Station 1--Graphing the Temperatures & Composition of Earth’s Layers

1. Prepare the provided graph paper on the handout to look like the example below.

2. Then use the Data Sheet provided at this station to graph the temperatures of Earth’s Layers using a bar graph! Inside each “bar” label what material that layer is MOSTLY made up of.

Materials: graph paper, colored pencils/markers,

pencils, Earth Elements & Properties data sheet.

Example graph

Station 2-Thicknesses of the Earth’s Layers

1. Find your completed Earth Layers Foldable to help in graphing the thicknesses (in km) for each of Earth’s Layers.

(Make sure you all agree on the thicknesses).

2. Set up the provided graphing area with an appropriate scale, label the x- and y-axis, and provide an appropriate title. {X axis will be the Layers of the Earth and the y-axis will be the thickness in km.}

3. Make a bar graph and color code your graph if you have time!

Materials: Student Earth Layers Foldables, graph paper, pencils, colored pencils

Station 3-Things you Didn’t Know about Inner Earth

(or did you?)

1. Log onto a Chromebook.

2. Go to my Teacher Page (today’s date)to pull up and read the Article:

20 things you Didn’t Know about Inner Earth.

3. How many things did you know? What was new, surprising, etc.? If you have extra time here, look up a question you have about something you read!

4. Log off when done

Materials: 2 computers

Station 4--Video Clips

1. Log onto a Chromebook.

2.Go to my Teacher Page (today’s date)to pull up the websites below:

3. Watch the following video clips:

3. What did you learn?

4. Log off when done

Materials: 2 computers

Station 5--Oobleck is like the Mantle of the Earth!

Oobleck is a mixture of cornstarch & water, a substance that behaves like the Mantle.

1.  Pour a large Oobleck “pancake” onto a

plate. Note: This substance dries out

quickly between groups and may need a

few drops of water before pouring.

2.  Abruptly “tap” the top surface of the

Oobleck with your finger. Does it splash?

3.  Slowly push your index finger through the

pancake like a bulldozer, with light pressure.

4.  Now push your index finger through the

pancake very quickly, with a lot of pressure

5.  From your experience with the Oobleck,

what is the Mantle most like:

a solid, a liquid, or a little of both?

6. Wash your hands and put the Oobleck back

in the container.

Materials: container of Oobleck, plate, spoon

Station 6--Convection Currents (& Conduction and Radiation a little too!)

Look at the demo (boiling water and glitter/pepper) showing convection currents.

1. Sketch & label the Convection Currents AND note where the Conduction & Radiation are.

**Consider the following questions:

2. What evidence do you have that convection currents are actually occurring?

(What is happening and Why?)

3.  How is this a good and a poor model for

modeling the convection currents in Earth’s

mantle? What would you do to make it better?

Materials: hot plate, beaker (400+mL), water, glitter/pepper

optional: soap (sodium distearate in ingredients),

Station 7—

Earth Layers InfoGraphic

**Check out this MASSIVE infographic on Earth’s Layers! It is full of some amazing info!

1. What did you learn?

Materials: infographic printed from :

Station 8--Pressure Changes in Earth Layers graph

1. Study the graph below and explain how pressure changes in Earth’s Interior. Make sure to point out the big and little changes in pressure.

2. Why does pressure change this way? Come up with an example or analogy to help someone understand why this happens!

Layers of the Earth Stations--C.E.R Name______Hr____

Essential Question: What is so special about Earth that allows plate tectonics to occur?

Your Claim: The properties of the Earth’s interior (temperature, density, physical characteristics, etc.) and how they work together allow for plate tectonics to occur.

Evidence: It is your job to visit the stations around the room to document evidence to help you better understand how Earth’s “specialness” helps plate tectonics occur. Record important evidence from each station below.

# / Evidence from the activity
that supports the Claim. / I also really
want to remember...
1 / **Graph: Temperature and Elements of Earth’s Layers.
2 / **Graph: Thicknesses of Earth’s Layers.

After visiting all of the stations, work together with your group to connect your Evidence to the Claim using excellent Reasoning! (a conclusion)
