
8 February 2012

To Members of Kingsteignton Town Council Finance Committee

You are hereby summoned under the Local Government Act 1972 Sch 12s.10 to attend the Finance Committee of Kingsteignton Town Council at the Community Hall on Wednesday 15 February 2012 at 7.30 p.m. for the purpose of transacting the following business.

Members of the public are invited to attend this meeting and may ask a question before the meeting with the Chairman’s approval.

Carol J Lakin

C J Lakin

Town Clerk


Coffee will be available to members of the public and councillors, who may help themselves before and during the meeting.

Chairman: Cllr R Harris,

Councillors: B Austen, J Foxwell, A Lonsdale, C Meathrel, J Morris, B Thorne,

G Wickham

Ex-Officio: Cllrs K Howard and R Howes


12/12 Accept apologies received by the Clerk

13/12 Declaration of Interest (Councillors are invited to declare any personal or prejudicial interest, including the nature and extent of such interest they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent activities any items within their Register of Interest should be updated)

14/12 Presentation by Mr Peter Murphy, EllisWhittam re Employment Law, Health & Safety and Human Resources – 20 mins

15/12 Minutes of meeting held on 18 January 2012

16/12 Bills Paid and for Payment & balances at the Bank and Petty Cash Account – to discuss

17/12 Resolution received from Cllr Dennis:

THAT the grant to Kingsteignton Swimming Pool is indexed in order that the council adheres to its obligations as Custodian of the Lease terms. By linking this grant to the minimum inflation rate this would equate to a figure close to £10,000 (actual £9780). In tough economic times a “one off” payment of £10,000 this year would include the £4000 grant issued through the grant applications (£4,000 + £6,000) so the proposal is to grant a figure of £10,000 in total. This is a gesture of not linking the Lease’s obligations in previous years to inflation, thereby saving the pool from the lack of funds at the start of each season. Next year the grant reverting to £5000 still under the inflation rate of previous years. This proposal maybe a shock, but in reality it is the lack of underfunding in the past that has led to this. This proposal will put the council in a better light as it will show it as being proactive in its role in the community. It would be a justification for the increase in precept as set out above over many previous years. It would go some way to show the accountability to all taxpayers in the community.

18/12 Franking Machine – to consider

19/11 Correspondence

·  HM Revenue & Customs – Duty/VAT Repayment of £862.34 received and credited to the council account.

Next meeting: Wednesday 14 March, 2012



CHARITY no: 266162

Kingsteignton Swimming Pool is built on land originally belonging to Teign School, but Devon County Council agreed that it could be let on a peppercorn rent.

A Recreational Association was formed by volunteers in the late 1970’s and it was named as recreation so that if monies raised were insufficient at the time for a pool to be built the area would be of alternative recreational use.

As in the Lease drawn 16 January, 1078 DCC (hereinafter called “the council” which express’s the context to include the persons for the time being entitled to the reversion immediately expectant on the term hereby created) of the part and THE PARISH COUNCIL of the parish of Kingsteignton Swimming Pool and Recreational Association being a charity registered under the Charities Act 1960 (hereinafter called “the Lessees”.

I attach a copy of the Lease obtained from the committee so you can all see the Lease was drawn for the parishioners with the responsibility held with the council (b) a group member of the Kingsteignton Swimming Pool & Recreation Association shall appoint a member of the council to be a member of the Association, (d) whereof the council have caused their Common Seal – two members of the said Council of Kingsteignton set their hands of seal.

Therefore, as trustees this council has, I feel, a legal and moral obligation, as well as a monetary duty to ensure the support of a community asset for the generations to come. This was the sole intention of the volunteers back in 1978 who all worked so hard to achieve this for the community.

For tax payers in the community this is an asset of which many would in the past always support. Now in this time of need, as inflation has bitten hard into the general costs of pools maintenance it is now a reality check that we should ensure this community asset is there for the next generation. (As in photo in the MDA of Abbrook Toddlers next to the report of the pools plight (03.02.12). Or are we going to say to all those people who worked so hard for the generation of today that there efforts were in vain.

Funds were raised recently in order to replace the original boiler and ongoing funds are continually being raised by volunteers in order to keep the amenity open for the community.

MDA Friday 9 December 2011 – It was reported “we cannot afford to give tax payer’s money to specialist Groups” Cllr Harris said

MDA Friday 3 February 2012 – It was reported, Cllr Harris, “Its not our money to throw at the pool, its tax payers. He also criticized what he described as the pools committee’s “mystery accounting”. To announce now they need £5000 ….. is a bit of a threat, I feel. Without any proper accounting evident I’d be very reluctant to commit any money for the future. I’m not sure it’s viable. (This was because of report 8 December MDA, talk of scrapping grants – hence Swimming Pool Committee’s Chairman was contacted by the press?)

Further to those slanderous comments – which could lead to the swimming pool’s accountant taking action for slander!

I have attached a copy of the accounts for year 2010, the 2011 accounts are being prepared and should be available for the AGM on 13 March 2012 at the URC Church Hall 7.30 p.m.

I can only assume from those press reports Cllr R Harris is totally unaware of the councils obligation under the terms of the Lease and its responsibilities.

Referring to an earlier report MDA 6 January regarding Council Tax increase Cllr Harris said “It is time for the council to blow its own trumpet. I once heard a councillor say we had no power, no money, no authority, I want to change that”.

