Helpful Autism/ Asperger Websites

Below is a list of helpful autism/asperger websites where professionals can find additional information.

This is the website for the Online Asperger Syndrome Information &Support (OASIS). Founded by the mother of an AS child, this websitehas a wealth of information regarding AS. The site is comprehensiveand includes information on recent research, upcoming conferences,legal resources, and a lot more.

Autism Speaks is an organization dedicated to autism awareness and research. This website includes general information on autism, as well as a description of recent research on autism, and a calendar of public awareness and fundraising events. Check out the School Community Tool Kit at:

The Seattle, WashingtonPDA Center (Professional Development in Autism) offers numerous links and resources for professionals.

This is the Yale Developmental Disabilities Clinic/The Yale ChildStudy Center webpage, which offers information on AS/HFAand current research being conducted, as well as links to otherinformational websites.

Colorado Department of Education link to resources and information on autism. offers a newsletter, information, and resources on learning disabilities (formerly the esteemed

Classroom resources for special needs

This is the homepage for The Center for the Study of Autism (CSA),an organization that provides information about autism to parentsand professionals, and conducts research on the efficacy of varioustherapeutic interventions.

This is the homepage for MAAP Services for Autism and AspergerSyndrome, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providinginformation and advice to families of individuals with some form ofautism. This site includes a great information section on autism andAsperger syndrome.

This site includes wonderful tips for persons working with individualswith AS/HFA, as well as information to better understand the mind ofthe AS/HFA individual.

This is the website of the Autism Society of America, which isaimed at promoting opportunities for persons with autism spectrumdisorders and their families.

The Association for Science in Autism Treatment is a non-profitorganization of parents and professionals committed to improvingthe education, treatment, and care of people with autism. This siteincludes information on autism, its causes, and scientifically-validatedtreatments for autism.

This is the homepage for the Asperger Syndrome Education Network(ASPEN), a nonprofit group dedicated to providing education,support and advocacy to those affected by autism. This site includesdescriptions of Asperger’s disorder and other ASDs, as well asrecommends books and articles.

Parent-recommended website with tools and stories to help parents and professionals teach children learning skills.

National Research Council report outlines interdisciplinary approach to educating children with autism. Available to read online for free.

Specifically for Individuals With AS/HFA

Wrong Planet provides an online community and resources for thosewith Asperger Syndrome.

On this page an AS teen shares his thoughts on Asperger Syndrome.

This is an interesting site developed by an individual with AspergerSyndrome. It provides a different perspective on Asperger Syndrome.

Personal websites of individuals with AS, including biographies anddiscussions of important aspects of life with AS.