Updated June 29, 2016
Corporate Headquarters
200 South Broad Street•Philadelphia, PA 19102
(215) 875-0700
375 Jacksonville Mall
Jacksonville, NC 28546
Phone: 910.353.2478
Fax: 910.353.1021
Cellular Phone: 910.250.5005
MALL MANAGER: Lee Ann Wagner
Corporate Headquarters
200 South Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Tel: 215.875.0700
This package is prepared to provide you with information critical to the successful completion of your store in this Mall. All of the information provided herein is in conformance with the Lease Documents. It is the responsibility of Architects and Contractors to be informed of the content of the Lease Documents.
Prior to starting construction, the TENANT'S Contractor shall arrange a pre-construction meeting with the Mall Management Office
The purpose of this meeting is to:
¨ Review Tenant/Landlord Construction Responsibilities, the Contractor's Guidelines, and the Tenant Criteria Handbook.
¨ Discuss the TENANT'S Construction Schedule.
¨ Review "LANDLORD'S APPROVED" TENANT drawings with Tenant's Contractor.
¨ Receive any outstanding items required by the Mall Management Office.
¨ Issue keys to the PREMISES. (If applicable)
¨ Payment of all service charges if any.
¨ Payment of security deposit.
¨ Provide copies of building permits, contractor’s state license and contractor’s insurance certificate.
Should Tenant fail to comply with the rules and regulations established by Landlord or its contractors in any Union Contract to which Landlord, its contractors or any subcontractor may be a party; Landlord shall have the option to compel Tenant immediately to suspend the work being performed.
Tenant shall require its contractor, or subcontractors to furnish the Landlord evidence of General Liability and property damage coverage prior to performing any work in the Demised Premises. When requesting a Certificate of Insurance from your agent, please be sure to list the correct entity as additional insured. Contact the Mall Management Office to obtain the complete and correct entity for this property.
In order to facilitate Tenant's compliance with the requirements of the Lease, Landlord strongly recommends that Tenant obtain lien waivers with respect to all work performed or materials delivered by Tenant Contractors and suppliers.
All General Contractors will complete the form listing (on pages 17-18) of all subcontractors to be used for this particular project. List should include Firm name, addresses, telephone numbers (emergency numbers also), and superintendent’s name and number. This list must be given to the Mall Management Office prior to starting construction.
The Tenant construction will be inspected periodically by the Mall Management Office, Field Tenant Coordinator or his representative. Any violation to the requirements as set forth in the Tenant's lease, Landlord Criteria, or Drawings and Specifications, must be corrected immediately by Tenant Contractor at Contractor's expense.
Upon completion of construction and prior to opening, the Mall Management Office, Field Tenant Coordinator or his representative will conduct a final inspection and compile a punch list. The Premises will be allowed to open for business only after the Mall Management Office has received a copy of the Certificate of Occupancy and the punch list items have been corrected to his/her satisfaction and all fees have been paid.
Tenant or Tenant contractor will be responsible for all material deliveries whether for construction, fixturing, or merchandising. All deliveries will be made through the rear door of the demised space unless special arrangements are made with the Mall Management Office. PREIT personnel will not accept any deliveries for Tenant or Tenant Contractors.
Contractor requesting an inspection is responsible for assuring that they are prepared for same and will be in the appropriate location when the inspector arrives. Prior to starting construction, the Tenant contractor is to make arrangements through the Mall Management Office for coordination of temporary electric service, trash removal, sprinkler revisions, roof cuts, etc
A Dust and Safety barricade will be provided by the Tenant’s Contractor at Tenant
Contractor’s expense. The following Barricade Guidelines for Contractors will be utilized for this purpose.
Barricade Guidelines for Contractors
Barricades should be built with metal studs, and finished out with sheetrock, mud, taped and painted. If space has access to a back door, there should be no door into the common area. A dust cover and floor protection (for marble, tile or wood flooring) is required to keep dust from escaping into common area. Standard barricade height is 12 ft.
