Pack 543
Parent Handbook
Welcome to our Pack!
Welcome to Pack 543!
Welcome! We are pleased your son has expressed an interest in joining our Pack. Cub Scouting is a year round family oriented Boy Scout program designed to help your child achieve character development, citizenship training and personal fitness. Parents of Cub Scouts are encouraged to be involved and share this interest with their child.
This handbook is a reference for the parents and Cub Scouts of Pack 543 to keep and use throughout the 2015-2016 Scouting year. Families new to Pack 543 or to Scouting will find answers to many of their questions by referring to this manual. If you didn’t find the answer to your question please contact any member of the Pack Leadership Team or Committee. You can also get more information on our website Pack543.weebly.com .
My Scout’s Pack Information:
My son’s Pack is:Pack 543My son’s Den is: ______
My son’s Den Leader is: ______
Phone Number: Email: ______
Den Meeting Time: Each Monday when school in session at 7:00 p.m.
Our Pack Meets at: Jonesboro First United Methodist Church, 142. Main St., Jonesboro, GA 30236
My son’s Cubmaster is: Brady Preston
Phone Number: (678) 516-5111 Email:______
My son’s Assistant Cubmaster is: Carl Stainbrook
Phone Number: Email:______
My son’s Committee Chair is: Jan Ingram
Phone Number: Email:______
You can use the following checklist to assist you with registration:
Complete Youth Application
Complete Adult Application *
Complete Vital Scout Information Sheet
Complete Media Release Form
Complete Parent Talent Survey
Complete Medical Form(s)
Review and Sign Pack By-Laws Sheet
Payment of Deposit
* For adults wishing to take a Leadership position. Tiger Adult Partners are automatically registered from information provided on the Tiger Cub application.
Table of ContentsINFORMATION ABOUT PACK 543...... 4
SCOUT PROMISE/Oath...... 5
Scout Law…………...... 5
MEETINGS…...... 8
FINANCES...... 10
UNIFORM COST……...... 11
FORMS...... 19
Information About Pack 543
Location: Jonesboro First United Methodist Church, 142 S. Main Street, Jonesboro, GA 30236
Pack 543 was chartered in 1960 under Jonesboro First United Methodist Church. JFUMC is also the home of Boy Scout Troop 136.
There are many wonderful opportunities for you and your child to become involved in the great world of Scouting. Cub Scouting is offered to all boys in grades 1-5. Once the Scout reaches 6th grade, they will be transitioned to a Boy Scout Troop. Parents are encouraged to become leaders and assistants. Those parents not wishing to take a leadership position are encouraged to play an active role in the development of our activities and programs by serving on a committee.
Tiger Cub parents (1st Grade) MUST participate with their child…
Boys in Cub Scouting have a great opportunity to learn about character developments such as respect, honesty, and courage. Through each rank, the program strives to teach each boy about themselves, their family, their God, and their country. The Cub Scouts have the opportunities to earn adventure loops, pins, and patches for a variety of adventures and service work.
Cub Scouting is family scouting. We do all activities with the family in mind. Camping trips and day trips are set up so that all family members can be involved and have fun with the Scouts on the activities that we plan. No Scout can attend a camping trip or day trip without at least one of their parents present.
Cub Scouts attend Den meetings once a week, usually every Monday evening at 7pm at the church (unless otherwise noted). Pack meetings are usually held once a month on the last Friday of the month at 7:00 pm. This meeting will be where your child receives recognition for his achievements. Pack meetings are held in the Christian Activities Building or CAB unless otherwise noted.
Cub Scouting GoalsThe goal of Scouting is to help a Scout to grow in both physical and mental ability, to introduce new skills and activities, and to have fun. The program is structured around family participation.
Cub Scouting is a program outlined by the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). Parents and Leaders work together to:
∙Influence each Scout’s character development and spiritual growth
∙Develop habits and attitudes of good citizenship
∙Encourage good sportsmanship and pride in growing strong in mind and body
∙Improve understanding and communication within the family
∙Strengthen skills in getting along with and respecting others
∙Foster a sense of personal achievement by developing new interests and skills
∙Provide fun and exciting things to do
∙Encourage each Scout to "Do Your Best"
∙Prepare each Cub Scout to become a Boy Scout
The Pack is a family-based organization and is run by parents who volunteer as Den Leaders, Assistants, and Committee members or as planners for a special event. To successfully achieve the stated goals of Scouting, the involvement of all parents is needed. Please be prepared to volunteer for Pack and Den activities. Your participation benefits the boys in the Pack, the community, yourself, and your own son.
Scout Oath (or Promise)
On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.
Scout Law
A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly,
courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty,
brave, clean, and reverent.
The Cub Scout Motto
Do Your Best!
