Tarea en Vivo ~~ Señora Reid
Spanish 1 – 2nd Semester 2015 - 2016
Goal: To bring Spanish to life through immersion activities outside of the classroom that will increase student proficiency and exposure to authentic language
-complete 10 “tareas” each grading period
-no repeats in a grading period (6 WEEKS)
-for each assignment you complete, create a “Reportaje” (below) in Spanish
-you must copy your Reportaje text and attach proof of completion if necessary
-Hice _____. (name of the activity you did)
-Vale _____ puntos. (how many points it was worth)
-[Proof of completion of your activity - picture, screenshot, description, link, etc]
-Aprendí _____. (what you learned)
-Necesitomejorar _____. (what you need to improve)
-all assignments will be recorded individually and collectively during the grading period
-full credit if your Reportaje is complete, in Spanish, and provides adequate proof of completion
-turn in additional Tareaen Vivo for extra credit each 6 weeks (25 banderas each)
Feel free to use any other electronic device when completing your homework, but make sure you are only using school-appropriate material.
- You may choose to complete and provide proof/documentation of ANY of the tareas listed.
- You MUST choose at least one (1) tarea from the conejo, tuburón o cheetah level.
- You may not choose more than five (5) from the babosas level.
- Estrellas (*) will be placed on a completion chart in class on a weekly basis to keep track of the tareas we have completed.
- ALL TAREAS will be due at the end of the 6 weeks – similar to the Págame system.
¿Have a great idea for a Tareaen Vivo assignment? Awesome! Send your suggestions to Sra. Reidvia email: , Remind chat or in writing in class. I can’t wait to hear what you come up with!
-Change your cell phone language to Spanish for an entire week.
-Explore the iTunes Latino store and find 2 albums or 5 songs you would like to own.
-Put post-it notes 10 items in your house that you don’t know the word for and leave them there for a week.
-Find a Latin artist you like on Spotify or Youtube and either 1) listen to their top 10 songs or 2) listen to an album of theirs you’ve never heard before.
-Create a wishlist of 10 items on Amazon Spain.
-Use the Uscan at the store or the ATM in Spanish mode and take a picture using your phone or iPod.
-Post every day for a week on Twitter in Spanish with #ghsspanish1 or #gmsspanish1
-Sign up for Duolinguo and use the app or website to practice Spanish every day for 7 days.
-Take a picture of an ad or sign that you see in Spanish and figure out what it says.
-Print out a Spanish meme for the meme board and explain what you think it means.
-Listen to a Spanish-language Pandora station for thirty minutes.
-Change a major corporate website language to Spanish and explore for 30 minutes (ie McDonalds, Major League Baseball, Apple).
-Read the Spanish directions on 6 products in your house (like shampoo or cleaning supplies).
-Read the last 30 Spanish-language tweets from a Latin musician, politician, author, athlete, etc.
-Find Instagram posts for a Latin American country, politician, or topic such as #peru, #argentina. Look at twenty of them and write about any cultural differences you see. Make sure the pictures are all school-appropriate.
-Go to trendsmap.com to search Twitter hashtags for Spanish-speaking countries. Pick a few and write about what you see or observe.
-Listen to five clips at Level A1 or higher on audio-lingua.eu
-Create a Pinterest board of at least 7 Spanish-language pins.
-Watch a YouTube tutorial in Spanish on a topic you’re interested in (10 minutes or more). You can find tutorials in Spanish by searching for "tutoría" and then the topic in Spanish, such as "baile", "maquillaje," or "guitarra."
-Find a holiday or festival from a Spanish-speaking country that is occurring this month. Find an Spanish-language event website, poster, or video from that event. Print out some pictures that we can use to decorate the calendar bulletin board.
-Listen to Spanish-language talk radio 30 minutes such as rtve.es/radio.
-Find a Spanish-language podcast to listen to for 30 minutes such as Coffee Break Spanish or Real Deal Spanish.
-Read three articles from a Spanish-language newspaper such as ESPN deportes, BBC mundo, CNN México, or UnivisiónNoticias.
-Read an article about a famous Latino musician or politician on es.wikipedia.org.
-On mememartes.tumblr.com, read 10 memes. Choose your favorite and answer the accompanying questions.
-Read the last 50 Spanish-language tweets using a hashtag for a Latin-American country (try twubs.com, twitterfall.com).
-Have a 10-minute conversation with Siri in Spanish. What was her funniest answer?
-Allow an upper level Spanish student to tutor you for 20 minutes..
-Watch 2 Spanish-language commercials on YouTube and make a list of the cultural difference you see.
-Watch a TV show or movie with Spanish subtitles or dubbed in Spanish (can do this on Netflix)
-Call the Denver Story Line (720.865.8500) and listen to a story in Spanish.
-Watch television in Spanish for 30 minutes and summarize the program (try Hulu Latino, Telemundo.com, Univision.com, Disney.es or the Spanish-Language TV show section on Netflix. Ask your parents to make sure it is school-appropriate!).
-Watch 3 videoclips on sports and 3 videoclips on current news on Univision.com.
-Make a recipe from MiCocinaLatina.com or any other Spanish recipe site (Univisión has a good section). If you want to bring it into class, please do, or record your family’s reaction to the dish.
-Find 5 Hispanic different snacks, candies, or drinks. Read the packages, buy one and taste it, and compare their flavors and ingredients to something comparable in our culture.
-Explore the website for a theme park or regional festival in a Spanish-speaking country. Plan a schedule for spending a day there.
-Chat with a native Spanish speaker for 30 minutes.
-Go to an authentic Mexican restaurant, complete your order in Spanish, and give a short video tour in Spanish.
-Find a Spanish-language recipe on a Spanish-language blog. Make the recipe, bring it to class, and comment on the blog telling the blogger what you thought about it.
-Read a Spanish-language blog post about how the blogger celebrates something. Comment with a brief comparison to your own celebration (in Spanish).