MSU College of Nursing

DNP (Psych/Mental Health)

NRSG 634 Family Mental Health Nursing IV

Clinical Faculty Site Visit Documentation

Date of Clinical Site Visit/Meeting/Call:

Type of Review:

(i.e. phone call, clinical site visit, on campus, etc.)

Student’s Name:

Preceptor’s Name:

Clinical Facility:


Term (i.e. Summer/Fall or Winter/Spring):


Clinical Faculty Reporting:

Evaluation of Learning Experience (from Preceptor, Student, Clinical Site):


Clinical Faculty Signature Date

Adapted from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, College of Nursing, DNP Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Option

MSU College of Nursing

DNP (Psych/Mental Health)

NRSG 634 Family Mental Health Nursing IV

Clinical Faculty Evaluation of Student

Student name:

S = Satisfactory Performance U = Unsatisfactory Performance

Behavior / S / U / Comments
Objective 1: Analyze a mental health practice setting emphasizing strengths, limitations, and resources.
a)  Understands the population served in the setting and identifies their comprehensive needs.
b)  Evaluates care management practices including triage, referrals and factors that optimize efficiency and quality of service and care.
c)  Assesses workflow management including treatment planning, discharge planning, and follow up services.
d)  Identifies and analyzes internal and external resources that support provision of mental health services in the setting.
Objective 2: Apply selected theories to diverse clients in mental health settings.
a)  Assesses and analyzes factors that affect mental health, including the influence of culture, ethnicity, spirituality, genetics, functional status, and developmental stage.*
b)  Bases interventions on bio-psychosocial theories, evidence-based standards of care, and practice guidelines.
c)  Provides rationale for the utilization of psychotherapeutic modalities across the life-span.
d)  Promotes trusting relationships and uses the nurse-patient relationship to facilitate positive clinical outcomes.
e)  Treats identified symptoms based on current understanding of neurobiological etiology and risk-benefit analysis, as well as research and clinical evidence.*
f)  Identifies and monitors clinical and behavioral outcomes to assess the efficacy of the plan of care.
Objective 3: Apply legal and ethical principles in the care of clients in mental health practice settings.
a)  Analyzes legal and ethical aspects of the DNP (Psych/Mental Health) – patient relationship.
b)  Shows sensitivity to the complexities of dual relationships, particularly in rural areas.
c)  Engages in oral communications and written documentation that meets established medico-legal standards and adheres to HIPAA standards.
d)  Acts as an advocate for the individual’s/family’s rights regarding medico legal issues and develops treatment plans that take into consideration legal and ethical issues.
e)  Manages psychiatric emergencies by determining level of risk and initiating and coordinating emergency care.*
Objective 4: Demonstrate skills in the role of family psychiatric nurse practitioner including comprehensive psychiatric mental health assessment, diagnosis and interventions.
a)  Performs comprehensive psychiatric/physical histories and assessments of patients across the life span: child/adolescent, middle adult, and older adult.
b)  Assesses for past and current substance use and considers the impact this has on appropriate diagnosis and treatment.
c)  Demonstrates the ability to differentiate psychiatric presentations of medical illnesses from psychiatric disorders.
d)  Identifies differential diagnoses and develops a multi-axial DSM-IV diagnosis through the collection and synthesis of assessment data.
e)  Prescribes psychotropic and related medications, identifies target symptoms, and obtains appropriate baseline data and monitors response and potential side effects.
f)  Applies and adapts individual therapy skills, group process and facilitation skills, and family therapy process and facilitation skills, to a variety of clinical situations.*
g)  Assesses, educates, and/or refers the client in regard to the appropriate use of complementary and alternative therapies.*
h)  Identifies appropriate treatment interventions and strategies that promote improved functioning and quality of life.
Objective 5: Employ evidence-based clinical practice guidelines to guide screening and diagnostic testing as appropriate.
a)  Demonstrates critical thinking in all assessments and clinical decision-making to ensure evaluations are comprehensive.
b)  Uses assessment techniques that are appropriate to the individual’s / family’s language, culture and developmental stage.
c)  Demonstrates a working knowledge of psychiatric rating scales, genograms, and standardized instruments and utilizes them appropriately.
Objective 6: Demonstrate care management abilities consistent with the clinical setting, individuals and families with mental health problems and psychiatric disorders.
a)  Expresses an understanding of the role of the psychiatric nurse practitioner in care management activities.
b)  Assesses the community’s mental health care system and its ability to meet the mental health needs of that community or population, including mental health promotion and risk reduction, obstacles to access, and strategies to improve access. *
c)  Takes into consideration the potential for abuse, neglect, and danger of risk to self and others and works to provide care in the least restrictive environment that provides safety.
d)  Demonstrates an awareness of community resources when evaluating individuals and family’s needs, initiating referrals, and coordinating care.
e)  Understands other health and mental health provider roles in the community while implementing the role of the DNP (Psych/Mental Health), including as a health care systems change agent.*
f)  Facilitates continuity of care and support through assisting individuals and families with the transition between mental health care settings, medical settings, and community agencies.
g)  Plans care with a holistic approach and integrates cultural, spiritual, and family values.
Objective 7: Participate in self-evaluation in conjunction with preceptor and faculty
a)  Understands and examines the role of the APRN in the assigned clinical setting.
b)  Understands the scope of practice of the APRN in an interdisciplinary context.
c)  Monitors self for personal growth and enhancement of therapeutic effectiveness.
d)  Describes and discusses personal model of practice, including rationale for interventions.
e)  Collaborates as a member of the interdisciplinary team.
f)  Engages in active and on-going dialogue with preceptor to develop and evaluate personal development of advanced practice role.
Objective 8: Demonstrate the ability to provide care for individuals and families with mental health needs within appropriate time frames for the client complaint/presentation and site parameters.
a)  Plans and implements evidence-based interventions for psychiatric mental health disorders or mental health problems.
b)  Plans care to minimize the development of complications, and prioritize interventions appropriately.
Objective 9: Integrate collaboration with primary care providers to improve care of individuals and families with mental health problems or psychiatric disorders.
a)  Assesses for symptoms of ongoing or new medical disorders.
b)  Coordinates referral to primary health care providers as appropriate.
c)  Provides appropriate referral information, including lab values and documentation of reason for referral to primary and other health care providers.
d)  Engages in professional communication with primary care provider and other health care professionals as necessary, to ensure continuity of care.
e)  Acts as an advocate for the DNP role to other health care providers.