Cub Scout Ranks
Bobcat. The Bobcat rank is for all boys who join Cub Scouting. All boys must earn the Bobcat rank before they can earn the Tiger, Wolf, Bear,Webelos or AOL ranks.
Tiger .The Tiger Cub program is for first grade boys and their adult partners. There are six Tiger Core adventures to complete. The Tiger, working with his adult partner, completes six core adventures and one Tiger elective adventure, complete the exercises in the pamphlet How to protect your children from Child abuse: a Parent’s guide and earn their Cyber Chip award to earn the Tiger badge. These requirements consist of a series of indoor and outdoor activities just right for a boy in the first grade.
Wolf. The Wolf program is for second grade boys. To earn the Wolf badge, a boy must complete six Wolf Core adventures and one Wolf elective adventure. He must also complete the exercises in the pamphlet How to protect your children from Child abuse: a Parent’s guide and earn their Cyber Chip award.
Bear. The Bear program is for third grade boys. To earn the Bear badge, a boy must complete six Bear Core adventures and one Bear elective adventure. He must also complete the exercises in the pamphlet How to protect your children from Child abuse: a Parent’s guide and earn their Cyber Chip award.
Webelos.This program is for fourth grade boys. He must complete six Webelos core adventures and two Webelos elective adventures. You must be anactive member for a minimum of three months, complete the exercises in the pamphlet How to protect your children from Child abuse: a Parent’s guide and earn their Cyber Chip award.
This is the first step in his transition from the Webelos den to the Boy Scout troop. As he completes the requirements found in the Webelos Handbook, he will work on activity badges, attend meetings led by adults, and become familiar with the Boy Scout requirements.
Arrow of Light (AOL). This program is for fifth grade boys. A boy continues working on the transition from the Webelos den to the Boy Scout troop. All work leads to the Arrow of Light Award. You must be an active member for a minimum of 6 months. He must complete four AOL core Adventures and 3 Webelos elective adventures. He must complete the exercises in the pamphlet How to protect your children from Child abuse: a Parent’s guide and earn their Cyber Chip award.
Rank advancement (i.e. Tiger, Wolf, Bear, & Webelos ranks) is presented at the Blue and Gold Banquet held in February to celebrate the Birthday of Scouting Movement.
Badges are awarded for Scouting activities such as participating inevents and service projects. Scouts will have an opportunity to continue earning Elective adventures for their ranks when all requirements have been completed.
Organization of Pack 543
Cub Scout Pack 543 (Pack543.weebly.com) is part of the Southern CrescentDistrict ( Southern Crescent District is part of the Atlanta Area Council ( The Atlanta Area Council is part of the Boy Scouts of America (
Charter Organization
The Charter Organization is the sponsoring organization for this Pack. Jonesboro First United Methodist Church, 142 S. Main Street, Jonesboro, GA 30236is this Pack's Charter Organization. It is their obligation to provide us with a meeting place and offer support as needed. It is our responsibility to consider how our actions as a Pack reflect upon the Charter Organization. We are also expected to offer our time and energy to the Charter Organization on occasion for service projects.
Charter Organization Representative (COR)
The Charter Organization Representative (COR) provides a formal link to the Charter Organization, Jonesboro First United Methodist Church. Pack 543’s Charter Organization Representative isNina Preston.
Pack Committee
The Pack Committee plans and runs the Cub Scout program under BSA guidelines. Committee members meet the first Saturday of every month 3:00 p.m.at Jonesboro First United Methodist Church Youth Building. Pack policies, future events and activities, future Pack meetings, Pack administration, and a review of previous events are discussed at these meetings. At least one representative from each Den is expected to attend to provide communication back to the Den. The Pack is ran by volunteer parents so please get involved.
∙Helps plan the program year
∙Plans and runs Pack Meetings and other program events
∙Plans and conducts advancement ceremonies
∙Maintains relations with Dens and parents
∙Recruits parent assistance with the Pack
Assistant Cubmaster
∙Assists the Cubmaster in planning and running Pack meetings, functions, etc.
∙Fills in for the Cubmaster as required
Committee Chair
∙Runs committee meetings, makes sure re-charter, Pack business, and Pack activities are completed in a timely manner
∙Confers with the Cubmaster and Assistant Cubmaster on policy issues and maintains records
∙Recruits volunteers for leadership positions
∙Maintains current pack roster
Pack Trainer
∙Makes sure leaders are aware of training opportunities
∙Tracks leader training and provides records to the Committee Chair
Den Leaders
∙Conduct Den meetings and other Den level activities with the assistance of the Assistant Den Leaders and the parents
∙Communicates planned Den and Pack activities to parents
∙Ensures the Cubs are preparing for advancement, are participating in Pack activities, and are recognized for their part in Pack activities
Assistant Den Leaders
∙Assist in planning and conducting Den activities
Pack Committee Members
∙Treasurer and Financial Secretary – Maintains checking account, deposits money, writes checks, and reports balances monthly to Committee
∙Secretary – Records minutes at Committee meetings and ensures all Leaders are given a copy of those minutes
∙Advancement Chair – Maintains PackMaster software with all advancement and awards noted
∙Webmaster - Manages the Pack website within the guidelines established by the Pack Committee
∙Popcorn Kernel – Coordinates the Pack popcorn sales
∙Outings Chair – Works closely with the Committee to coordinate campouts and other Pack events; assists in recruiting volunteers for these events
∙Scouting for Food Chair – Coordinates the Pack Scouting for Food campaign
∙Chartered Organization Representative- - is the direct contact between the pack and the chartered organization. This individual is also the organization’s contact with the district committee and the local council.
