The Division of the Social Sciences is offering project-based research grants for academic year 2015-2016, beginning with the summer quarter. The grants will support two categories of research projects: short-term projects for up to 3 months, and long-term projects for 3-12 months, concluding no later than the end of Spring Quarter 2016.


Short-term projects: up to $7000. Up to 10 grants will be awarded

Long-term projects: $7000-$20,000. Up to 10 grants will be awarded


Short-term project: 3 months

Long-term projects: up to 12 months


These grants are intended to help defray the additional costs of research projects that advance the student’s progress through the degree program. All students in the division are eligible, but preference will be given to research that supports a proposal for a dissertation, or that is part of the dissertation project after admission to candidacy. The level of the grant will be contingent on the itemized costs in the proposal. For students who hold fellowships during the grant period, living expenses will not be covered under this grant unless the research will take the student far from campus and thereby add living expenses to the cost of the project. Awardees will submit a brief report upon completion of their research grant. Students who began doctoral programs in the Social Sciences prior to Autumn 2013 are eligible to apply.


Students must submit to the Dean of Students Office:

1. The attached Research Grant Application Form;

2. A 1000-word (maximum) essay describing the research project;

3. Detailed budget;

4. C.V.;

5. A letter of recommendation from a faculty member familiar with the applicant’s work.


Friday, April 30, 2015. Late applications will not be accepted.

Applications and letters of recommendation can be submitted in person to Foster 107 or by email to .


Division of the Social Sciences

Short- and Long-Term Research Grant Application Form for the 2015-2016 Academic Year

Name: UCID:

Department: Specialization:

Current year in program:

Date of admission to candidacy if ABD:

Applying for:

☐ Short-term project grant

☐ Long-term project grant

Dates of project:

Amount requested (see attached pages):

Name of recommender:

Please have the letter sent directly to the Dean of Students Office by April 30, 2015. The letter should address the feasibility of the proposed project, the applicant's general preparation, and any other pertinent information that describes the applicant's ability as a scholar and a representative of the University.

Please attach the following:

1. A 1000-word (maximum) essay describing the research project;

2. Detailed budget (see attached pages);

4. C.V.;

5. A letter of recommendation from a faculty member familiar with the applicant’s work.

The information I have provided in this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. If I receive a Research Grant, I hereby agree that, within one month of the conclusion of my funding, I will submit an entry for the SSD Student Research Blog (https://socialsciences.uchicago.edu/research/student/blog).

_________________________________ _______________

Signature Date

RESEARCH GRANT Application Form

for the 2015-2016 Academic Year


Project Expenses:

Please itemize anticipated expenses. Add an additional page, if needed. (Note that this grant does not provide for shipping expenses, gifts, or purchases of "permanent" equipment such as a camera, unless this equipment is returned to the University upon completion of this trip.)













RESEARCH GRANT Application Form

for the 2015-2016 Academic Year

List funds that will be available for the proposed research period, i.e. personal savings, stipend support, and loans; include other grants only if award has been confirmed. Please total the amount of money available to you in each category (loans, personal savings, stipends, and grants). If you have received another grant for your research, please specify which expenses will be covered by that grant and which expenses will be included in this grant request. Please itemize in detail and add another sheet, if necessary.







Other university and non-university fellowship applications for 2015-2016 academic year and amounts:

Applied for:










