Ancient Greek Architecture
Project Goal
Learn about Greek architecture by collaborating, designing, and creating a model of a Greek-styled building. In addition to using current resources, students have access to one IPad per group to collect additional information. City-states must work together to demonstrate an understanding of architectural characteristics, how buildings were used, and exhibit this understanding by creating a model of the building.
- Day 1: Read “Greek Architecture” essay and watch Discovery Education video on Greek architecture.
- Day 2: Select one Greek-styled architectural form listed below and circle it. Research the Greek architectural form and create a sketch/blueprint.
- Amphitheater
- Theaters
- Temple
As part of your research your group will gather facts and write a response to each of the following:
- What is the specific name of the structure and where is it located?
- Identify the characteristics of the type of building, as well as what the building was used for.
- Explain how they honor their gods and goddesses through architecture?
- Identify an example of a Greek-styled architectural form used in modern times. Name the building and briefly explain how it compares to the ancient Greek architectural form.
- Day 3: Create the Greek-styled building. Your building must have elements of beauty, symmetry, proportion, and utility. (45 minutes)
- Day 4: Present Greek-styled architectural form to class. Each group will:
- Present the model to class and answer questions.
- Display the model in a central location to be viewed by others. Be sure to include a written response with the name and location of the building, briefly explain what it is used for, and notable characteristics.
Group Member Name(s) / Briefly explain your job/role…Judge’s Form
Activity / Score / Comment(s)Sketch/blueprint plan resembles ancient model. / 2 1 0
Worked Cooperatively in polis. / 2 1 0
Activity / Score / Comment(s)Completed work in allowed time. / 2 1 0
Worked Cooperatively in polis. / 2 1 0
Completed Structure
Criteria / Score / Comment(s)Written Response
- Wrote correct name of structure and location.
- States which god/goddess is honored (if any).
- Explains what the structure is used for and at least 3 characteristics.
- Compares the ancient structure with a modern inspired structure.
- Beauty, symmetry, proportion, and function.
- Resembles blueprint/example.
Final Work Habits Score ______/8 Final Assessment Score ______/8