ELT to be successful). The consulting group BPS is using is reviewing all schools request.

o  Once we know about the additional staff, planning will take place on how our ELT will be utilized.

➢  ELT

o  Parents are asking if they’ll be more “outside” time.

o  Kilmer administration has collected teacher’s feedback and are not trying to collect family impact statements. Several parents confused by survey thinking there “was a chance ELT wasn’t going through”. ELT is happening and that time is being added to the end of the Kilmer day. The hope is to collect impact statements to show BPS leadership our point of view. Ms. Cramer and Kathleen Jarvinen (Parent Liaison) working on starting focus groups to collect this information.

▪  Kathleen to reach out to other schools who are going to be impacted to try to combine efforts.

➢  Communication

o  Question came up if we could look in to sending notifications via text message. Kilmer has asked to be part of a pilot program utilizing text messaging last year but were not selected. Ms. Cramer to look in to.

➢  Winter concert

o  Ms. Scully and Ms. Farquarson are still planning winter concert. As of 1/10, they are still in need of a location. Katie Simon offered to help find a location.

➢  Lunch Room Concerns.

o  Brought up that it’s reported children are getting punished at the lower school when they talk while waiting in line for the restroom. They are “put on the wall” as punishment and then have to wait for the rest of the children in line to use the restroom before they are able to go.

o  Also mentioned that lunch staff have reprimanded children for having sweets in the their lunch boxes.

▪  Ms. Cramer & Ms. Brewster had already been made aware of these concerns and have already addressed with the lunch room staff.

▪  Kilmer did contact the Y regarding childcare, but they are unable to provide morning care (could only help after 6:30pm).

o  Nut allergy concerns mentioned again. As a public school, we can’t ban nuts but it was mentioned to re educate families about this concern.

➢  Field day: prior to Ms. Wyman’s maternity leave, a date was discussed but we’re not sure when it’s planned for. Ms. Wyman will return at the end of February. Nicole Bernier to reach out to find out the date so we can start planning.

➢  SSC: SPC was going to nominate Phoebe as an alternate for SSC, but she was unable to attend this meeting. Katie will email her to follow up.

➢  Ms. Cramer met with the superintendent. They are working on getting the program going to have all students (3rd grade and up) to take their Android tablets home.


➢  Ann unable to attend but emailed update. Right now, we have an estimated $8300.00. If we carry out all the same activities as last year, our expenses will be roughly $8000.00

➢  A letter has been sent to teachers informing them of the reimbursement process.

➢  SPC to email an appeal letter soon. We will send a few variations between now to the end of the year. Goal this year for appeal letter is $5000.00

o  Katie forwarding last years letter to Kara as reference.

➢  New box top coordinator: Minnie has volunteered. She is going to reach out the Emily to get specifics. Christine has the binder from Emily that she will pass on.

➢  SPC will be funding RazzKids again.

➢  The blood drive is not going to work out, we don’t have the space.

➢  School dances (tentative date April 9):

o  We are no longer able to use the sprinkler fitters’ hall. We now need a new location which we would most likely have to pay for.

▪  A weekend rental is going to be more expensive.

▪  Christine has been in touch with Theodore Parker church. She will also check Roslindale Community Center & Dedham community center.

▪  Nicole to check out Roche Center

▪  Katie will look in to the synagogue on Corey St and the Y


➢  Wednesday March 8th hosting a “Paint Night” with JJ Artworks at Waterford’s in Dedham

o  Fliers and email to be sent after the appeal letter.

o  Cost per seat if $40.00 and Kilmer will receive $15/seat

o  We will also have raffles and a 50/50 at this event.

➢  Parent Night out at West on Center Monday May 22nd.

o  10% of all sales will go to Kilmer

▪  We asked about a trivia night but they are unable to accommodate that due to a long term commitment they have with a company who does it there on Sundays.


➢  Discussed the possibility of assigning a room parent for each home room and have the person represent the class and attend SPC.

➢  Also want to explore the possibility of emailing news to each teacher and having them forward to the parents in their class (to get our information out).