Welcome to the Volunteering Policies and Procedures Handbook
This handbook highlights policies and procedures that all staff and volunteers are expected to be aware of and refer to throughout their time with CSW Group. It will give you guidance on every area of the organisation which you need to know and abide by.
You do not need to know these policies by heart but please take the time to read through each policy and become aware of its contents.
You will also need to complete several online courses which will help these policies make sense and add to your knowledge of them.
Volunteer Expenses GuidancePage 3
Health and Safety PolicyPage 5
Equality and Diversity GuidancePage 7
Safeguarding GuidancePage 13
Volunteer Complaint GuidancePage 15
Confidentiality and Data Protection GuidancePage 16
Volunteer Expenses Guidance
A uniform system for reimbursing the costs of reasonable subsistence and travelling on company business has been in place since 1 April 1996.
The company policy is that volunteers should not be out of pocket, nor make financial gains, as a result of travelling as part of their volunteering activities.
Business travel mileage rates
Mileage reimbursement rates are based on the current rates published by the Inland Revenue.
Mileage rates: - business travel (petrol and diesel) – from 1 April 2011.
Volunteers’ owned vehicles
Cars and vans
Up to 10,000 miles per tax year - 45p per mile
Over 10,000 miles per tax year - 25p per mile
Volunteers may claim 5p per mile for each passenger carried in their car where the passenger is a CSW employee or volunteer.
Motorcycles - 24p per mile
Bicycles 20p per mile
An AA, RACor Google maps route planner must be used to plan a journey and the postcode of the destinations clearly identified on the travel claim forms.
Parking costs
The reimbursement of vehicle parking costs will only be considered in conjunction with travel whilst volunteering or training.
Parking tickets must be provided as evidence and attached to the travel claim form.
Parking fines
Volunteers are responsible for the settlement of their own parking fines, which will only be reimbursed by the company in exceptional circumstances and on approval of a manager.
Rail and Bus
Rail and bus travel should be claimed at standard class fare, (or any special reduced fares available, if lower).
Rail and bus tickets must be provided as evidence and attached to the travel claim form.
Claims procedure
- All claims for payment of volunteer travel and subsistence expenses must be made on miscellaneous claim forms.
- Claims for volunteer expenses must include:
-Date of journey
-Reason for journey. (if training, the name of the course )
-The miles incurred for the journey
-The project number.
- All claims must be supported by receipts, travel tickets or other supporting receipts (e.g. toll bridges) which should be securely attached to the claim form.
- Reimbursement payments will only be made once a miscellaneous claim form has been:
-completed and signed by the individual
-authorised and signed by the supervisor
- Travel claims are to be completed as and when they occur, they must not be back dated
- Completed authorisedtravel claim forms are reimbursed through petty cash straightaway. If a claim is over £20, this must be requested in advance so that funds can be collected and cash then paid.
- It is recognised that the authorisation process involves both the supervisor and volunteerbut ultimate responsibility for the accuracy of the claim will lie with the volunteer.
CSW GroupLtd Health and Safety Policy
- CSW Group (the company) is committed to effectively manage health and safety throughout all of its activities. We can only achieve this by involving everyone and working together so that we can identify, manage, reduce and control risk.
- The company will take all reasonable measures to meet its duty of care to volunteers and to provide the appropriate resources to carry out our health and safety policy, taking into consideration compliance with health and safety and other relevant legislation including safeguarding.
- The Company will ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of those volunteering within the company.
- Every accident or incident which results from volunteering should be avoidable by using safe working methods and appropriate equipment and substances, along with adequate information, instruction, supervision, support and training.
- We will investigate thoroughly all incidents. The results of investigations will tell us why incidents happened. We can then take effective action to make sure it does not happen again.
- Through its work,CSW Groupwill actively safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people and vulnerable adults. All volunteers are required to share this commitment.
- We will ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that appropriate preventative and protective measures are in place through policies, procedures, guidance, risk assessment, supervision/support and training to promote volunteer wellbeing.
- We encourage volunteers to report accidents and incidents in the workplace to their supervisors.
- No one is asked, expected to, or allowed to volunteer in an unsafe or unhealthy manner. Any volunteer has the right to refuse to volunteer in such a manner and if we see any unsafe practices we challenge these.
- We encourage our volunteers to participate in understanding and controlling the risks within their own environment and to know how to challenge unsafe practices.
- We consult with volunteers to ensure a safe and healthy environment. We provide information, equipment, instruction, training and supervision to help those volunteering within the company, to recognise and minimise risk to themselves and others.
- Our managers complete a programme of risk assessment in areas under their control.
