How do I get there?

We are located at Tollgate Health Centre, opposite the new Sainsbury’s and close to junction 26 on the A12 trunk road. Follow the signs for Tollgate Clinic.

To book an appointment, contact us at:


What treatments are included in Minor Surgery?

Removal of skin lumps and bumps, for example:

Skin Tags

Benign Moles

Sebaceous Cysts

Eye Lid Cysts

Eyelid Skin Tags

Lipomas (Fatty tumours)

Warts & Spider Naevi

Other minor procedures

Flushing of Blocked Tear Ducts

Joint & Trigger Finger Injections

Drainage of Cysts

Treatment of Haemorrhoids

Treatment of In-growing Toe Nails

See our website for a full description of these conditions

Do I need a Referral from my GP?

You do not need a referral from your GP for self-pay treatment for this service.

How do I contact the Clinic?

Telephone 01206 216990 Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. Or you may email us at . If you email, please give your mobile number so we can ring you to arrange your appointment.

When can I get an appointment?

You can usually get an appointment within 2-3 weeks. The current lead time is published on our website.

Where will the procedure take place?

We have a fully equipped minor surgery operating theatre at Tollgate Clinic in Stanway, Colchester

Which Doctor will I see?

We will tell you when you book your appointment which doctor you will see. We have a team of fully qualified and registered Clinicians:

Dr Laurel Spooner MRCP MRCGP, GP with Special Interestin Minor Surgery

Dr Hein Leonhardt MBChB, GP with Special Interestin Minor Surgery

Mr Mike Taylor MB ChB FRCS, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon

How long will it take?

This depends on the procedure. We will advise you of how much time to allocate when you book the procedure. At Tollgate Clinic there is no need to change into a gown or to be in a bed and therefore you are unlikely to be at the Clinic longer than 45 minutes to an hour.

Can I have someone with me when I have the procedure?

Yes, unless the Clinician believes that it would not be in your best interests.

You will not need someone to drive you home unless you have a procedure on your eye.

Will I need to sign a consent form?

Yes. The Clinician will advise you regarding all aspects of the treatment and aftercare and you will have an opportunity to ask any questions before the procedure takes place. There is provision for advocates or guardians to sign on behalf of patients.

What will happen during the treatment?

Following an initial consultation and you consenting to the procedure, the minor surgery will be performed. In most cases the procedure is simple and once completed there is no further action necessary. In some cases however, the Clinician may feel that a biopsy should be taken which would then be sent to the laboratory for testing. Having a biopsy taken is not painful and does not necessarily signify any malignancy. Sometimes stitches will be put in and a small dressing applied. Our nurse will then give you full instructions on how to look after the wound.

Will it hurt?

The procedure will be performed under a local anaesthetic which is usually given through a small needle but sometimes a spray can be used instead. This may sting a little at first until it numbs the area. After this you usually feel no discomfort.

How will I receive any results?

If you consent, we will let your GP know you have had the procedure. We will also forward the result of any biopsy to your GP once it has been received.

Will any aftercare be required?

We give you a telephone number to contact should you have any concerns. There is usually no need for any other aftercare as we generally use soluble stitches so that you do not have to make more trips to the Clinic. If non-soluble sutures are used, these will have to be removed 5 to 15 days later depending on the site on the body.

How Soon Can I Go Back to Work?

You can normally go back to work immediately.

What will it cost?

If you come for self-pay treatment, there is a fee of £150 for a 20 minute appointment. (If you do not receive treatment there will be reduced fee of £50 only.) If your appointment extends to 30 minutes the charge will increase to £170. For any treatment requiring additional time it will be necessary to make a further appointment, charged at £150 for 20 minutes and £170 for 30 minutes.

The doctor will advise you of the diagnosis and fee at the consultation before you decide whether to go ahead with treatment. The treatment fee includes aftercare.

Where it is necessary to take a biopsy to be sent to the laboratory for testing - this will usually incur an extra cost of £100 per sample, which is charged by the laboratory. If the condition is one that we cannot treat, we will advise you where to go and there will be reduced fee of £50 for the appointment. You can pay by debit or credit card, cheque or cash.

How much does it cost to park?

Nothing. Parking is free on site and there are plenty of spaces.

Is the clinic regulated?

Yes, it is registered with the Care Quality Commission and it complies with all applicable NHS regulations. See our web site for details of our NHS & private services such as Vasectomy & Carpal Tunnel surgery.