Morning Worship April 30, 2017
Welcome to Mount Zion--God loves you and so do we!
Prelude------Michelle Byrd & Melba Jones
Call to Worship #791------"Jesus, We Just Want to Thank You"
Welcome and Announcements
Hymn #597------"What a Day That Will BeTake My Life (and Let It Be Consecrated)"
~~Youth Church~~
Prayer of Praise, Thanksgiving, and Petition
Choir Special #32------"All Because of God's Amazing Grace"
~~~~~^Fellowship Time (nursery begins for children 4 years old or younger)
Offertory Prayer and Receiving of Tithes and Offerings
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow. Praise Him, all creatures here below.
Praise Him above ye heav’nly host. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.
Message------"HEAVENLY HOPE"
Scripture------"Titus 1:1-2, Romans 15:13, 4, John 15:13, 2Cor 5:17"
Hymn of Invitation #564------"Just a Closer Walk with Thee"
Closing Prayer and Benediction
Please stand as you are able
(See insert for Prayer List)
Welcome to our visitors! We are glad you chose to worship with us today. Please fill
out a visitor card from the pew back in front of you & put it in the offering plate.
May God bless you and we hope to see you again, real soon.
April 30---Debbie Byrd
May 7---Cathy Stowe
May 14---Connie Yeatts
May 21---Erin Oates
May 28---Cynthia Davis
Revival Attendance
Record for April 23rd
Attendance: Sunday School: 36 Worship: 77
Opportunities for the Week
Today------Deacon's Fund Collection
3-5PM-----Baby Shower for Sarah & Joseph Vaughan
Monday------6:30PM------Ladies Circle Meet
Hosted by: Wanda Shue & Kathryn Wilkerson
Wednesday------11:30AM------Mt Zion Support @ Blue Ribbon
6:30PM------Youth & Adult Bible Study
7:30PM------Choir Practice
Please see insert regarding Mother's Day special bulletin--thank you!
We will have a booth at the Timeless Cruizers car show at the Ruritan Bldg
in Cedar Grove to sell cookbooks--Sat. May 13th. Would love to have some
baked goods made from the recipes to sell too. Thank you!
If there are any names that should be added or removed from the Prayer List, please let Annette Bridges know. Thank you.
We need volunteers to keep the nursery during service. Please see Melissa if you would like to help...thank you!
Please continue to bring your cards for the St Jude's Ranch-thank you!
Please continue to bring your unwanted puzzles for our exchange library-thank you!
We have hearing impaired equipment installed. Anyone needing assistance with sound please see Andrew or Rick.
The “Just THREE” Food Drive is an ongoing community outreach at Mt Zion, each person is invited to bring THREE nonperishable food items each Sunday to help feed the hungry in our community--Thank you!
Looking Ahead
May 7 2017------Homecoming @ 10:30AM
Salt & Light --The Moore Family Band
May 8 2017------BOCE @ 6:30
All SS teachers asked to attend
Deacons/Deaconesses meet following
May 13 2017------Ladies Circle Cookbook Sale
Timeless Cruizers Event @ Cedar Grove Ruritan
May 14 2017------Mother's Day
May 27 2017------Men's Prayer Breakfast @ 7AM
May 28 2017------Memorial Sunday
Deacon's Fund Collection
May 29 2017------Memorial Day
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