Welcome to PCC’s Coast Field Trip Class (BI160/G160). During this trip you will have the opportunity to experience the environment of Oregon’s CoastRange and the south coast region. The following is information that will help you prepare for our trip. Class will meet 4-4-13 and 5-2-13 in HT 321 at 6:00 p.m.. Remember you are expected to meet promptly at 8:00 am on Thursday 4-18-13 in the upper parking lot near the information booth for the field portion of the course. We have lots of exciting things to see and do!
Ed DeGrauw, BiologyFrank Granshaw, Geology
PortlandCommunity CollegePortlandCommunity College
Sylvania HT 305Sylvania ST 312 PO Box 19000 PO Box 19000
Portland, OR 97280Portland, OR97280
Phone: (503) 977-4680Phone: (503) 977-4146
Fax: (503) 977-8164Fax: (503) 977-8020
E-mail: -mail:
Field trip experience designed to introduce the relationships among plants, animals and the general geologic formation of various life zones for the OregonCoast.
Oregon Coast (G160) is a one-term course that explores the geologic history of the OregonCoast and the relationships between geology and the plants and animals of the OregonCoast. Students will go on a four-day field trip to the OregonCoast to get hands-on experience of concepts covered in the lecture portion of the class..
CLASS WEBSITE: Use the ‘Links” section of My PCC to access the course websites
GRADING: Below is a breakdown of how you can earn points:
- Pre-trip Questions (15%) You will receive questions at the first pretrip meeting over the reading material or they will posted to the website. The object is to provide you with an overview of the ecology and geology of the area before we embark on our fieldtrip. Your answers to these questionmust be typedand theyaredue April14th. You can turn them in to either instructor and email is fine.
- Participation (20%) You will be evaluated by your instructors during the fieldtrip as well as the pre and post trip meetings. We will be looking for your level of participation in class activities.
- Field Journal and Field assignments (50%) During the fieldtrip you will keep a journal that will include information from your instructors, your own observations, sketches, photos, and your own reflections on what you are seeing and doing. This journal will bedue Thursday May2nd at the last class meeting (attendance required). We will also be doing some field projects and the information from these projects count as part of the grade for this section.
- The Big Picture (15%) It is too easy on a trip like this to lose track of how all the information goes together to make a cohesive picture. You will write a paper consolidating all the information from the groups to provide a big picture of the areas where we collected data. This paper is to be typed and due by Thursday May2nd. You can turn it in to either instructor.
Note: During the trip don’t stray too far from the group. You will lose points if you are late getting back to the van.
Where we will be staying. The Oregon Institute of Marine Biology in Charleston, OR. This is a field station run by the University of Oregon. In case of emergency the contact information is:
Oregon Institute of Marine Biology (541) 888-2581
63466 Boat Basin
Charleston, OR97420
Things you should bring. You should bring the following things on the trip. Please bring what you need, but don’t get carried away space in the vans will be limited IN OTHER WORDS PACK LIGHT.
A sack lunch for Friday or money for lunch
A Sleeping bag
Toiletries (soap, shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant (please), etc)
A Towel
Weather can be variable so pack appropriately
A good sense of humor
Lots of tolerance