REPORT TO: / Council
REPORT NO: / CE/01/10
DATE: / 13 January 2010
REPORTING OFFICER: / Chief Executive
CONTACT OFFICER: / Pam Webb Tel. 292130
SUBJECT: / Recruitment of Strategic and Performance Director
To provide information for Council on the approach that will be taken to recruit a replacement Strategic and Performance Director for Children and Young People and to gain Council’s approval to establish a politically balanced appointments panel and protocol for that purpose.
Resourcing requirements for the new structure
2.1 Section 27 of the Children Act (2004) requires authorities to 'appoint an officer, to be known as the lead director for children and young people's services', for the purposes of co-ordinating and overseeing arrangements made under sections 25 and 26' (of the Act). These latter sections relate to promoting co-operation between respective agencies, improving the well-being of children in the authority's area, arranging for services under Sections 23C to 24D of the Children Act 1989 and the preparation and enactment and subsequent delivery of a Children and Young People's Plan.
2.2 The above statutory responsibilities are currently exercised by the Strategic and Performance Director with responsibility for children and young people. This Director also co-ordinates the work of the Framework Partnership for Children and Young People and oversees the partnership responsibilities set out in the Children and Young People's Plan (2008-11). The relevant job description is set out in Appendix 1 of this report.
2.3 The current Strategic and Performance Director for Children and Young People and Lifelong Learning will be retiring at the end of March 2010. It is the responsibility of the Head of Paid Service to review if the post requires filling and if so to put the necessary arrangements in place for the recruitment. The conclusion of the review is that recruitment to this post is vital to provide the necessary expertise and capacity needed to meet the Council’s statutory requirements and also takes into account feedback both from the Wales Audit Office, via the Relationship Manager’s Annual Letter, and the WAG Citizen Centred Governance Review. It was noted that the Chief Executive had consulted both Flintshire and Denbighshire County Councils to explore the possibilities of a joint appointment, but that neither Authority was in a position at this time to enter into a shared post arrangement.
2.4 Executive Board on 15 December 2009 agreed to recommend to Council that the post of Strategic and Performance Director be filled in line with the recruitment process and timetable set out in report CE/23/09 and that a politically balanced Appointments Panel of 10 Members be established to short-list, interview and appoint to the post.
Advertising pack
2.5 To attract a suitable candidate the Chief Human Resources Officer recommends that the role is advertised nationally through broadsheet press and the Municipal Journal (the MJ). Internal applicants will be encouraged to apply as well as external applicants. The advertising media used will be tailored to reflect the analysis of responses received in the recent and similar Director recruitment process.
2.6 A detailed advertising pack will be developed to support the main advert. The pack will provide potential applicants with more information regarding the background for the role and its context to attract people to it, to the Council, and to the area. The pack will be similar to that used for the recent Strategic and Performance Director recruitment, updated and tailored to the portfolio of this post. The post will be advertised at £94,320; however Members are reminded that the salary for the Strategic and Performance Director Post is currently being reviewed and this fact will be reflected in the recruitment information.
2.7 In accordance with the Officer Employment Procedure Rules as set out in the Council’s Constitution, applicants will be evaluated by an Appointments Panel against the requirements set out in the Person Specification using the evidence presented in their application forms.
2.8 The Panel should be politically balanced and comprise 10 Elected Members. At Council, Group Leaders will be requested to nominate Members for the Panel.
2.9 The Panel will receive copies of the applications received in advance of a short-listing panel being held. The Panel will determine which applicants should be short-listed and therefore invited for assessment. The Panel will have professional advisors to help with this. The CHRO will also provide support to the Panel throughout the process by completing an initial screening of the application forms and providing advice as necessary on the process.
2.10 A protocol outlining the arrangements for the Member panel to be used for this and all future recruitment of Strategic and Performance Director and Chief Officer posts is attached at appendix 2.
Assessment process
2.11 Short-listed applicants will be invited to attend for 2 stages of assessment which are likely to be held on 2 different days, separated by a short period in between. The precise format of the assessments are still being developed and external support may need to be brought in to assist in devising an appropriate assessment process for such a senior level appointment. However it is anticipated that the likely process will duplicate that used for the recent Strategic and Performance Director recruitment and is likely to be as follows:
2.12 The first stage assessment is likely to involve applicants being interviewed by a range of panels to ensure the views of a range of key people are represented including the Chief Executive, fellow Directors and Chief Officers. An external representative(s) may also be invited to participate in the panels to obtain a ‘service-user’ or ‘partner organisation’ perspective. In addition, one or two observers may also be invited from the member panel to be present at some of the officer interviews. Applicants will also be asked to complete psychometric tests online prior to the assessment day to provide a picture of their personal traits and help ascertain how they may adapt to the role and context. Numerical and critical thinking tests will also be used to identify applicants’ strengths or development needs in these areas.