- The Volunteer Health and Safety Policy is reviewed annually by the Board and is revised and reissued as required.
- A copy of this statement of policy is issued to all volunteers through their induction process and is displayed in the volunteer handbook.
- The company has a Health and Safety Strategy which forms part of the Corporate Plan to proactively promote a positive health and safety culture within the company and its contracts, and to have a systematic approach to the management of health and safety.
- The Chief Executive is responsible for ensuring the implementation of this policy and that sufficient personnel and financial resources are available.
- Managers are responsible for implementing the policy with the relevant people in their area or department.
- All volunteers have responsibilities for the health and safety of themselves and others.
- The company’s arrangements and organisation for health and safety are contained within the company’s procedures.
Most accidents and incidents could have been prevented by proper planning and safe working methods. Be aware of risks and hazards and plan WHAT you will do and HOW you will do it before undertaking activities
Don’t ignore it – it could change your life.
- Stop – to think and plan.
- Assess the risks – what could be dangerous?
- Follow information and instructions.
- Enjoy the experience.
- Take time to review – did it go to plan?
- Your safety is important – always take care.
CSW Group Ltd Equality & Diversity Policy
CSW Group is committed as both a service provider, commissioner of services and an employer to achieve equality of opportunity and remove indirect and direct discrimination to ensure an inclusive service relevant to the diverse needs of the communities we serve.
We see commitment to equality and diversity as central to everything we do and treat our service users, employees, and those with whom we come into contact with, with dignity and respect, irrespective of:
- Age
- Disability
- Gender
- Gender identity/reassignment
- Race
- Religion and Belief
- Sexual orientation
- Marriage or civil partnership
- Pregnancy and maternity
- Caring Status
- Socio-economic background
Good Equality and Diversity practice means establishing a culture of mutual respect and striving to create an environment in which bullying, harassment, victimisation and both direct and indirect discriminatory behaviour does not exist. Where we engage with the diverse communities we serve and seek to recognise, understand, value, and celebrate diversity in all its forms.
As an organisation, we recognise our responsibilities under the Equality Act (2010), which identifies key requirements relating to equality and diversity, and confirm that this policy is in accordance with the provisions of that Act.
CSW Group Ltd believes equality of opportunity is fundamental to good practice in all that we do. Within CSW Group Ltd fairness of opportunity for all is a basic right, andtheindividuality of customers and staff is respected within a welcoming and supportive environment.
Policy implementation
We understand that for equality to be achieved this policy needs to be supported and embraced by all staff, volunteers, suppliers and stakeholders.
- We shall ensure commitment to equality and diversity by meeting our responsibilities under current legislation, codes of practice, and the CSW Group policy and strategy.
- We will aim to be a champion for equality and diversity within the region.
- We will ensure that equality and diversity are mainstreamed throughout the company and will treat each protected characteristic with equal importance.
- We will ensure that services offered are consistent with, and promote, equality of opportunity at every level.
- We will ensure that equal opportunities and the promotion of diversity is central to our Human Resources strategy.
- We will communicate our equality commitments to all staff, subcontractors, service users, suppliers, stakeholders, in line with individual access needs.
Commitment to equality and diversity will be gained through:
- Training at all levels of the company including the Board and senior management on both the policy and issues relating to equality and diversity.
- Ensuring employees ease of access to information and guidance relating to equality and diversity through a range of media including our Intranet.
- Effective Equality and Diversity Champions.
- Aiming to understand the needs of the diverse communities we serve, by actively engaging with them and fostering good relations.
- To work to achieve the diversity of our workforce to ensure that it reflects the communities we serve.
- Overall responsibility for the implementation of this policy lies with CSW’s Chief Executive and our Board of Directors.
Service delivery
We will:
- Ensure delivery of a consistent service, free from discrimination, where every service user, employee, partner, or contractor will be treated in a professional manner with both dignity and respect.
- Regularly monitor and audit key processes critical to service delivery and continually improve access to the service and the information we provide.
- Collect and monitor the equality and diversity data of our service users, including ethnic origin, gender and disability, with regards to participation and success rates and actively work to address any imbalances.
- Ensure that our premises can be accessed and used by all communities.
- Ensure that our employees are trained and supported to deliver the highest possible levels of customer service to all communities.
- Have design and print guidelines which promote diversity and present positive, non-stereotypical images and language.
- Ensure that all employees are kept informed of good practice in relation to removing negative stereotypes that may act as barriers to occupational choice.
- Empower all our customers to make decisions on learning and work and overcome barriers to equal opportunity.
