Contact Person/Department: / Arthur Boyd/ General Services / Phone: / 842-8272
Address: / 190 Greenhorn Road, Yreka
Person Appearing/Title: / Scott Waite, Director of Public Works
Subject/Summary of Issue:
The Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) is providing $11 million to assist local governments in developing and maintaining ongoing used oil and used oil filter collection/ recycling programs. Small jurisdictions will be provided a minimum award of $5,000 for cities and $10,000 for counties. Nine (9) city jurisdictions historically authorize the County of Siskiyou to submit the grant application on their behalf.
Therefore, the County of Siskiyou Department of General Services will request $55,000.00 from CalRecycle to expand and enhance the Used Oil Recycling Program.
Financial Impact:
NO / Describe why no financial impact:
YES / Describe impact by indicating amount budgeted and funding source below
Amount: / $55,000
Fund: / 2125 / Description: / Used Oil Recycling / Org.: / 404116 / Description: / Used Oil Recycling
Account: / 540800 / Description: / State Other
Activity Code: / Description:
Local Preference: YES NO
For Contracts – Explain how vendor was selected:
Additional Information:
Recommended Motion:
Respectfully request that the Siskiyou County Board of Supervisors authorize the submission of a grant application to CalRecycle for the Used Oil Payment Program in the amount of $55,000 for OPP8. Authorize the Siskiyou County Administrative Officer to execute all necessary grant documents pertaining to OPP8 and implement the approved grant project on behalf of the County of Siskiyou. Request Auditor to establish budget when approved/awarded.
Reviewed as recommended by policy: / Special Requests:
County Counsel
Certified Minute Order(s) / Quantity:
Auditor / Routing only
Personnel / Other:
NOTE: For consideration for placement on the agenda, the original agenda worksheet and backup material must be submitted directly to the Board Clerk (after reviewing signatures have been obtained) by 12:00 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to the Board Meeting.Revised 1/15/15