Security and Mall Access
SMS implements all services after close of business. If the property requires special permission for after-hours access, please send the proper forms and offer confirmation that security has been notified. Contact Mall Operations to confirm that security has been addressed for time of installation.
Service Authorization
Tenant has the option of selecting Custom or Standard graphics.
Custom indicates merchant will provide barricade graphic. The Tenant must provide the contact information of the agent or agency and/or coordinator who will be responsible for providing information, files and overall management of graphic project. This information is to be shared with Mall Marketing Director for approval of graphics at 910.353.2478.
Standard indicates Marketing Director will coordinate with local vinyl/sign company to create generic Coming Soon ______graphic. Production and installation charges will be billed or paid directly by the tenant. Vinyl graphics are to be paid at time of barricade payment.
Graphics Form for Standard Selection
SAFETY: Contractor is responsible to maintain a safe construction environment when working within the mall in accordance with OSHA, State, and Local standards.
Contractor is responsible to maintain security of the enclosed work space during construction and not allow the general public access to the work area. This would include those people seeking employment within the store of which the construction is for.
Tenant and/or contractor are not permitted to conduct interviews or similar business within the space while the leased space is under construction.
The use of equipment powered by gasoline, propane, etc. should not be allowed during mall operating hours. Exceptions to this would be small, hand-held torches for plumbing work, etc.
The contractor should be responsible for ensuring that adequate ventilation exists to safely operate all equipment powered by gasoline, propane, etc. While using these types of equipment, the contractor shall ensure that a safe working atmosphere (as defined by applicable Federal, State and/or local regulations) is maintained in the work area and all other mall areas.
FIRE EXTINGUISHER: Fire Extinguisher(s) shall be available at all times while work is being performed within the leased premises. Extinguishers shall be an ABC 10 lb. multi-purpose dry chemical type approved by UL or FM. When welding is being done within the store, the Factory Mutual burning permit system must be utilized and an extinguisher shall be located near the work area.
A. Concrete floor shall be 4" thick, smooth trowel finish with 6" x 6" W 1.4 x W 1.4 welded wire fabric.
B. Cushion for concrete shall be 4" porous fill (2 B Gravel) under 6 Mil Polyethylene vapor barrier.
C. A neoprene joint filler 1/4" x 4" shall be used between tenant concrete and mall slab.
D. Asphaltic type expansion material shall be located at full perimeter of demised areas (except storefront) and at all steel column perimeters.
E. A control joint shall be placed at column lines or so concrete sections do not exceed 24’0" in any one direction.
F. Common area tile at storefront. Ceramic A215 Polished and A291 speckled unpolished Mosaic 8”x8”x5/16”. Mosaic, Raleigh, NC 919.871.0848. See management prior to ordering.
A. All sheetrock will be installed Long Side Vertical "No Exceptions".
B. Lease line walls shall be run tight to roof deck and all joints fire taped and spackled.
C. All studs used in Tenant spaces will be metal.
D. Any wood blocking used below sprinkler heads shall be non-com type wood, fire retardant.
A. No materials or equipment shall be attached to roof deck.
B. Any wood framing, blocking, sheathing, etc. as required throughout shall be fire retardant treated (F.R.T.) lumber with visible grade stamps. No wood, including F.R.T., is permitted to be used above the ceiling in the HVAC return air plenum area.
C. All hangers or supports run from roof joists must be located at joist panel points.
A. No plumbing lines of any type will be permitted inside the demising walls.
B. A floor drain shall be installed in each toilet room.
C. A sanitary cleanout shall be installed to serve each toilet room(s), and any change in direction of the 4" underslab piping.
D. All existing cleanouts within the leased area must remain intact and be accessible at all times.
E. All drains shall be constructed of service weight cast iron soil pipe and fittings.
F. All restrooms to comply with applicable ADA requirements.
G. All soil pipe vents through roof shall be a minimum of 4". All vent piping from any fixture shall be a minimum of 3". Only metal pipes will be utilized above sprinkler heads.
