Mrs. Fabean

943-1800 Ext. 8067

Welcome to English II Pre-Advanced Placement!

Course Content and Philosophy:

The focus of the tenth grade year is a continued mastery of reading and writing skills necessary for success in the Advanced Placement Language and Literature curriculum. The goal is an increased competency in critical thinking, critical reading, and critical writing. Students will produce essays in a variety of rhetorical forms, sentences of greater sophistication, and more difficult and varied analysis of literature: fiction and nonfiction, poetry and prose.

Composition and Mechanics Focus:

Types of Writing: Critical Textual Analysis, Personal Essays (narratives, descriptions, definitions, analogies), Persuasive Essays
Opportunities for Writing: Informal Responses, The Process Essay (drafting, editing, re-writing),Timed Writing (in class)
Grammar and Mechanics: Important usage rules will be covered early in the course. Generally, however, grammar and mechanics will be taught in conjunction with writing through lessons on style, sentence structure, and editing.

Study of Major Works:

1st Nine Weeks: Short stories and The Tragedy of MacBethby William Shakespeare
2nd Nine Weeks: A Separate Peace by John Knowles
3rd Nine Weeks: Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck and begin Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
4th Nine Weeks: Finish Great Expectations and possibly read Animal Farm

***Poetry analysis will be practiced throughout the year using TP-CASTT***

Class Supplies:

•3-ring notebook (or a portion of a large binder) with dividers for five categories (fill this with notebook paper)

•Section 1: Reference including these GO GREEN pages)

•Section 2: Warm-Ups

•Section 3: Major Works – All material on the major work currently being studied (handouts, notes, etc.)

•Section 4: Writing - (A) Returned timed and other writings, (B) Writing in progress such as brainstorming, outlines, drafts, etc.), and (C) Notes and handouts pertaining to handouts.

•Section 5: Poetry – (A) Any handouts related to poetry and poetry analysis, (B) All daily work or returned work related to poetry.

•Highlighters with different colors

•Blue, Black, and Red Pens (no light colors that are difficult to read!)

•Small Sticky Notes

Please have these ASAP! We will begin using them all immediately!


Grading policy is 70% tests/major projects and 30% daily grades to determine 9 weeks averages, as per district policy. Each nine week grading period is weighted at 80% of the semester grade while semester exams are each worth 20% of the semester grade. Semester grades averaged together determine the yearly average.

You MUST achieve a minimum of a 70 each semester to receive credit for the course. If you do not earn credit, you will have to repeat the entire semester in order to graduate.

Class Rule/Expectations:

  • Clean room
  • No cell phones/charging cell phones unless given permission for an activity
  • Punctuality
  • Water only
  • Respect
  • All to learn

You are here to learn so anything that gets in the way of that is a problem for me, for others around you, and most importantly…for you.

Absent Work:

When absent, please check the Absent Folder on the counter upon your return. Any work you missed will have your name on it. This will be due the following day.

Except under extenuating circumstances, you will have ONE WEEK to make up any quizzes or tests you may have missed. Tests and quizzes will be made up before/after school or during your PAT period ONLY--never during class.

Late Work Policy:

Late work will not be accepted, but I will drop you two lowest daily grades.


Extra Credit: Must complete by the last Wednesday of whichever nine weeks you choose!

  • Extra credit test may only be taken ONE time per nine weeks.
  • You will come in before or after school and take a 100- question objective test concerning any of the books listed on my website.
  • You must submit a Major Works Data Sheet before you are allowed to take a test.
  • You can use the test grade to replace your lowest test grade OR your three lowest daily grades. Your choice.

Hall Passes:

It is imperative for you to be in class. Please take care of your personal business on your own time. (You will be counted tardy if you are not in your desk when the clock in the hallway turns to show the time your class begins.)

•If you MUST leave class, please ask at appropriate times (during independent or group work).

•I will not allow you to leave the room without your planner regardless of the circumstance.