2.13 Following the first stage assessment the Appointments Panel will reconvene to consider which of the applicants should be invited to the final stage assessment.
2.14 The final stage assessment will require chosen applicants to attend an interview with the Appointments Panel and the Chief Executive and to give a short presentation on which they may be questioned. Other assessments may be considered appropriate and will be discussed with the Member panel.
2.15 The Panel will determine which applicant to appoint to the post given the results of the assessment process. If no suitable applicant is found the Panel may determine to re-run the recruitment process.
2.16 The timings shown later in this report indicate that there is likely to be a three month period between the current post holder retiring and the new post holder starting. During that period it is proposed to put appropriate interim arrangements in place, funded from the Strategic and Performance Director budget.
Interim arrangements
2.17 The Chief Executive will commence a process to ensure that appropriate interim arrangements are in place to cover the period from Terry Garner’s departure to the start of a replacement.
2.18 The process will be similar to the interim arrangements set up for the Strategic Director, Economic Prosperity (Paul Roberts), namely:
2.19 The Chief Executive will seek expressions of interest internally. These will be reviewed by the Chief Executive and the current C&YP Director.
2.20 Suitable applicants will be invited to an interview with the Chief Executive and current C&YP Director. The Leader, Deputy Leader and relevant Lead Members will be invited to observe and participate in these interviews.
2.21 The Chief Executive will then make a decision, in line with her designation as Head of Paid Service, on an interim appointment in consultation with the Leader, Deputy Leader and relevant Lead Members.
2.22 If the internal process fails to find an appropriate interim Director then the Chief Executive will seek external applications and a similar interview process with Members will take place.
Budget implications
2.23 Although there is no specific allocation provided for recruitment or interim arrangements the costs will be borne by the Strategic and Performance Director budget and the timing of the recruitment may off set some of the costs. The costs will principally be those arising from the design and publication of the advert and to fund the interim arrangements. The internal cost of time required to support the recruitment process has not been calculated.
2.24 It is anticipated at this stage that the recruitment administration process will be handled internally. However, if high volumes of applications are received it may be necessary to procure some additional support to ensure contact with applicants is managed consistently and professionally throughout the process – i.e. from early contact with those wishing to learn more about the role, through updates on progress during the different stages of the assessment process, confirming the final position, and co-ordinating and providing feedback.
2.25 The key stages in the recruitment process, along with approximate timings are indicated below:
Timing / ActionDecember
January / Executive Board approval to appoint
Council approval to appoint
January / Finalise advertising pack and publish advert
Early February / Closing date for applications
Interim arrangements developed
Mid to late February / Short listing completed and short listed applicants invited to assessment
Late March / Assessment process completed and selection decision made
April to June
July / Selected applicant completes their notice period in current role
then takes up post in Wrexham
To support recruitment to the new Director Structure, it is recommended, in accordance with the Officer Employment Procedure Rules as set out in the Council's Constitution, that:
3.1The Council approve the establishment of a politically balanced Appointments Panel of 10 Members to shortlist, interview and appoint to the post
3.2 That Council approve the protocol attached as Appendix 2
3.3 Group Leaders submit nominations for appointment to the Panel.
Report to Council 29 April 2009 (CE/14/09): Senior Management Structure Review – Head of Paid Service Recommendations.
Report to Executive Board 15 December 2009 (CE/23/09): Recruitment of Strategic and Performance Director.
Wrexham County Borough Council
Responsible to:Chief Executive
For the purpose of PersonalChief Executive, together with nominated
Review and Development:Elected Members
The Job Description for each of the Strategic and Performance Directors is generic.
Job Purpose:
- To support the Chief Executive in the overall management of the Council and in conjunction with other Directors and Chief Officers ensure the effective delivery of Council priorities, strategies and major projects.
- To ensure the Council’s service activities and resources are properly aligned with the Council’s priorities and objectives.
- As a member of the Strategic management team, to play a critical role in driving up performance and efficiency across the Council and its partners for the benefit of citizens, and to work effectively with lead Members, fellow Directors and Chief Officers to help continuously improve both service and individual performance.
Principal Duties and Responsibilities:
- Actively contribute to the development and delivery of the Council’s strategy, priorities, and budget which must be aligned with elected Members’ and communities’ wishes, and national policy frameworks.
- Take personal accountability for the successful delivery of specific major projects and cross-cutting priorities, including commissioning and leading delivery teams and developing and implementing robust performance management arrangements.
- Work closely with colleagues to agree how any necessary resources (staff and financial) will be directed to support the priorities, strategies and major projects performance-managed by the Director, brokering resources where necessary to fulfil corporate needs.
