Superintendent Report

December 20, 2011


·  2012-2013 Biennium Budget Modification – See handout from TWIO (attached).

·  A Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Grant ($21,525.00) for the 2011-2012 school years—IN PROCESS. Trailer delivered, bicycles in Spokane being assembled, training will be in February/March, helmets being ordered.

·  Partnered with Lincoln County Sherriff, Wade Magers, School Crossing Flashing Light grant—COMPLETE.


·  Observation/Evaluation schedule for certificated personnel—2011-2012 beginning process.

·  Classified Employees evaluation—gearing-up for 2011-2012.

·  CEA Contract modification—COMPLETED.

·  PSIE Negotiations - There is an ‘intent to modify the Labor Agreement’ letter from Local 1239. The PSIE representative contacted me in late August 2010 and made no further contact. I remain concerned.

Services (Transportation, Facilities/Grounds, and Office Support)

·  First phase of the softball field improvement plan is completed. Two dugouts were donated by Davenport High School and transported by members of the Davenport Lions Club. The cement ($1000) was donated for the two pads to place the dugouts at the softball field - completed. Moved dugouts onto pads, repaired and painted insides. Wilbur Lions Club donated $500 for the completion of the dugouts (paint, metal, etc). Will be completed (outside painting) in spring when temperatures allow.

·  Upgrading the Rapid Responder (Emergency Planning and Resource Program). Connie and Aherron will receive NIMS (National Incident Management System) training in the next month.

Curriculum and Categorical Programs

·  EDUSS Solutions program in place in SpEd; training for eight teachers and paraeducators last week with additional trainings to occur before June 2012. The plan is to have all teaching staff to a competency level during 2011-2012.

·  Secondary Science curriculum review will require postponement due to budget cuts from the state.

·  Professional Learning Community 2011-2012: 21 clock hours requested; application tendered to NEWESD101.

·  Working with Bi-county superintendents and principals to continue to support the professional learning consortium where schools have the same professional development days and common training. Teacher PLC group meetings are the focus. K-2 Elementary Math to meet in early January.

Communicate (Board engagement, community engagement)

·  Preparing the January Creston Courier with Levy Information.

·  Need to begin the Levy campaign for the February election.

·  Past-president of Bi-County Superintendents and Past-president Wilbur Lions Club.

·  Visited and had coffee with Corner Coffee Club (some Fridays) and Seven Bays (once/several months).

School Board Goals

The Creston School Board of Directors believes that the five most important goals are:

·  Through purposeful planning and development of sound curriculum, instruction and assessments, Creston Schools will develop learning options for all students in K-12 grades so that each graduate will have the capacity to be successful in their lives after high school.

·  Creston Schools will nurture creativity and a love of learning.

·  Creston Schools will promote a sense of success and self-worth.

·  Creston Schools will develop programs so that all students have the opportunity practice skills and apply life skills.

·  Creston Schools will maintain a system that is fiscally responsible and stable.

William J. Wadlington, Ed.D.


Creston Schools

It is the policy of Creston School District No. 073 to provide equal opportunity and for all students in all aspects of the academic and activities program without regard to race, creed, color, national origin, sex, marital status, handicapping condition, or previous arrest or incarceration (unless a clear and present danger exists).

Superintendent Schedule: December 2011 – January 2012

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
19 / ·  Office Time
·  Certificated Evaluations
· Classroom Walk Around
· Christmas Program – 6PM / 20 / ·  Office Time
·  Certificated Evaluations
·  Creston School Board Meeting – 6PM / 21 / ·  Christmas Break
·  Certificated Evaluations
·  Office Time
·  Creston Courier preparation / 22 / ·  Christmas Break
·  Certificated Evaluations
·  Office Time
·  Creston Courier preparation / 23 / Christmas Holiday
26 / ·  Christmas Break
·  Certificated Evaluations
·  Office Time
·  Creston Courier preparation / 27 / ·  Christmas Break
·  Certificated Evaluations
·  Office Time / 28 / ·  Christmas Break
·  Certificated Evaluations
·  Office Time / 29 / ·  Christmas Break
·  Certificated Evaluations
·  Office Time / 30 / ·  Christmas Break
·  Certificated Evaluations
·  Office Time
·  Levy Focus Friday
2 / ·  Christmas Break
·  Certificated Evaluations
· Office Time
· PLC Preparations / 3 / ·  Office Time
·  Review IEPs
·  Certificated Evaluations
·  PLC Preparations / 4 / ·  Office Time
·  SAT Day
·  PLC Preparations
·  Vision Appointment / 5 / ·  Office Time
·  PLC Preparations
·  Certificated Evaluations / 6 / ·  Office Time
·  Safety Meeting
·  Certificated Evaluations
·  PLC Preparations\ Levy Focus Friday
9 / ·  Office Time
·  Certificated Evaluations
·  Classroom Walk Around
·  PLC Preparations
·  Dentist appointment / 10 / ·  Elementary Staff Meeting -7:15 am in Library
·  Office Time
·  Review IEPs
·  Certificated Evaluations
·  PLC Preparations / 11 / ·  Office Time
·  November ASB Meeting
·  SAT Day
·  PLC Preparations
·  Wilbur Lions Club Meeting / 12 / ·  Office Time
·  Early Release
·  Professional Development Day / 13 / ·  Office Time
·  Certificated Evaluations
·  Levy Focus Friday
16 / Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Holiday / 17 / ·  7-12 Staff Meeting -7:15 am in Mr. Arland’s Room
·  Office Time
·  Review IEPs / 18 / ·  Office Time
·  Bi-County Principals Meeting in Davenport
·  Office time
·  SAT Day
·  January ASB Meeting / 19 / ·  Office Time
·  NEWASA and Bi-County Superintendents Meeting
·  Creston School Board Meeting – 6PM / 20 / ·  Office Time
·  End Term 2/Semester 1
·  Senior Project Presentations - AM
·  Early Release for End-of-Semester Grading
23 / ·  Office Time
·  Certificated Evaluations
·  Classroom Walk Around
·  PLC Preparations / 24 / ·  Office Time
·  Review IEPs
·  HIV/AIDS Curriculum Parent Preview – 7:00 P.M. / 25 / ·  Office Time
·  SAT Day
·  Regional SpEd Meeting in Ritzville (10 AM–4PM)
·  Wilbur Lions Club Meeting / 26 / ·  Office Time
·  NEWESD101 Special Education Directors Meeting – all day / 27 / ·  Office Time
·  Levy Focus Friday
·  Certificated Evaluations

It is the policy of Creston School District No. 073 to provide equal opportunity and for all students in all aspects of the academic and activities program without regard to race, creed, color, national origin, sex, marital status, handicapping condition, or previous arrest or incarceration (unless a clear and present danger exists).

It is the policy of Creston School District No. 073 to provide equal opportunity and for all students in all aspects of the academic and activities program without regard to race, creed, color, national origin, sex, marital status, handicapping condition, or previous arrest or incarceration (unless a clear and present danger exists).

It is the policy of Creston School District No. 073 to provide equal opportunity and for all students in all aspects of the academic and activities program without regard to race, creed, color, national origin, sex, marital status, handicapping condition, or previous arrest or incarceration (unless a clear and present danger exists).