Pack Meetings
Pack meetings are held monthly and are the gathering of the Dens where the Pack recognizes achievements, plays games, sings songs, does skits and has some fun. Each Den hosts a Pack meeting and participates in the Pack meeting by conducting the opening or closing ceremonies, performing skits, or doing demonstrations. Occasionally, District representatives will attend a Pack meeting to present information to the Pack such as the FOS (Friends of Scouting) campaign or a camp promotion. Other visitors, such as local firemen / policemen may also be invited at the discretion of the Cubmaster.
Pack meetings are normally (unless noted on the Pack Calendar) held the last Friday of the month at Jonesboro FUMC and begin at 7:00 p.m. Please check the calendar on the Pack 543 website (Pack543.weebly.com) for the latest scheduling information. The meeting time and place will not change without prior notification. Changes may be due to holiday, school vacation, or other Pack, District or Council commitments.
One parent must attend the Pack Meeting with the Scout unless other arrangements have been made in advance with the Den Leader. Other family members, siblings, and guests are always welcome and encouraged to attend. The control of the siblings is the responsibility of the parents and not the Den Leaders. Each family member would like to see their scout receive their awards and do not want to worry about other children. Please have siblings and family members stay together for safety and fairness to all scouting families. Pack meeting rules must be followed by all in attendance: parents, siblings, and guests included.
*** Always accompany your Scout into the meeting place to ensure his safety.***
Den Meetings
The Cub Scout Dens are the basic unit of Cub Scouting. Dens are composed of up to 12 boys of the same rank and meet weekly during the month in addition to the Pack Meeting or additional Pack events. Den Leader(s) conduct meetings with additional help from parent volunteers and occasionally a Boy Scout from a local Troop who may assist as a Den Chief. While some activities may be worked on at the Den Meetings, it is the parent’s responsibility to assist Scouts in completing the achievement requirements.
For Tiger Den, the adult partner must accompany the Tiger to each meeting. The adult partners help with planning and running a Den meeting under the direction of the Tiger Den Leader. Monthly field trips or “Adventures” to locations associated with the monthly Cub Scout theme are encouraged. Active participation in the monthly Pack meetings is also expected.
For The Wolf Den, parents are expected to stay for all Den meetings. The adult partners are encouraged to help the Den leader with completion of achievements and adventures for their den.
For the Webelos and AOL Dens, parents are not to assist their scouts in completion of den activities. Parents are encouraged to take a “hands off” approach as the scouts learn to work together and prepare for transitioning to the Boy Scouts. Occasionally the den leader will need help in running the meeting but work should be completed by the scouts.
**Parents are not allowed to leave the campus for any reason unless they take their scout with them.**
Field trips may be held and planned by the Den Leader or Scout parents. A Tour Planning Worksheet may be required to be filled out and submitted to the Atlanta Council office for approval (contact the Committee Chair to check). Failure to complete tour plans may void the blanket insurance honored by the BSA. A minimum of two adults must be present at every Den Meeting and function. No exception - this is the BSA two-deep leadership policy.
Cub Scout Pack 543 is a non-profit organization. The Pack maintains itself through dues, and fundraisers such as Popcorn sales, Car Washes, bake sales, and etc. Scouts are expected to participateto the best of their ability in Pack fundraisers. The ability for the Pack to provide a quality Scouting program is greatly increased with the active participation of the Scouts in these fundraisers.
The monies rose by the Pack through dues and these fundraisers are used to cover Pack expenses. This includes advancement awards, training for leadership, Pack supplies, re-charter, and Pack and District events as determined by the Pack Committee.
Dues and Registration (Remainder of 2015+ All of 2016) = $140.00 flat rate for all Scouts.
$15.00 of your Dues and Registration is for the registration required by the Boy Scouts of America – Atlanta Area Council (our local council), $13.00 is for your child to receive a copy of Boy’s Life Magazine each month (fees for BSA and Boy’s Life are subject to change during the Scouting year), and $15.00 for Den dues. The Scout will also receive a new 1 Blue & Gold Banquet Ticket for the Scout and derby kit(s),with all paid registrations.