Welcome to Valencia West!

Course: ENC 1101

Class Number: 20602

Semester:Spring 2015 - full term

Instructor:Ms. Nancy Fletcher


Building: 1


Instructor's Home Phone: 407-792-6390


West Communications Office: 5-231

West Communication Phone: 407-582-1313

Days: Monday and Wednesday mornings

Class Hours: 10 - 11:15am

Credit hours: 3

Office Hours: I have no office and do not schedule regular hours, but I would be happy to meet with you before or after class. I am also available by email and by phone (see above).

Prerequisites: S of 83 on writing component of CPT or equivalent s on other state-approved entry test or minimum grade of C in ENC0012 and ENC0012L or ENC0012C or EAP1640 or ENS1441; also, s of 83 on REA0002 and REA0002L or REA0002C or EAP1620 or ENS1421

Textbooks: Buscemi, Santi V. and Charlotte Smith. 75 Readings Plus. Boston:

McGraw-Hill, 2007. 10th edition.

Bullock, Richard and Francine Weinburg. The Little Seagull Handbook.

New York: Norton, 2011.

Required Course Materials:

1 brain: creative and imaginative with desire to learn

1 flash drive to record your essays for posterity

whatever you usually use to take notes - no audio recording

Course Description: Development of essay form, including a documented essay; instruction and practice in expository writing. Emphasis on clarity of central and support ideas, adequate development, logical organization, coherence, appropriate citing of primary and/or secondary sources, and grammatical and mechanical accuracy. This is a Gordon Rule course in which the student is required to demonstrate college-level writing skills through multiple assignments. Minimum grade of C required if ENC 1101 is used to satisfy Gordon Rule and general education requirements. This course includes a learning activity designed to ensure competence in the basic use of computers

Course Outcomes: By the end of the course, the student will have created essays in several genres, demonstrated the ability to do scholarly research with a computer, and improved their basic English skills consistent with the

Valencia Competencies

The faculty of Valencia College has established four competencies that describe the learning outcomes for a Valencia graduate. These four competencies are:

Think - Think clearly, critically, and creatively, analyze, synthesize, integrate and evaluate in many domains of human inquiry

Value - Make reasoned judgments and responsible commitments.

Act - Act purposefully, effectively, and responsibly.

Communicate - Communicate with different audiences using varied means.


Academic Dishonesty - Plagiarism:

Academic Honesty Policy Number: 6Hx28:10-16
All forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited at Valencia College. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, plagiarism, cheating, furnishing false information, forgery, alteration or misuse of documents, misconduct during a testing situation, and misuse of identification with intent to defraud or deceive.

All work submitted by students is expected to be the result of the student’s individual thoughts, research, and self-expression. Whenever a student uses ideas, wording, or organization from another source, the source MUST be appropriately acknowledged.

Students shall take special notice that the assignment of course grades is the responsibility of the students' individual professor. When the professor has reason to believe that an act of academic dishonesty has occurred, and before sanctions are imposed, the student shall be given informal notice and an opportunity to be heard by the professor. Any student determined by the professor to have been guilty of engaging in an act of academic dishonesty shall be liable to a range of academic penalties as determined by the professor which may include, but not be limited to, one or more of the following: loss of credit for an assignment, examination, or project; a reduction in the course grade; or a grade of "F" in the course.

At the option of the professor, the campus provost may be furnished with written notification of the occurrence and the action taken. If such written notice is given, a copy shall be provided to the student. Students guilty of engaging in a gross or flagrant act of academic dishonesty or repeated instances of academic dishonesty shall also be subject to administrative and /or disciplinary penalties which may include warning, probation, suspension and / or expulsion from the College. The student may appeal action taken by the professor under the provisions of either Policy 6Hx28:10-13 or 6Hx28:10-15 as determined by the nature of the action taken.

The English Department defines plagiarism as the use of someone else’s words, ideas, pictures, designs, and/or intellectual property without the correct documentation and punctuation.

