Welcome to 6th Grade Social Studies!

Mrs. Casey Benton

Contact Information:

  • School Phone Number: 334-886-2008
  • Teacher E-mail Address:
  • SMS Website:
  • Remind Messaging System


Welcome back! I will be your child’s Social Studies teacher this year. I look forward to getting to know you and your family, and I am very excited about the opportunity to teach your child! My expectations for your child are high because I believe all students can succeed. Albert Einstein said, “Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is dumb”. I agree with this statement and I want your child to believe it as well. I hope for this year to be a great learning experience for your child

Overview of the Course:

We will cover Social Studies standards from the Alabama Course of Study for 6th grade.

Materials to Bring Daily to Class:

Social Studies notebook, Social Studies folder, Social Studies textbook, pencil, and highlighter

Social Studies Notebook:

You are required to have a notebook for Social Studies class. You are to keep ONLY Social Studies materials in your notebook. You are not allowed to throw anything away from your notebook unless you are given permission to do so.

Class Work:

Social Studieswill consist of bell work, note taking, defining vocabulary, worksheets,quizzes, tests, etc.


Tests are given after sections or chapters are complete. You will complete a review before a test. Quizzes are also given throughout the year and are announced.


Homework will be assigned as needed and is due the next day, unless otherwise stated during class. I check homework daily for completion, and homework must be completed for you to receive full credit.

Grading Scale: Grade Weights:

90-100 ASummative (Tests): 65%

80-89 BDaily Work: 30%

70-79 CHomework: 5%

60-69 D

59-below F

Weekly Assignments:

Weekly assignments are posted in my classroom. Students are to copy the weekly assignments into their planner on Monday. Weekly assignments are also posted on my web page on the school’s site, I will also use remind 101 to inform parents on assignments due.

Make-up Work:

If you are absent, you will be given your make-up work by themake-up work manager. If you miss a test, you will need to see me to schedule a time to take the test. Your make-up work will need to be made up in a timely manner.

Late Work:

It is important that all assigned work be turned in on time. Points will be deducted from assignments that are turned in after the due date.

Test Taking Policy:

During any quiz or test, there is to be NO communication between students. This means no talking, whispering, hand signals, etc. while any student has a quiz or test, even if you are finished. Talking during a quiz or a test will result in a 0 for that assignment.

Request to Retest:

You are allowed to retake a test that you failed. You have to fill out a Request to Retest form on your own time and give it to me. You have to prove ways that you improved your knowledge of the concept.

Progress Reports and Report Cards:

Progress reports will be sent home during the fourth week of each nine week period. Report cards are sent home at the end of each 9 week grading period.

Classroom Rules:Jacob’s Ladder (Consequences)

*Come to class prepared*1st Offense: Verbal Warning

*Listen carefully*2nd Offense: Break Detention

*Be respectful*3rd Offense: Parent Contact (By email, phone call, or note home.)

*Raise your hand*4th Offense (and on): Office Referral

*Complete all work

Thank you and I look forward to a wonderful, exciting year!If you have any questions, you can contact me via email any time. I am here for you and your child. I want your child to succeed and enjoy learning!

Mrs. Benton

Please sign and return by Friday, August 12, 2016.

Student Signature ______

Parent or Guardian Signature ______