XXXX YFC Parent’s Welcome Fact Sheet


Welcome to YFC! You have made an excellent decision choosing YFC for your child. We have put this information pack together to provide you with the necessary facts you need to ensure you child gets the most out of their involvement in YFC.


XXXXXXX Young Farmers’ Club formed in XXXX is affiliated to the National Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs (NFYFC) and is supported by XXXXXXXXXX Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs (County Federation).

YFC aims to provide an opportunity for young people to develop, to learn and to enjoy themselves. YFC can offer a wide range of skills and services and is open to any young person, of any creed, ethnic background, mental or physical capability and of any sex between the ages of 10 and 26 years old.

We offer a diverse, fun and educative club programme planned by members for members.

Club Officers and the supervision of the under 18s

All Club meetings are organised and run the YFC members themselves. The Club Officers (Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Leader etc) have overall responsibility for the XXXXXXX Young Farmers’ Club and the activities which members take part in. The club annually elects Club Officers to take responsibility for the club on behalf of its members.

Typically: ChairmanVice ChairmanSecretaryTreasurer

Programme SecretaryClub Leaders

At least 3 of the above officers will be at each of the XXXXXXX Young Farmers’ meetings/events and these officers take responsibility for the under 18s present that evening/day. All of these officers must complete a CRB form which is sent to the County YFC Office where checks are made to ascertain the individuals’ suitability for working with young people.

These officers are also expected to attend training on the supervision of the U18s organised by the County Federation annually. In addition, all staff employed by the County Federation and the NFYFC undergo these checks.

The Club Leaders

In addition to the Club Officers, there is a dedicated team of adult volunteers who are elected to help support XXXXXXX Young Farmers’ Club with activities such as fund-raising, the programme and helping the YFC members develop new skills and opportunities. The efforts of all these people are co-ordinated by the Club Officers.

A leader, and indeed any form of ‘helper’ at the YFC meeting, has to complete a Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) form which is sent to the County YFC Office where checks are made to ascertain the individuals’ suitability for working with young people.

The Club Meetings

All club members are involved with putting ideas forward for the club programme and a nominated few are tasked with the responsibility for organising it. Generally, the XXXXXXX Young Farmers’ Club programme is planned seasonally to include a mixture of practical hands-on activities, training and competition practice as well as inviting guest speakers.

XXXXXXX Young Farmers’ Club meet every XXX day evening from X:00 – X:00 p.m. at XXXXXXX XXXXXX during the autumn/winter with a short break during the holidays.

Come in and see what happens if you want to know more!

Behaviour & Discipline

All YFC members are expected to behave well and appropriately. Inappropriate behaviour will not be accepted. Generally speaking, minor incidents will be dealt with by the Club Chairman, at his/her discretion (e.g. a simple ‘telling off’). More serious examples, in particular bullying and fighting, will result in the YFC members (under 18 years of age) parents being contacted and, depending upon the circumstances, suspension for a number of weeks. Older YFC members, and in particular Club Officers are expected to set a good example to younger members of the Club.

Additional Needs

YFC encourages all young people to join. If your child requires any additional help with any activity, or has any particular needs please speak to one of the Club Officers.

A YFC members' Obligations

Members of the XXXXXXX Young Farmers’ Club are expected to take an active role in the activities of the Club. The following should be considered the minimum commitment from a member of XXXXXXX Young Farmers’ Club:

  • Attend XXXXXXX Young Farmers’ Club Meetings
  • Attend and participate in the County Rally Competitions – representing XXXXXXX Young Farmers’ Club
  • Take part in XXXXXXX Young Farmers’ Club fundraising and promotional events
  • Attend at least two County Federation events in the year to promote YFC

If a member has to miss meetings due to any other commitments, they should send their ‘apologies for absence’ to the Club Secretary.

Financial Matters

It costs money to run a young Farmers Club. The Club Officers do their best to offer a quality programme for the lowest possible cost. The main source of income to XXXXXXX Young Farmers’ Club is the membership subscriptions paid by each member.

This is currently taking in the form of an annual subscription of £XX.00. This subscription not only covers the basic costs of the XXXXXXX Young Farmers’ Club programme but £XX.00 of this goes to the County Federation to pay for costs incurred running the county programme and to employ the County Co-ordinator.

In addition £XXXX will go to the NFYFC in the 2009/10 year to pay for some of the programme development carried out by the National Federation.

The Club subscription may also contact a figure of approx £XXXX per member for the insurance cover that is provided to every YFC member by the National Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Society. This insurance covers YFC members participating in XXXXXXX Young Farmers’ Club events and meetings that have properly planned and organised (including safety assessments of the activities). NOTE: some YFC clubs collect the insurance premium separately to the annual subscription.

Annual Subscriptions are due for payment on 1st September annually and should be paid promptly. YFC members must renew their membership and be in receipt of a current membership card in order to be covered by the NFYFC insurance.

Some special events will also require a certain cost to be covered. Costs vary and details will be circulated during XXXXXXX Young Farmers’ Club meetings, well in advance of the date.

If you have any difficulty with payment or have any questions please feel free to ask one of the Club officers for a discrete and private talk.

Parental Support – We Need You!

Help is needed in many areas and your support is essential if the club is to continue running as it should. The weight of responsibility should not fall on the heads of a few volunteers, and your child will also benefit from a demonstration of your commitment to the XXXXXXX Young Farmers’ Club as well as their own.

Parents are asked to help in any manner they can. This means the small details at the very least, like ensuring that their child arrives in time for the meetings, helping out on a Club night by setting up the tables or perhaps helping to clear up for a week or two. Ideally we would like your help in many other areas. If you wish to help out at a club night or special event, please speak to one of the Club Officers as you may have to complete a clearance form to ensure the safety of all members of the club.

All parents are asked to be vigilant in bringing their children directly into the building and ensuring a Club Officer knows that they have arrived, and also to collect them promptly from within the meeting venue at the appointed end-time.


If you have any questions regarding YFC which are not answered in this pack, please don’t hesitate to contact any of the club office holders (Chairman, Secretary etc).

If your child is unhappy with any aspect of the YFC club, or if they have a problem with any other members of the club, please let one of the Club Officers know.

Thank You!

We appreciate all your support for YFC and for your time and help encouraging your child to take up the opportunities YFC has to offer – thank you!