Well as I personally feel any tax rise needs to be justified, this is a golden opportunity for doing precisely that.

As the Swimming Pool has in the last few years received grants yearly from the council, this has been a grant for a local amenity as was the original intention under the obligation by the council as custodian’s under the Lease of 1978. While the committee appreciates the benefit of the grant as with so many monetary situations it gets eroded by inflation. The grant issued by the Council has not been indexed to inflation over the years …. Hence the predicament the Swimming Pool finds itself in if the council decides not to provide a grant for this year! (again difficult under Lease’s agreement)

The grant issued in 2007/2008 was £4000 when a precept of £94,750 was set, the following years since I have been on this council has seen an increase: 2008/2009 7% increase, followed by a 9% increase in 2009/2010, a freeze in 2010/2011, followed by an increase this year with inflation at 5% (as set in September 2011 figures used to count inflation) a massive 17% increase!

This gives a total increase in five years of a total increase in precept from 2007/2008 £94750 to year 2012/2013 £160000+. This is an increase of 32% over those years!!!

Hence the reason the Swimming Pool is finding it difficult to start the season with a float (of money!!!)


Charity No: 266162

Kingsteignton Swimming Pool is built on land that originally belonged to Teign School, but Devon County Council agreed that it could be let on a peppercorn rent. On 16 January, 1978 DCC leased the land to Kingsteignton Parish Council as Custodian Trustees on behalf of the Kingsteignton Swimming Pool and Recreations Association for a period of 50 years.

On 5 December, 1972, a group of villagers and councillors met to discuss whether they thought enough support could be raised to build a swimming pool in Kingsteignton. As a result of the meeting an action group was formed and a public meeting was arranged. Around 60 people attended the public meeting, who were all enthusiastic about the idea. Fund raising began on 7 April, 1973 with a coffee morning run by Mrs D Berry of Abbrook Cottage, raising £13 followed by a sponsored knit which raised £189.25. The sponsored knit was organised by Mrs Selina Beatrix Berry who was one of the founder members. The other founder members were: Dr Adrian Almond, President; Councillor Colin Down, Association Chairman; Mr Graham Terrell, Vice Chairman; Mr Malcolm Vallance, Mrs S Daw, joint Secretaries; Mr H Kennard, Treasurer (also Manage, NatWest Bank, Kingsteignton) Mrs Maureen Cole, Mrs B Camm, Mrs P Down, Mrs J Cartwright, Mr R Bergman, Mr K Robins, Mr G Terrill, Mr B M Yardley and Dr S Sharp who were all committee members.

The 2009 committee is Dr Clarvis, President; Dr Adrian Almond, Vice President; Dr Greatorex, Vice President; Mrs Jill Morris, Vice Chairman and Town Council Representative; Mr Chris Jones, Pool Treasurer. Mrs Betty Study, Fundraising Treasurer; Mrs Helen Millwood, Secretary; Mrs Pam Terrill, Pool Manager; Paul and Sandra Green; Prue Merchant; 2 representatives from the Swimming Club.

Many events were organised to raise the money for pool, the most major event being the Kingsteignton Carnival.

Her Majesty the Queen was asked if, on her visit to the area on 5 August, 1977 for her Jubilee Year, she would be able to stop at the site and cut the first turf. Unfortunately, in the reply for HM Yacht Britannia, she said that she already a full itinerary for that particular day but wished the Swimming Pool success.

The first turf was cut on 12 November, 1977 by Selina Berry assisted by Glenn Cook and the major excavations were carried out by Watts Blake Bearne.

The Pool was completed and officially opened on Saturday 9 June 1979. The first person to try out the new pool was Miss Swimpool, Miss Kim Lambell then aged 11 of Templars Way, Kingsteignton. It was officially opened by Mr Keith Sykes of Watts, Blake, Bearne. The pool was blessed by The Rev WJ Cartwright, Carnival Princess Yvette Joint (5) and Carnival Prince Carl Morrell (7) together with their attendants Jenny Chalk (10) and Claire Hill (11) were in attendance with the youngest person to attend the opening Master David Moir who was 1 month old.

After their official opening refreshments were available at the Church Hall, Chudleigh Road.

On Sunday 7 June 2009 the pool are holding a celebration of 30 years being open, when the price for a swim will be the same as it was in 1979 which is 30p for adults and 15p for children and 10p if you just want to watch. Members who being their cards on the day will receive a free gift. There is going to be a draw and we will be selling kilowatts of gas, which is our next project as a new boiler is needed at a cost of £30,000 approx.

The Founder Members have been invited to a celebration of the 30 years to be held at Abbrook Social Club.

Recently the pool has undergone some works to include new fencing new CCTV new showers with new tiling and new tiles around the pool. A heat retaining over has been ordered and is expected imminently.

Grants for these works came with grateful thanks to Ugbrooke Environmental (landfill); Councillors Walters, Austen and Lonsdale; Teign School; Kingsteignton Swimming and Lifesaving Club’ Signature Pools and Palm Radio.

Separate grants are also gratefully received from Kingsteignton Town Council and Teignbridge District Council. Mrs Maureen Cole and Mrs Jill Morris were collected and taken to Plymouth on Friday 29 may to receive a special grant from The Wake Fund.