Welcome to Virtual Library Zine #48 March 2003

It is aimed at staff in public libraries and anyone interested in Web and electronic resources.

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The Virtual Library Zine is introducing a new feature- guest editors. Guest editors will be an occasional feature of the Zine, allowing other library staff to include a few websites which they find useful or fun! Our first Guest Editor is Maryanne Gosling, Web Administrator/Electronic Access Co-ordinator at Eastern Regional Libraries

"Hi, I'm Maryanne. I'm always amazed by the clever use of the web to teach or just entertain me. Here's a list of sites that have inspired or amused me lately:


Everything you want to know about clocks and calendars, including origins of day & month names as well as the history of the clock.

Draw & Color with Uncle Fred

This site is always a hit at the Internet 4 Kids classes. It teaches kids to draw cartoons by breaking it down to basic shapes.


This site is a virtual frog dissection using Macromedia Flash. Learn about frog anatomy without having to lift that scalpel.


Get some fantastic tips from a professional organizer to sort out your kitchen or bathroom disasters and more.


Another hit with the kids. Use it to scramble secret messages to your friends.


Maryanne Gosling

Eastern Regional Libraries

Sites for the Girls

To mark International women's Day on Saturday 8 March, here are a couple of websites for a bit of info and a bit of fun.

Beyond Nancy Drew

An annotated bibliography of books for girls which reflect female roles at the time- a blast from the past!

4000 years of Women in Science

A biographical database of women scientists- entries may vary from a single line to an entire page.

Medline Plus-Women's health topics

A collection of resources on women's health topics, from the MEDLINE database by the National Library of Medicine in the United States.

Training needs at your library

Victoria's Virtual Library staff can visit your library to train your staff in using online content. For further information please contact Stephanie at

The Virtual Library Zine is edited by Brendan Fitzgerald and Stephanie McGlinchey, with special guest editor, Maryanne Gosling