Health Awareness Volunteer Application Form
Guidance notes
Please complete and return this Health Awareness Volunteer Application Form by email to Monday 5th March 2018. Please send your application in MS Word format or similar.
The information you provide is strictly confidential and we will use it to administer any volunteering you do with us. We welcome applications from people of all abilities, backgrounds and communities. Cancer Research UK abides by the Data Protection Act 1998 and operates an Equal Opportunities policy.
If your application is successful, are you able to attend a familiarisation afternoon in Londonon Wednesday 14thMarch? (We may have availability on other dates if you’re unable to attend this one)
Following the familiarisation day, selected candidates will need to attend a cancer awareness training day in London on Tuesday 27thMarch. Would you be able to attend this? (We may have availability on other dates if you’re unable to attend this one)
Ideallywe’re looking for people who can commit to giving around 10 hours every month, mainly on weekdays throughout the live period (March to November). Does this sound like something you could do?(If no, please contact us before applying to discuss your suitability for the role)
Our units travel around London (35 miles radius of London) and we expect volunteers to make their own way to each site (with agreed travel expenses reimbursed). Is this something you’d be able to do?
How did you hear about becoming aHealth Awareness Volunteer? (Please place a cross in the box)
Browsing Cancer Research UK’s website ☐
Word of mouth☐
Local volunteer centre☐
I Jobs ☐ ☐
Team London☐
Charity Jobs☐☐
Facebook or Twitter ☐
Other ☐Please state where:
Personal Details
Title / Full nameDate of birth
Contact address
Email address / Mobile phone number
Telephone number Day
/ Telephone numberEve
About you
1.Please tell us a bit about yourself and why you want to become a Health Awareness Volunteer. (150 words max)
2.What skills and experience do you feel you could bring to the role? (150 words max)
- A key part of the volunteering role involves initiating conversations with members of the public and encouraging them to come onboard the Roadshow. Can you give us an example of a time when you’ve had to engage with the public? How did you go about doing this? (150 words max)
- As a Health Awareness Volunteer we would ask you to speak to members of the public about cancer – this can be a very sensitive subject. Can you give us an example of a time when you’ve had to communicate something sensitively? How did you find it? (150 words max)
In order to protect the interests of Cancer Research UK, we need to ask you to provide details of two referees, whom we may contact, who are not directly related to you by blood or by marriage and who have known you for at least two years.
1. /Name
/ Contact details(email and telephone preferred) / How do you know this person?2.
Do you have any health conditions or disabilities of which we should be aware? ☐Yes☐No
If yes, please give details ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Criminal convictions
Have you ever been convicted or charged with a criminal offence?☐Yes☐No
(You do not need to disclose any convictions which are considered ‘spent’ under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974)
If yes, please provide details of the criminal offence(s) including dates and sentences.
Aprior criminal conviction or the fact that you have been charged with a criminal offence may not prevent you from volunteering with Cancer Research UK, but we need to be able to make fully informed decisions about deploying our volunteers safely and in accordance with law. Hence failure to disclose relevant information or providing false or misleading information will ordinarily result in the opportunity to volunteer being withdrawn with immediate effect.
Join Us
Become part of the movement to bring forward the day when all cancers are cured. Hear about our latest breakthroughs, campaigns and how you can support our life saving work.
Would you like to hear from us by email?☐Yes ☐No
Would you like to hear from us by text message?☐Yes ☐No
Would you like to hear from us by post? ☐Yes ☐No
Would you like to hear from us by phone?☐Yes ☐No
Your details are safe with us. We will never share them with anyone else. You can check out our Privacy Policy at
Personal declaration
This form requests that you provide us with both personal dataand sensitive personal data. Sensitive personal data includes, but is not limited to, informationrelated to your health, racial and ethnic originand criminal convictions. By providing us with any personal data and sensitive personal data, you agree that Cancer Research UK may hold and use your personal data and sensitive personal datato consider your suitability to be a volunteer, manage your role as a volunteer and to keep in touch with you. This information, including the information contained in this form can be stored by us on both manual and computer files. It will be held securely and only accessed by authorised personnel within Cancer Research UK or, exceptionally, provided to third parties where required by law (e.g. to government bodies and law enforcement agencies).
By submitting this form (i) I agree to abide by all Cancer Research UK policies and guidelines made available to me including those relating to volunteering and health and safety; (ii) I agree that ownership of any intellectual property rights created in the course of my volunteering shall remain vested in Cancer Research UK; (iii) I will notify Cancer Research UK of any changes in circumstances that may affect my volunteering; (iv) I agree to you contacting and requesting a reference from the referees referred to above; and (v) I acknowledge that I am volunteering entirely at my own risk and that Cancer Research UK shall not be liable in any way for any injury or loss that might occur as a result of my activities other than as a result of Cancer Research UK’s negligence.
I confirm that the answers that I have provided on this form are true.
Signed:………………………………………………………………………Date: ……………………………………….
Cancer Research UK, Volunteering Department, Angel Building, 407 St John Street, London EC1V 4AD
Tel: 0300 123 3701
Cancer Research UK is a registered charity in England and Wales (1089464) and Scotland (SC041666) and the Isle of Man (1103)