City and Neighbourhood Services Department
Environmental Health
Our ref:Being dealt with by: Damian Connolly
Your ref:Ext:
Date: 07/03/2016
RE: Freedom of Information Request.
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request that Belfast City Council received on 1st March 2016 I can confirm that the council holds some of the information that you have requested. It has been decided that this information can be disclosed; and accordingly it is provided below (and in the accompanying documentation).
Please see your questions and the answers below:
Q1. The web address of all the live space occupancy data feeds that you get from car parks across your jurisdiction. The data is usually delivered to your 'Traffic Management Systems' and is used to populate your parking availability signs around town.
Normally this data is supplied under an Open Government Licence and is available to third parties who may use this data in their own applications. We currently have feeds from local government covering live car parking data in excess of 200,000 spaces across the UK and are seeking to add you to this database. Some local authorities are using our free map on their website that indicates to your citizens what the live availability of car parking is across the city.
A1. Belfast City Council currently does not have a Traffic Management System that captures and makes available live parking data.
Q2. The name and contact details of the people within your council with specific responsibility for (a) Traffic and parking strategic planning. (b) Parking management of your on street and off street parking assets.
A2. (a) Strategic transport planning and parking is a statutory responsibility of the Department for Regional Development through the Belfast Metropolitan Transport Plan. The contact details for the Department are as follows:
Transport Policy, Strategy & Legislation
Department for Regional Development
Clarence Court
10 – 18 Adelaide Street
028 90540540
In regards to Council elated transportation issues associated with Belfast City Council’s Local Development Plan the contact details are as follows (however I would remind you that BCC does not have responsibility for Traffic Parking and Strategic Planning):
Anne Doherty
Planning / Transport Officer
Development Department
Belfast City Council
4 – 10 Linenhall Street
028 90320202
(b) In regards to off street parking Belfast City Council does have responsibility for parking management of car parks previous managed by Transport NI. The contact details for the officers are as follows:
George Doherty
Project Manager – Off Street Parking
City and Neighbourhood Services Department
Belfast City Council
4 – 10 Linenhall Street
028 90320202
Gavin Bell
Project Support Officer
City and Neighbourhood Services Department
Belfast City Council
4 – 10 Linenhall Street
028 90320202
If you are dissatisfied with how the Council handled your request for information, you have the right to request that the Council formally review this decision. If you do wish to do so, please write to the Records Manager, Records Management Unit, Belfast City Council, Room 121, City Hall, Belfast, BT1 5GS.
Should you remain dissatisfied following the councils internal review, you could seek an independent review from the Information Commissioner. Requests for an independent review should be made in writing to: The Information Commissioner, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. However I would advise that the Information Commissioner has indicated that a review will not be undertaken unless the Council has first had an opportunity to re-consider its decision.
Yours sincerely,
Damian Connolly
Environmental Health Manager
Siobhan Toland M.Sc. , F.C.I.E.H
Head of Environmental Health/Lead Operations Officer
Belfast City Council, City and Neighbourhood Services Department
The Cecil Ward Building, 4-10 Linenhall Street, Belfast BT2 8BP: Tel: 028 9027 0428
Text Telephone Facility for People who are Deaf or Hearing Impaired: 028 9027 0405
Fax: 028 9027 0422