Ancient Greek Architecture

Project Goal

Learn about Greek architecture by collaborating, designing, and creating a model of a Greek-styled building. In addition to using current resources, students have access to one IPad per group to collect additional information. City-states must work together to demonstrate an understanding of architectural characteristics, how buildings were used, and exhibit this understanding by creating a model of the building.


  1. Day 1: Read “Greek Architecture” essay and watch Discovery Education video on Greek architecture.
  1. Day 2: Select one Greek-styled architectural form listed below and circle it. Research the Greek architectural form and create a sketch/blueprint.
  • Amphitheater
  • Theaters
  • Temple

As part of your research your group will gather facts and write a response to each of the following:

  1. What is the specific name of the structure and where is it located?
  2. Identify the characteristics of the type of building, as well as what the building was used for.
  3. Explain how they honor their gods and goddesses through architecture?
  4. Identify an example of a Greek-styled architectural form used in modern times. Name the building and briefly explain how it compares to the ancient Greek architectural form.
  1. Day 3: Create the Greek-styled building. Your building must have elements of beauty, symmetry, proportion, and utility. (45 minutes)
  1. Day 4: Present Greek-styled architectural form to class. Each group will:
  2. Present the model to class and answer questions.
  3. Display the model in a central location to be viewed by others. Be sure to include a written response with the name and location of the building, briefly explain what it is used for, and notable characteristics.


Group Member Name(s) / Briefly explain your job/role…

Judge’s Form


Activity / Score / Comment(s)
Sketch/blueprint plan resembles ancient model. / 2 1 0
Worked Cooperatively in polis. / 2 1 0


Activity / Score / Comment(s)
Completed work in allowed time. / 2 1 0
Worked Cooperatively in polis. / 2 1 0

Completed Structure

Criteria / Score / Comment(s)
Written Response
  • Wrote correct name of structure and location.
  • States which god/goddess is honored (if any).
  • Explains what the structure is used for and at least 3 characteristics.
  • Compares the ancient structure with a modern inspired structure.
/ 4 3.4 3 2.6 2
  • Beauty, symmetry, proportion, and function.
  • Resembles blueprint/example.
/ 4 3.4 3 2.6 2

Final Work Habits Score ______/8 Final Assessment Score ______/8