H. All roof penetrations shall be performed by Landlord roofer at Tenant Contractor's expense.
I. Refer to Drawing Sheet LCS-R Details for any roof penetrations.
The sprinkler heads existing in the space equal coverage based on one head per 120 sq. ft. Any modifications to this system shall be made by Landlord’s Contractor at Tenant Contractor's expense. Reliable Fire Protection 919.980.1234.
A. All conduit in or under floor slab shall be scheduled 40 rigid non-metallic (PVC).
B. Minimum conduit size will be 3/4", except for fixture to fixture wiring and low voltage control wiring.
C. All light and power wire shall not be smaller than #12 A.W.G. copper.
D. No Romex, BX, or non-metallic sheathed cable will be permitted in any area of small shops.
E. Under no circumstances will conduit be attached to the ceiling grid system or hanger wires (No Bat Wings).
F. All electrical work shall conform to local and state codes, OSHA, and the latest N.E.C., and PREIT's electrical specifications. Should a discrepancy occur between PREIT requirements and local codes the more stringent will prevail.
G. No wires shall be run between the top of joist and bottom of roof deck.
H. Installation of type MC cable with green ground connector is approved for branch wiring not exceeding 6’ in length. No homerun circuits or feeders are permitted with MC cable. Approved types of MC cable are corrugated tube or smooth tube, interlocking tape tube is not permitted.
I. All disconnects will be labeled as per LCS-E drawings and three spare fuses placed in the fuse cabinet.
A. No ductwork shall be supported from metal roof deck.
B. All ductwork shall be constructed of galvanized sheet metal except flexible connections to diffusers. Length of flexible connections shall not exceed 6 linear feet.
C. All rooftop equipment, units, exhaust fans, etc. shall be permanently identified with store name and space number. This may be in the form of a nameplate or permanent painted stenciled letters.
D. All HVAC equipment shall be installed a minimum of 8’0" from exterior face of parapet wall.
E. Curbs for all rooftop units including bathroom exhaust shall be 14" high pre-fabricated metal curbs, no field-built curbs permitted. Curb adapters are not permitted.
F. Refer to LCS-R details for installations of all rooftop equipment.
G. All roof work shall be performed by Landlord’s roofer at Tenant Contractor's expense.
H. The Mechanical contractor should visit the site to determine:
a) the location of the unit(s)
b) the slope of the location in order for the contractor to order a tapered curb to provide a finished level curb
c) that the roofing contractor will be arriving early in the morning to prepare the surface, therefore, the roof should be marked where the curb(s) are to be located and the curb should be on the roof already assembled.
Trash dumpster(s) will be provided and handled for the demised space by the General Contractor up to the time of tenant’s opening date. Waste Management is the required vendor to be used in accordance with existing PREIT contract. Required point of contact number for tracking purposes is 1-855-690-7785. The tenant’s contractor(s) or subcontractor(s) are responsible to place all rubbish, construction trash and surplus material in the dumpster. The tenant or its contractor(s) is cautioned against having trash accumulated within the demised space. Should this develop, Landlord will remove the trash and charge the tenant for all costs.
Temporary electrical service as necessary will be provided under the following conditions:
1. Termination of this service is at Landlord’s sole discretion.
2. Landlord is not responsible for interruption of this service.
3. One (1) hook-up is provided for the demised space.
Roof work and reflashing for HVAC equipment, plumbing vents, penetrations, etc., shall be provided by the Landlord’s roofing contractor only (as per Landlord construction standard drawings). Tenant’s General/Mechanical contractor shall be responsible for the removal of any abandoned rooftop equipment within the demised premises and should be disconnected and made to comply with the CFC/Environmental Laws for safe disposal.
Sprinkler system modification with respect to the tenant design and specifications will be performed by a Licensed Sprinkler Contractor, in compliance with N.F.P.A. Regulations and Landlord’s Insurance Company.
Mall Management Office will designate an area for contractor parking - at no time should construction vehicles be left unattended in the fire lanes, or other restricted areas. Those vehicles will be towed at Contractor’s expense.