- Develop a service that maximises the take up by all communities, providing information in plain English and using methods other than written documents, offering information in a range of accessible formats including other languages, Braille, large print, audio, sign language, interpretation, and translation as appropriate.
- Ensure the diverse communities we serve are engaged with, in order to identify their needs and the relevance of the services we offer.
- Support employees and customers to challenge, record, and report incidences of discrimination and have in place an accessible and robust complaints system.
Human resources
- Ensure consistent policies are understood and implemented throughout the organisation, in-line with equal opportunities and other employment legislation.
- In particular, ensure our recruitment procedure references equality and diversity, and ensure that there is no discrimination in our recruitment processes.
- Ensure a system for recording, analysing, and regularly reporting on data on current employees, job applicants and leavers; with regards to race, disability, gender, and age.
- Seek to develop a workforce reflective of the diverse population of the region; by taking positive action to ensure people from groups currently under represented in our workforce are encouraged to apply for vacancies, and that we are considered as an ‘employer of choice’.
- Ensure an employee development and training plan which encourages and develops all employees in their career progression.
- Ensure a ‘fairness at work’ procedure which recognises that all employees have a right to be treated with dignity and respect, as referred to in all job descriptions, and that any equality impacts or needs are assessed as part of recruitment, such that all new staff have accessible and appropriate working environments.
- Develop and review a ‘well-being and work life balance’ policy.
- Make sure that the working environment is accessible, supportive and non-threatening and ensure that robust codes of practice are in place to combat discrimination, bullying, and harassment.
Staff & Volunteers
Each member of staff and volunteer is responsible for supporting this policy and related legislation.
They will:
- Apply and embed the values and content of this policy.
- Support and enable customers to follow our policy.
- Take appropriate and immediate action in the event of incidents of harassment, unfair discrimination; in line with our HR policies, alerting senior staff where necessary.
Complaints from employees can be made via our Grievance Procedure which can be found on the intranet, from our HR department or via a line manager. We will investigate and respond to grievances in a positive and proactive way, and learn any lessons needed from the process going forward.
All our customers are expected to support and follow our values and this policy.
They will:
- Treat everyone with respect in accordance with this Policy.
- Abide by the law.
- Use language carefully and not be disrespectful of others.
- Report any concerns they have about themselves or others.
Any incidents reported by Customers in relation to Equality and Diversity shall be managed through our standard Complaints procedure, and all lessons learned will be documented, shared with Operational Board and the Board of Directors and acted upon.
Commitment to Customers
We will ensure that we:
- Empower all our customers to make decisions on learning and work and overcome barriers to equal opportunity.
- Support our customers (and employees) to challenge, record, and report incidences of discrimination; and ensure we have in place an accessible and robust complaints system.
- Provide training at all levels of the Company including the Board of Directors and senior management on both the policy and issues relating to equality and diversity.
- Monitor and audit key processes critical to service delivery and ensure they reflect our vision and policy for equality and diversity. In accordance with legislation, we will monitor the equality and diversity data of our service users and assess service and customer feedback in light of E&D data .
- Promote equality and diversity to a wider partnership, and work with partners to improve provision and services.
- Have design and print guidelines that promote diversity and present positive non-stereotypical images and language. We will provide a range of accessible formats including languages other than English, Braille, large print, audio, sign language, interpretation, and translation, as appropriate.
- Work to achieve the diversity of our workforce to ensure that it reflects the communities we serve.
- Make our premises accessible in line with legislation, including those venues used for events, meetings and training.
- Gather customer feedback on how fair, accessible and supportive we are in implementing our Equalities and Diversity policy.
Monitoring and Evaluation
CSW Group Ltd will regularly measure, review and reinforce the effectiveness of this policy through:
- Ensuring equality and diversity issues are agenda items at Operational Board and Joint Management Team, in a similar way to safeguarding, to ensure that all operational and strategic decisions can be reflected upon.
- Inclusion in staff and customer questionnaires.
- Complaints monitoring.
- Collection and dissemination of good practice including engagement and supporting recruitment from protected categories.
- Strategic HR monitoring activities, including that all staff are attending Essential Training on E&D
Ethical Decision Making
We will:
- Consider the potential impact on service users and diverse communities.
- Embed equality and diversity in to our procurement functions.
- Consult, where appropriate, with communities over proposals and changes to services, allowing them to shape plans and decisions.
- Embed equality and diversity into our business plan
Volunteer Safeguarding Guidance
Company Statement
CSW Group actively safeguards and promotes the welfare of children and young people and vulnerable adults. All employees and volunteers are required to share this commitment.