While punishments for intentional plagiarism vary according to the details of the infraction, it will not be ignored. It is against school rules and, in many cases, against the law. It is also foolish and lazy since learning to cite borrowed material is vigorously promoted by the college and its professors.

Students with Disabilities:

Students with disabilities who qualify for academic accommodations must provide a letter from the office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) and discuss specific needs with the professor, preferably during the first two weeks of class. The office for Students with Disabilities determines accommodations based on appropriate documentation of disabilities.

Technology Issues: If you are experiencing problems with Atlas, Black Board, or other technology, you will need to contact the appropriate department: Atlas Help Desk: 407-582-5444; Black Board: 407-582-5600.

Important Dates:

Withdrawal Deadline -November 7, 2014

Grades:All assignments will be evaluated on the basis of a numerical scale

100 - 90A

89 – 80B

79 – 70C

69 – 60D

59 – 0F

Your final grade will be determined as follows:

In class essay #110%

In class essay #210%

Memoir/ Personal Experience Essay15%

Cheating Essay20%

U.S. Space Program Essay20%


Writing Groups 5%

Final Exam 10%

Grading Rubric:All major essays will be graded according to this rubric

The A essay responds accurately to the prompt with a strong thesis statement in which the focus is clear. The essay is coherent, with a logical pattern of development. There is one idea per paragraph. Basic English skills are outstanding with very few or no errors. The essay demonstrates superior vocabulary and command of the various forms of sentence structure as well as excellent paragraphing skills.

The B essay usually addresses the main idea of the prompt with an adequate thesis statement. The essay demonstrates an identifiable organization and very good paragraphing skills.. Basic English skills are good, although some errors are noted. Vocabulary and sentence structure are appropriate.

The C essay sometimes addresses the prompt with a thesis in which the focus is either weak or unclear. The organization of the essay wanders with little clear focus and poor paragraphing separation. Many Basic English issues are noted. Vocabulary is mundane or repetitive. Sentence structure is mundane and does not vary.

The D or F essay tries to address the prompt but is not successful. No attempt at organization is apparent. Basic English skills need significant improvement. An inability to make coherent sentences is noted. Vocabulary is not appropriate for college writing.

Notes: A “C” or better is required to pass this course

I try to be accurate, considerate, and kind in assigning grades. However, at the end of the semester you will receive the grade that you have earned. I am not ethically comfortable with rounding grades up or changing them for no reason other than the desire of the student for a higher grade.

Student Code of Classroom Conduct

"Activities which disrupt the desired classroom setting and which violate this Student Code of Classroom Conduct are those which, with or without intent to do so, are disruptive of the essence of the educational process. Examples include, but are not limited to:

  1. Activities that are inconsistent with commonly acceptable classroom behavior and which are not conducive to the learning experience, such as: tardiness, leaving and returning during class, and early departure when not previously authorized;
  2. Activities which violate previously described classroom guidelines or constitute an unreasonable interruption of the learning process;
  3. Side discussions which are irrelevant to the subject matter of the class, that distract from the learning process or impede, hinder, or inhibit the ability of other students to obtain the full benefit of the educational presentation

Classroom Policies and Procedures:

Do not talk or whisper to those around you while I am trying to talk. It makes me unhappy.

All communication devices (phones, tablets, etc.) should be put where neither of us can see them. The second time I see one, you will leave the class for the day so that you can attend to your communication issues.

Bringing computers to class is a priviledge, not a right. The second time that I believe you are using the computer for non-academic purposes, you will not be allowed to use the computer in class for the rest of the semester.

This is a paperless course as far as is practical. I do not accept paper copies of major essays for grading. All essays are automatically submitted through Blackboard and Safeassign ( a plagiarism detection service)

The single exception to the paperless rule is Workshop Material - all material generated for workshops with your writing group must be printed and brought to class. Students who come to class without their workshop assignment printed and on time lose 10 points from the final grade of the essay - no excuses. .

