„Welcome To The Morbid Reich“

OUT: August12, 2011
Line up: / VADER online:
Peter I vocals
Spider | guitar
Hal | bass
Paul| drums /

Different sources see the beginnings of VADER and interpret it in various ways. The truth is, however, that the band was set up in the autumn of 1983 by two people crucial for the band: Piotr "Peter" Wiwczarek ("Bardast" and later "Behemoth" back then) playing the bass and the guitarist Zbyszek "Vika" Wroblewski. The band started its activity in Poland, the country that was stuck in a completely different reality. Metal was associated only with the two officially existing bands: TSA and Kat... Extreme metal was just about to be born and VADER was among the pioneers of that genre (and the only one left since then) in the newly emerging Underground...

"Morbid Reich", a demo recorded in a studio in Olsztyn was the effect of our cooperation. It was also released as a complete novelty in Poland of those days (1990) by a newly created independent record label Carnage Rec. from Warsaw. This material was the first global success of VADER!!!

The debut album of VADER under the name of "The Ultimate Incantation" was finally recorded (after the unfortunate session in Sunlight Studios, Stockholm, in the spring of 1992 - unofficially available among Fans as the "Swedish album version") in the summer of 1992 in Rhythm Studio in England with a producer Paul Johnson.

1996 brought about another major change in the band. China didn't stand the pace and intensity of work. His place was taken over by Mauser (DIES IRAE / CHRIST AGONY). VADER changed the recording studio as well for SELANI Studio in their home town - Olsztyn. Here, between 1996 and 1998, three albums were created: "Future Of The Past" containing cover tracks and being a tribute to the Metal scene, EP "Kingdom" and the next one, the third album already, "Black To The Blind".

At the end of 1998 VADER finished its cooperation with Impact/System Shock and signed a contract with Metal Blade!

The fourth full album - "Litany"- was recorded Studio RED (Gdansk) in December, 1999 - again with a producer Adam Toczko.

The spring of 2002 was the first moment to start working on the next full album of VADER. It was recorded in RED Studio with a producer Piotr Lukaszewski and came out under the name of "Revelations".

The year 2004 started for VADER with a Doc's accident just at the beginning of a recording session to the next full album. As a consequence, the recordings were put off until June in Radio Gdansk Studio and there was a change in drum section for a few months. Doc's return to addiction made it impossible for the band to function properly, so one and for all he was ordered to go to a rehab. The band organized some auditions and a young VESANIA drummer Daray became the band's new member. "The Beast" album was his debut in VADER. Also Simon was replaced - his place was taken over by Novy, a bassist playing in BEHEMOTH and DEVYLIN (to name just a few).

The first months of 2006 were spent mostly on preparation and recording a new full album finally entitled "Impressions In Blood". The material, recorded in May, had its world premiere in September. In the meantime VADER played during several big summer festivals and led the "Metal Crusaders" tour in USA with DESTRUCTION and KATAKLYSM.

In March 2008 a double album entitled just "XXV" is released. Its special edition had an additional DVD containing 15 video clips chosen from different old VHS tapes which were a documentation of the band. At the same time there started the band's 25th-anniversary tour including e.g. 44 gigs in Europe or taking part in summer festivals in USA (under the name of "Summer Slaughter") together with, among others, BDM/ CRYPTOPSY/ ABORTED.

2009 started with a January tour over Europe with DEICIDE/ SAMAEL. At the end of March the band entered studio Hertz to record tracks for the album "Necropolis". 11 of them were later held by a producer Tue Madsden in AntFarm Studios in Denmark. April happened to be a great turning point in the band's history. After several-year cooperation VADER left Regain Rec. to join the ranks of a metal giant: Nuclear Blast!!! A new era was about to start!!!

In 2010 the band also starts to plan recording of another full album under the work title "Welcome to the Morbid Reich". The band ends the year with a special New Year’s Eve show in Switzerland with DESTRUCTION and ROTTING CHRIST to name just a few. The line-up in 2010 is: Peter - guitar/voc.; Spider - guitar; (Marco Martell – guest guitar in USA); Reyash - bass and Paweł - drums.

2011 starts with almost half-a-year period of silence due to the band’s preparations to recording of their new album in Studio Hertz in Bialystok. After the recording session in March/April VADER starts the series of summer gigs in Europe, preceding the premiere of „Welcome To The Morbid Reich” under the common name: Summer Campaign 2011. Another edition of Blitzkrieg is also planned for the promotion of new album in Europe (November, December), South America and Asia (September). In March Reyash was replaced by Hal (Dead Infection, Hermh, Abused Majesty) who joined the Vader crew.

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