Clinical Faculty Signature Date

*Denotes sections adopted from Oregon Health Science University School of Nursing PMHNP Competencies

MSU College of Nursing

NRSG 634 Family Mental Health Nursing IV

Clinical Faculty Evaluation of Student Clinical Activities

Student name:

S = Satisfactory Performance U = Unsatisfactory Performance

Student Activity / S / U / Comments
Clinical Log:
1.  Submitted to faculty in a timely manner
2.  Clear, succinct recording of progress notes
3.  Documents nursing strategies for implementing treatment, prevention & health promotion with individuals and/or families
Synchronous Group Meeting:
1.  Actively participates in group discussions
2.  Presents required case presentations
3.  Utilizes pertinent research articles in case presentations
Individual Meetings with Clinical Faculty:
1.  Clinical objectives completed in a timely manner
2.  Utilizes time to explore clinical questions, ethical dilemmas or role issues
3.  Participates in self evaluation
4.  Receptive to mentoring and constructive feedback

Narrative summary of the student’s overall performance including observations from clinical site visits (this should be a summation of the clinical site checklist):

Student’s Strengths:

Areas for Improvements:

Please give a brief statement about the student’s progress in the areas of role issues, nursing identity and expertise:

Evaluation of Student Clinical Performance Criteria: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Grade (Select One): Pass Fail

Clinical Faculty Signature Date

Student’s Signature Date