Attendance: Absences and Tardiness

ValenciaCollege, the English Department and I feel that regular attendance is necessary for the success of the student. If you miss 3 or more classes, with or without excuse, you can be removed from the class by the instructor with or without notice.

Requests for an excused absence made after the fact must document an emergency that the student could not anticipate or prevent. Late arrivals (more than 5 minutes) are recorded as an absence and will not be overlooked, since they disrupt the learning process of the other students. Students who leave before the end of the class will be marked absent for that class.

A student who has to be absent because of jury duty or court-mandated appearance needs to contact the instructor in advance of the absence in order that a plan for making up work missed can be made. When observance of religious holidays of students' religious faith interferes with attendance in class, students are required to notify the instructor in advance of such absences. Students are held responsible for material covered during their absences.

Make-up Workis not given in this class except in the case of the In Class Essays.Missing discussion posts cannot be made up because you had a week to do them. Do not wait until the last minute. They are due by midnight, on Saturday

Withdrawal:It is always to your benefit to discuss withdrawal with the instructor. You may not have an accurate view of your chances for passing the course. The last day for a student to withdraw from class is March 27, 2015. After that date, the student will be given a grade for the course.


Computer Labs[available on all campuses]. If you are having technical problems at home, you have a variety of on-campus options for computer use.

Libraries[available on all campuses]. You have full Internet access and email opportunities from college computers located in the libraries.

Student Services[available on all campuses]. Try this location for information on academic advising, student development, financial aid, and career counseling.

Tutoring Services[available on all campuses]. Arrange a tutor if you believe that you will benefit from one-on-one help.

Blackboard Help[available on all campuses]. Call 407-582-5600 if you run into problems using Blackboard.

Writing Centers[available on East, Osceola, West, and Winter Park]. Arrange a consultation with the staff who will be happy to address the major errors in your work.

Student Assistance Program[available to all Valencia College students]. BayCare Behavioral Health Student Assistance Program offers free help with stress, anxiety, depression, adjustment difficulties, substance abuse, time management and relationship problems. Call 800-878-5470 if you are interested.

Should emergency conditions (storms, flooding, etc.) occur, please contact the College – not the instructor - to see if classes have been cancelled.


This is a tentative schedule that may be changed by the instructor


Class Discussion

Welcome to the class!

Reading of the syllabus

Diagnostic essay

Homework to be completed for the next class

Sign in to Blackboard and poke around and open stuff

Go to Blackboard - Investigate Grammar Monster



Class Discussion

Blackboard introduction

Discussions - posting to digital forums

Writing Groups Assigned

Grammar Monster

Homework to be completed for the next class

Go to 75 Readings - Angelou - "Grandmother's Victory" - page 14

Go to Discussions in Bb - write your response before Saturday at midnight

Go to Bb - Major Essays - preview the material under Personal Story essay



Class Discussion

Personal Story Essay assigned

Choosing a topic workshop

Review of Personal Story example 1

Pronouns in your narrative essay

Using I in your essay

Discussion: Grandmother's Victory

Homework -

Read Seagull 133 - 135 sample essay

250 + pronouns

2 - 3 purpose & audience



Class Discussion

Review Personal Story Example 2

Recording your essay

Outlining your essay - Class Activity




Go to 75 Readings - Hughes - "Salvation" - page 10

Go to Discussions in Bb - write your response before Saturday at midnight

Read Seagull - narrative essay ideas 46-49



Class Discussion



Paragraphing - special kinds of paragraphs

Thematic Introduction - Class Activity


Read Seagull - pages 20 - 25 paragraphing skills

Finish thematic introduction



Class Discussion

Reflective Conclusion - Class Activity



Creating Titles

Editing Your Essay

Discussions - Hughes - "Salvation:


Go to 75 Readings - Gansberg - "37 Who Saw..." page 26

Go to Discussions in Bb - write your response before Saturday at midnight

Finish reflective conclusion



Class Discussion

In Class Essay Hints

Quick outlining, thesis statements - class activity

Correct Use of "its" & "there

Amy - Writing Center


Finish as much of the essay as possible. Bring a copy of your rough draft to class. Bring a computer to class if possible



Class Discussion

Library / Writing Center Time - come to class first

Workshop for Rough Draft - Personal Story Essay

Gansberg "37 Who Saw ..."



