Date Revised: July 2016

Committee Members: Janine Rizzo, Mike Oddy, Jamie Young

AMHA Policy Manual—Board of Directors







AMHA Policy Manual—Board of Directors

2.) Board of Directors


i)  Members of the Board of Directors shall act at all times in the best interests of the Society. This means setting aside personal self-interest and performing their duties in transaction of the affairs of the Society in such a manner that promotes public confidence and trust in the integrity, objectivity and impartiality of the Board of Directors.

ii)  The members of the Board of Directors of Abbotsford Minor Hockey Association are elected by its membership to make decisions on their behalf. The members of the Association are entitled to know the decisions that are made by the Board of Directors but they are not entitled to the content of the deliberations of the Board of Directors to reach those decisions.

iii)  Board of Directors of Abbotsford Minor Hockey Association will at all times conduct themselves in a manner that:

(1)  Brings credibility to the Society.

(2)  Respects the confidentiality of information acquired in the course of one’s duties as a member of the Board of Directors of the Society. Confidential information of the Society may not be used for personal advantage. Confidential information includes all non-public information, including Board of Director’s closed deliberations that might be harmful to the cohesion of the Society if disclosed.

(3)  Respects principles of fair play and due process.

(4)  Demonstrates respect for all members.

(5)  Respects and gives fair consideration to diverse and opposing viewpoints.

(6)  Demonstrates due diligence and dedication in preparation for, and attendance at, meetings, special events and other activities on behalf of the Society.

(7)  Demonstrates good faith, honesty, transparency and openness in their activities on behalf of the Society.

(8)  Ensures that the financial affairs of the Association are conducted in a responsible and transparent manner with due regard for their fiduciary responsibilities.

(9)  Conforms with the By-law and policies approved by the Board of Directors, in particular this Code of Conduct.

(10) Publicly demonstrates acceptance, respect and support for decisions legitimately made in transaction of the Society’s business.


i)  The AMHA Executive typically meets on the second Tuesday of every month, 12 meetings annually, to conduct Association business. Elected members of the AMHA Board of Directors are expected to attend a minimum 9 of the 12 regular monthly meetings and not be absent for more than 2 consecutive meetings without reasonable excuse. Failure to meet these attendance requirements may result in a formal or informal reprimand by the Chair or the Board of Directors, suspension from Board of Directors deliberations, a request for the board member’s resignation or expulsion from the Board of Directors.

ii)  Written notice of absence including the explanation for the absence must be forwarded to the President and/or Secretary in advance of the meeting.


i)  Board of Directors of Abbotsford Minor Hockey Association will avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest

ii)  A conflict of interest would occur when an individual's private interest interferes, or even appears to interfere, with the interests of the Society as a whole.

iii)  When any issue arises that may present an actual or apparent conflict the Executive member must disclose that issue to the members of the Board of Directors as soon as the issue arises.

iv)  Executive members are considered to be in a “conflict of interest” whenever they themselves, business partners, family members or close personal associates, may personally benefit either directly or indirectly, financially or otherwise, from their position on the Board of Directors.

v)  If the Executive member is not certain he/she is in a conflict of interest position, the matter may be brought before the Chair or Board of Directors for advice and guidance.

vi)  It is the responsibility of other Executive members who are aware of a real, potential or perceived conflict of interest on the part of a fellow Executive member to raise the issue for clarification, first with the Executive member and, if still unresolved, with the Executive Chair.

vii)  The Executive member must abstain from participation in any discussion on the matter, shall not attempt to personally influence the outcome, shall refrain from voting on the matter and unless otherwise decided by the Board of Directors, must leave the meeting room for the duration of any such discussion or vote.

viii) The disclosure and decision as to whether a conflict exists shall be duly recorded in the minutes of the meeting. The time the person left and returned to the meeting shall also be recorded.

ix)  If there is any question or doubt about the existence of a real or perceived conflict, the Board of Directors will determine, by vote, if a conflict exists. The person potentially in conflict shall be absent from the discussion and vote.

d)  DISPOSITION of Complaints and Disputes involving Directors

i)  The Board of Directors shall review any complaints that a Director has violated any provision of the By-laws, Policies or Code of Conduct.

ii)  If the allegations are founded the Board of Directors may defer the matter to the Chair of the Discipline Committee to review the complaint.

iii)  The review of such complaints or disputes shall include an opportunity for the members concerned to present their positions. Board of Director members who originate or are the subject of such complaints or disputes must declare their conflict and absent themselves from such meetings.

iv)  Every attempt should be made to resolve such matters expeditiously and fairly.

v)  The recommendations regarding resolution of such matters shall be brought to the Board of Directors for approval within one month of the complaint being filed.

vi)  Such action may include formal or informal reprimand by the Chair or the Board of Directors, suspension from Board of Directors deliberations, a request for the Executive member’s resignation or expulsion from the Board of Directors.

vii)  The ruling of the Board of Directors shall be final. Should the Executive member refuse to abide by the ruling he/she may appeal for judicial review at his/her own expense.


i)  Association Board of Directors and delegates that travel on official Association business outside of Abbotsford shall receive reimbursement for mileage at a rate of 50 cents per kilometer. The Association will also cover parking and toll expenses with a receipt. This does not apply to regular travel for games.

ii)  AMHA Board of Directors required to conduct Association business during regular meal hours away from Abbotsford or in Abbotsford where that business interferes with the ability to obtain a meal may claim the expense based on the following per diem rates:

(1)  Breakfast: $13

(2)  Lunch: $16

(3)  Dinner: $27

(4)  Incidentals: $9 (overnight travel only)

iii)  Directors are permitted to spend up to $100 on discretionary AMHA expenses per season. (Receipts must be submitted.) Any additional expenses require prior approval from the AHMA Treasurer or President.