Scope: Those students who are registered or are planning to register for INLS 299.



Meaning: electronic communication address

Data type: varies in length, maximum 40 characters

Possible values: varied name + @ symbol + host name

Note: can contain both numbers and letters along with special characters


Meaning: the full name of the student

Composition: First name + (Middle initial) + Last name + (Suffix)

First name

Meaning: Given name

Data type: up to 15 alphanumeric characters

Middle initial

Meaning: initials of all middle names

Data type: up to 3 alphanumeric characters

Last name

Meaning: surname

Data type: up to 30 alphanumeric characters



Data type: up to 7 alphanumeric characters


Meaning: phone number(s) that may be used to contact student

Data Type: 10 digits

Possible vzlues: area code + local number

Format: (xxx) xxx-xxxx

Note: no non-numberic characters; US phone numbers only


Meaning: numerical identification of student; used as a layer of indirection for, and/or replacement of, SS#

Data type: 9 digits

Possible values: 9 digits assigned by university

Note: no non-numeric characters; unique to student; always exactly 9 digits


Scope: shorthand describing all the duties and responsibilities that the student undertakes at the Field experience site at the behest of his site supervisor during a defined period of the academic calendar; relationship showing which student works at which site


Name: See SITE/SUPERVISOR for definition.

PID: See STUDENT for definition.


Meaning: that portion of the academic calendar during which the student is registered for a field experience.

Data Type: Up to 15 Characters (VARCHAR)

Possible Values:

·Fall XXXX = Fall semester and the year of FE

·Spring XXXX = Spring Semester and the year of FE

·Summer I XXXX = Summer session 1 and the year of FE

·Summer II XXXX = Summer Session 2 and the year of FE


Scope: Contact information about the site at which the student will have the field experience, including contact information for the supervisor.



Meaning: the address at which the student will be conducting his/her field experience.

Composition: [(Campus box number) | (PO box number)] + Street + City + Zip code

Campus box number

Meaning: the number designating the box to which the site supervisor’s mail is delivered

Possible values: up to 8 alphanumeric characters

PO box number: the number of the site supervisor’s/organization’s post office box

Possible values: P.O. Box nnnn (up to 4 digits)


Meaning: the street address of the site supervisor’s work location

Possible values: up to 75 alphanumeric characters

Notes: may include a suite number or similar designation


Meaning: the city of the site supervisor’s work location

Possible values: up to 45 alphanumeric characters, including spaces


Meaning: the state of the site supervisor’s work location

Possible values: the two-letter US Post Office abbreviation for the state

Zip code

Meaning: the zip code of the site supervisor’s work location

Possible values: 5 digits, as assigned by US Post Office


Meaning: the electronic mail address at which tehsite supervisor can be contacted

Possible values: personal address (alphanumeric) + @ + ip location; total up to 40 characters

Site name

Meaning: the name of the organization at which the student will work

Composition: [Library name | Business name] + (Department name)

Library name

Meaning: the name of the library at which the student works

Possible values: alphanumeric characters, up to 50 characters

Business name

Meaning: the name of the business at which the student works

Possible values: alphanumeric characters, up to 50 characters

Department name

Meaning: the name of the specific department within the library or business to which the student is assigned

Possible values: alphanumeric characters, up to 50 characters


Meaning: the full name of the person who is going to supervise the student during the period of the field experience

Composition: First name + Last name

First name

Meaning: Given name

Data type: up to 15 alphanumeric characters

Last name

Meaning: surname

Data type: up to 30 alphanumeric characters


Scope: Relationship showing which students are participating in which seminar



This attribute is defined under the entity "student."

Leader Name:

This attribute is defined under the entity "seminar."


Meaning: the instance of a seminar that the student attended.

Data Type: Number

Possible Values: [1,n]


Meaning: inicates whether the Student attended the seminar.

Data Type: Boolean

Possible Values:




Alias: Term

Meaning: the specific period of the academic year duringwhich the student is enrolled.

Data Type: String

Possible Valuse:

FL: Fall

SP: Spring

SU1: Summer Session 1

SU2: Summer Session 2


Scope: The groupings of students meeting in relation to their field experience course.


Meaning - term of seminar

Data Type - Character, 5 digits

Possible Values – continous

Composition - Term + Year

Term value = (1-5)

Leader Name

Meaning - name of leader of seminar

Data Type - character, variable length

Possible Values – continuous

Composition - First Name + (Middle Init) + Last Name

Meeting Time

Meaning - meeting time of seminar

Data Type - Time/Date

Possible Values – continuous

Composition - MM/DD/YYYY + HH:MM