Class Discussion

Practice ICE

Personal Story Essay due Today!


Go to 75 Readings - Brady - "I Want A Wife"- page 419

Go to Discussions in Bb - write your response before Saturday at midnight



Class Discussion

In Class Essay #1 TODAY

Correct Use of "your" & "affect/effect"


Go to Blackboard and click on the Argument Essay Folder - investigate & preview



Class Discussion

Cheating Essay Assigned

Thesis statement - class activity

Topic Sentences

Discussions - Brady - "I Want A Wife"



Class Discussion

Introductions and Conclusions

Effective Research demonstrated

MLA Review - Parenthetical References

- Indirect source

- citing by title

WCE - Works Cited Entry




Class Discussion

Library Instruction Day

Go to Building 6 Room 220 at class time


Review In Class Essay Hints - Bb



Class Discussion

In Class Essay #2


Bring your computer to the next class

Go to 75 Readings - Staples - "Black Men" - page 235 - 238

Go to Discussions in Bb - write your response before Saturday at midnight



Class Discussion

Works Cited Workshop - class activity

Staples - "Black Men"


Finish the works cited

Go to 75 Readings - Soto - "Like Mexicans" - page 223

Go to Discussions in Bb - write your response before Saturday at midnight



Class Discussion

Outlining the essay - class activity

Opposition paragraphs

Ethos, Logos, Pathos

Soto - "Like Mexicans"

Correctly using semi colons


Finish as much of the essay as possible, especially the MLA parts - Bring a print or electronic draft to class



Class Discussion

Cheating essay - Rough Draft Workshop

Make-up In class Essay



Class Discussion

Grade Conferences - find out how you're doing - withdrawal ends 4/27



Class Discussion

Grade Conferences - find out how you're doing - withdrawal ends 4/27



Class Discussion

Cheating Essay Due Today

US Space Program Essay Assigned

Space Essay Examples

Choosing a Topic - class activity


Go to 75 Readings - Dillard - "Like Weasels" - page 349

Go to Discussions in Bb - write your response before Saturday at midnight



Class Discussion

Organizing Your Research Material

Taking Notes

Primary, Secondary & Tertiary Sources

Evaluating Sources

Works Cited Workshop - class activity

Dillard - "Living Like Weasels"


Go to 75 Readings - Brit - "Neat People" - page 209

Go to Discussions in Bb - write your response before Saturday at midnight



Class Discussion

Summary - class activity

Common Knowledge

Synthesis - class activity

Brit - "Neat People"


Be sure to bring a copy of your works cited to class for the annotated bibliography class activity



Class Discussion

Summarizing, Quoting & Paraphrasing

Integrating Quoted Material

Annotated Bibliography - class activity


Finish as much of the essay as possible, especially the MLA parts - Bring a copy of your rough draft to class. Bring a computer to class if possible

Go to 75 Readings - Lame Deer and Erdoes - "Hilltop" - 96

Go to Discussions in Bb - write your response before Saturday at midnight



Class Discussion

Annotated Bibliography Workshop

Lame Deer and Erdoes - "Hilltop"


Go to 75 Readings - Whitehead "Where Have All the Parents Gone" page 277

Go to Discussions in Bb - write your response before Saturday at midnight



Class Discussion

Knock Down Drag Out Final Exam Review

In Class Essay Makeup day

Whitehead "Where Have All the Parents Gone"



Class Discussion

Rough Draft Workshop

In Class Essay Makeup Day



Class Discussion

US Space Program Essay due NOW!

Resubmissions and makeups – final day

Final Exam



Class Discussion

Grade Conferences