- Liaise effectively with partner organisations and other external stakeholders to promote and further the Council’s priorities, to facilitate continued performance improvement in the Authority itself and outcomes for the area’s communities, and to influence partnerships, regional and national policy development, and funding streams.
- Work closely with elected members, especially Lead Members, the Council, Executive Board and Scrutiny Committees, to provide timely advice and secure decisions to enable progress on matters of corporate significance, and also to maintain healthy member-officer working relationships.
- Oversee the delivery of the work of a number of Chief Officers, holding them to account for delivery of their service plans and agreed performance targets and conduct their performance and development appraisals.
- Ensuring departmental plans, policies, services and resources relevant to this post are aligned with Council priorities and managed effectively; resolve any problems relating to departmental performance
- Take responsibility for the effective performance management and welfare of specified Chief Officers, and support the professional development of other senior officers in the Authority as requested through coaching or mentoring.
- Identify and drive through the achievement of efficiency savings, change management projects and alternative funding to support work across the Council.
- Act as an ambassador for the organisation and its priorities and as an internal role model, communicating and engaging with employees to help gain commitment to the aims and objectives of Council and the standards of behaviour and performance expected.
- Create an open and supportive culture which maximises the potential of employees across the organisation and encourages inclusivity, innovation and high performance.
- Deputise for the Chief Executive as required, on a rota basis with other Directors or as otherwise agreed.
- Ensure an effective response to any national or local performance indicators, specific to the Director’s major projects / cross-cutting work and not within the control of a Chief Officer.
- Actively participate in the Council’s Emergency Planning and response procedures as required.
- Support and contribute to the effective implementation of corporate governance, communications and health and safety requirements.
- Properly exercise the authorities delegated to the role of Director according to the Council’s Constitution.
- Any other duties which may be assigned or delegated by the Chief Executive and which are consistent with the above and/or reasonably within the purview of a Strategic and Performance Director.
The Council reserves the right to review the scope of this job description, the content of which may be amended from time to time.
Amended/updated in March 2009
Wrexham County Borough Council
Person Specification
Job Title / Strategic and Performance DirectorJob Evaluation ID / TBC
Grade / JNC CO1 – Directors (Currently under review)
Requirement / Essential / Desirable / Measured by*
Educated to degree level or equivalent / Y / F/C
A relevant professional qualification in one of the service areas for which the post holder is responsible / Y / F/C
Management qualification / Y / F/C
Evidence of continuing professional development / Y / F/C
Specialist Knowledge
Extensive experience of working successfully in a senior management role in a complex organisation, such as a significant Local Authority / Y / F/I
Detailed understanding of public sector working, government priorities and policies / Y / F/I
A record of achievement in developing, delivering and advising on corporate objectives, policies and plans / Y / F/I
Significant experience of effective resource management (human, financial & physical resources) / Y
Experience of applying strong project management skills to deliver cross-cutting corporate objectives / Y / F/I
Expertise in leading successful large scale change programmes / Y / F/I
Success in developing effective working relationships and influencing partnerships to deliver services / Y / F/I
Practical and Intellectual Skills
Strategic leadership ability, able to motivate and engage with a diverse workforce and help develop high performance in direct reports / Y / F/I
Excellent communication and diplomatic skills, particularly in motivating, negotiating and persuading others, including partner organisations / Y / F/I
Well developed political acumen and sensitivity / Y / F/I
Adaptability and flexibility in delivering corporate and operational results in a changing environment / Y / F/I
Significant ability to analyse complex information, situations and issues, deploy highly developed problem solving skills and make high impact decisions / Y / F/T/I
Ability to communicate in Welsh / Y / C/I
Personal Attributes
Professional personal presentation and a level of self-awareness that helps build rapport and credibility, and trust and confidence / Y / I
Ability to challenge others constructively and improve others’ performance through coaching/mentoring skills / Y / F/I
Proven ability to work effectively as a team member as well as a leader / Y / F/I
Personal Circumstances
Ability to travel across the County Borough to carry out work (e.g. attend meetings / visit clients or work sites) / Y / I /C
Knowledge of and commitment to Equality and Diversity / Y / F/I
Understanding of the importance of Welsh Language and Culture / Y / F/I
* Each of the requirements specified must be measurable. Please indicate the approach that will be taken to assess whether applicants meet the requirements:
F / Job Application Form / C / Certificate of QualificationI / Interview / T / Test
Protocol for Member Panel for Strategic & Performance Director and Chief Officer Recruitment to be read in conjunction with the Officer Employment Rules to be found in Part 4 of the Council’s Constitution
To set out procedural arrangements for Member Panels for the recruitment of
Strategic and Performance Directors and Chief Officers to ensure a fair and
transparent process for attendance on any panel appointed for the purpose.
Group leaders to nominate relevant members of their group to a panel of 10 members, politically balanced as determined by the constitution.